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    The real story on the Chakras — Tantrik Studies

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    Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche wrote:
    "Basically and fundamentally, our mind is utterly empty, sheer bliss, totally naked. We do not need to make it like this; we do not need to cultivate it by meditating, to create this state by meditating.
    Give up thinking of anything at all, about the past, the future or the present. Remain thought-free, like an infant.
    Innate suchness is unobscured the moment you are not caught up in present thinking.
    That which prevents us from being face to face with the real Buddha, the natural state of mind, is our own thinking. It seems to block the natural state.
    Rigpa, the Natural State, is not cultivated in meditation. The awakened state is not an object of the intellect. Rigpa is beyond intellect, and concepts.
    This is the real Buddhadharma, not to do a thing. Not to think of anything like Saraha said, "Having totally abandoned thinker and what is thought of, remain as a thought-free child."
    Thinking is delusion.
    When caught up in thinking we are deluded. To be free of thinking is to be free.
    That freedom consists in how to be free from our thinking.
    As long as the web of thinking has not dissolved, there will repeatedly be rebirth in and the experiences of the six realms.
    The method: But if you want to be totally free of conceptual thinking there is only one way: through training in thought-free wakefulness. (rigpa).
    Strip awareness to its naked state.
    If you want to attain liberation and omniscient enlightenment, you need to be free of conceptual thinking.
    Being free of thought is liberation.
    This is not some state that is far away from us: thought-free wakefulness actually exists together with every thought, inseparable from it... but the thinking obscures or hides this innate actuality. Thought free wakefulness (the natural state) is immediately present the very moment the thinking dissolves, the moment it vanishes, fades away, falls apart.
    Simply suspend your thinking within the non-clinging state of wakefulness: that is the correct view."
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    Dzogchen master, Chokyi Nyima (son of Tulku Urgyen):
    "Being free of thought is liberation."
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    Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche wrote:
    "Basically and fundamentally, our mind is utterly empty, sheer bliss, totally naked. We do not need to make it like this; we do not need to cultivate it by meditating, to create this state by meditating.
    Give up thinking of anything at all, about the past, the future or the present. Remain thought-free, like an infant.
    Innate suchness is unobscured the moment you are not caught up in present thinking.
    That which prevents us from being face to face with the real Buddha, the natural state of mind, is our own thinking. It seems to block the natural state.
    Rigpa, the Natural State, is not cultivated in meditation. The awakened state is not an object of the intellect. Rigpa is beyond intellect, and concepts.
    This is the real Buddhadharma, not to do a thing. Not to think of anything like Saraha said, "Having totally abandoned thinker and what is thought of, remain as a thought-free child."
    Thinking is delusion.
    When caught up in thinking we are deluded. To be free of thinking is to be free.
    That freedom consists in how to be free from our thinking.
    As long as the web of thinking has not dissolved, there will repeatedly be rebirth in and the experiences of the six realms.
    The method: But if you want to be totally free of conceptual thinking there is only one way: through training in thought-free wakefulness. (rigpa).
    Strip awareness to its naked state.
    If you want to attain liberation and omniscient enlightenment, you need to be free of conceptual thinking.
    Being free of thought is liberation.
    This is not some state that is far away from us: thought-free wakefulness actually exists together with every thought, inseparable from it... but the thinking obscures or hides this innate actuality. Thought free wakefulness (the natural state) is immediately present the very moment the thinking dissolves, the moment it vanishes, fades away, falls apart.
    Simply suspend your thinking within the non-clinging state of wakefulness: that is the correct view."
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    Dzogčhen | Mezinárodní komunita dzogčhenu Česká republika
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    tady nejsou navody, na FB.
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    pokud to nekoho zajima zkouset, tak frekventujte CNN Rinpocheho v prve rade, a FB skupiny tady

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    IOM_NUKSO: popisy technik Dzogchenu co tady pristaly. Pokud jsi mentalne nestabilni, mohlo by to zpusobit psychicke potize (psychotickou epizodu, nocni mury), v takovem pripade je treba s tim prestat, vzit si vecer tabletu a jit spat, opakovat 14 dni.
    IOM_NUKSO --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: co je mysleno tim 'to'? k cemu to varovani patri??
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    "In emptiness there’s no such thing as you and I. In emptiness there’s no such thing as this and that. In emptiness there’s nothing."
    "In emptiness there’s no samsara, no liberation, no hell, no enlightenment, no negative karma, no good karma. In emptiness there’s no gain, no loss. In emptiness there’s no gaining a friend, no losing a friend."
    "Such things exist only in the view of the obscuring mind, by labeling “gain” and “loss,” by labeling “gaining a friend” and “losing a friend,” by labeling “enlightenment” and “hell,” by labeling “liberation” and “samsara,” by labeling “virtue” and “nonvirtue.” "
    "In emptiness there’s no east and west. In emptiness there’s no I and no he or she, another separate person. In emptiness there is no here and there."
    "It might be useful to meditate this way when you have a problem in your life. It is a great protection psychologically, stopping depression and also stopping the creation of heavy negative karma."
    Prasangika View
    Lama Zopa
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    A Buddha is functioning through the five senses with no inner world at all. The Buddha has no inner self or inner story to reflect upon or to protect. The clear and always empty awareness immediately within and as your five senses, is the Buddha that has never had a thinking mind, identity or inner mental world.

    (shared by Jackson Peterson via FB)
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    "It is therefore said that the Prasangika approach, which, by a process of austere annulment of all intellectual positions, constitutes a direct introduction to the ultimate truth in itself, is appropriate for persons of the highest spiritual faculties, a qualification, incidentally, that is not to be confused with mere intellectual acumen." Mipham
    "Finding no perceiving subject and no thing perceived, and understanding that the triple world is merely consciousness, the Bodhisattvas, you affirm, abide in wisdom, knowing that the mind alone is ultimate reality."
    "The vast array of sentient life, The varied universe containing it, is formed by mind. The Buddha said that wandering beings are from karma born. Dispense with mind (conceptualizing thought) and karma is no more."
    "To dissipate the veils of ignorance—no other means is there than knowing suchness (rigpa, Buddha Nature)." Mipham
    "Introduction to the Middle Way: Chandrakirti's Madhyamakavatara with Commentary by Ju Mipham" by Chandrakirti, Padmakara Translation Group
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    Thogal theory and Practice
    I am writing this as a "quick start" instructional guide that will allow anyone to begin practicing thogal effectively and safely.
    Thogal means "over the skull", "over the crest". It actually means to arrive instantly without jumping to get there, like a quantum leap. Thogal practice makes it very easy to experience, know and differentiate rigpa from all other mind states, in its purest form.
    Rigpa is our primordial Buddha Mind that is intrinsically perfect, permanently. Because it's permanent, it's always present. But it is not our experience, rather our experience is other coarser states of mind as content, which are appearing within the space of changeless rigpa awareness.
    By practicing thogal, rigpa itself becomes its own self-experience. What is experienced is its own penetrating transparency, insightful clarity, wisdoms, and absence of a "me" egoic identity, as well as the absence of the sense of an "external" universe. Eventually the physical body will dissolve into pure Light as the practice comes to perfect fruition.
    Thogal focuses on the visual apparatus. That means we use our eyes as our path.
    Traditionally we use the sun by looking towards the sun in early morning and late afternoon. One does not look directly at the sun but slightly underneath it or off to the side, and with sun glasses on. I find using one eye at a time works best. One squints so that the ball of the sun is no longer visible but only a diffraction pattern of colored rays and a background tapestry of circles as though similar to looking at a peacock's feather. Within that diffraction pattern you can see little round spheres that may have little circular rings within them as well. At first they may just look like this but completely round: @
    Sample images are posted below. They get larger over time with consistent practice. They are called "thigles" in Tibetan. (Pronounced: teeglay)
    One then begins to focus on one little sphere by not moving the eyes. You just gaze at it. So do just this much for several sessions. I recommend a safer and easy way to do thogal:
    Use your iPhone or similar phone with only the black screen. Hold it down toward your waist, angle it so you can look down and see the reflection of the sun. Squint your eyes until the ball disappears into the light refraction and continue as described above. This allows practicing throughout the day, even at noon. But be sure to wear sun glasses. Between the UV absorption in the phone's black glass and your sun glasses, no harmful UV rays should be entering your eyes. It's only the UV rays that damage the eyes. I recommend 20 minute sessions. 10 minutes with each eye. Start with one session per day and add a session later in the day if desired. But practice everyday. The effects will last and are cumulative.
    If sun is not available you can flip the phone around and use the flashlight feature as though looking at the sun, but no sunglasses are necessary. You can also use an ordinary light bulb.
    There are specific recommended postures for during thogal practice but I have not found them necessary and Namkhai Norbu stated that once the practice is working the postures are no longer necessary. I have taught dozens of people this approach in my retreats and it works for everyone without exception.
    Once you are a little familiar wth the inner landscape and can focus on these thigle spheres easily, then while looking at the spheres ask your self "who or what is doing the looking?". "Where exactly is the observer?" Is there a "someone" looking or is there just empty perception?".
    Also from time to time notice the empty space between the thigle and the place from where you are observing. Notice that completely clear and transparent space. Sense that space behind you and all around you and through you.
    Also notice your state of inner empty clarity, transparent and vividly awake; from time to time.
    Pay less attention to the condition of the thigles than to your empty awareness that is looking.
    After you finish, look closely at various textures and surfaces close up and notice the sharpness of detail. Sometimes you can actually feel the textures by sight alone. Vision will become amazingly clear along with a sense of transparency and absence of selfness. It's this transparency (zangthal) and absence of selfing that transforms the mind completely into its own vivid emptiness. There is nothing to think about or workout. The practice does it all automatically.
    There are many more aspects to all of this. To learn more and for additional support please join our thogal group here at FB, Dzogchen Thogal.
    I am posting this on the general Dzogchen group to encourage those interested to practice. There is currently lots of misinformation out there regarding thogal and I would like to keep this technology available in an easy and workable format that can bring infinite benefit to any competent practitioner that wants to learn.
    There are several lineage authorized books on the open public market now that explain thogal in complete detail. Now the traditional lineage Lamas have allowed these thogal teachings to be propagated broadly for everyone's benefit also out of a fear that these precious teachings may disappear eventually.
    I received the thogal transmission and practice instructions privately in 1985 through the Yeshe Lama text as presented to me by a Nyingma Lama who was taught by Dudjum Rinpoche. I later received the detailed Bon transmission of Shardze Rinpoche's text "Heart Drops of the Dharmakaya" trekchod and thogal instructions personally from the Bon Menri Lopon. Shardza Rinpoche attained the "rainbow body of light" in the 1930's. Neither of my teachers asked me to keep these teachings secret, nor have I pledged any samaya regarding not sharing any of the Dzogchen teachings with others.
    Please share your successes and insights in our thogal group as well as your practice issues.
    I recommend reading my book and gaining familiarity with all the practices in the appendix before commencing thogal practice: "The Natural Bliss of Being", as well as attending one of my thogal retreats.
    May all beings benefit! Emaho!
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    I do not recommend anyone to try it without consulting Dzogchen's teacher (ideally CNN Rinpoche), I post it here for expert yogic, study and archival purposes.

    For ordinary, unethical people, non-yogi, non-buddhists, and mentally impaired people, it is likely to cause a nightmares or severe psychosis.

    There is purity needed, long-term ethics, stable trekchod etc.

    Nikomu nedoporucuji to zkouset bez konzultace s ucitelem Dzogchenu (idealne CNN Rinpoche), davam to zde k odbornym, studijnim a archivnim ucelum.

    U obycejnych neetickych lidi, ne-joginu, ne-buddhistu a mentalne narusenych lidi to pravdepodobne zpusobi nocni mury nebo rovnou vaznou psychozu.

    Je potreba nejaka ocista, dlouhodobejsi etika, stabilni trekcho atd.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam