Who loses character, he loses all
Ahura Mazda, thou dost create man; thou dost not create his character. It is man's own creation. Man is its maker and it springs from within him. It is his inestimable personal acquisition.
Good thoughts, good words, and good deeds form character. It is the outward manifestation of man's inner life regulated by the moral order of Asha. It is the symbolic representation of Daena's religion practiced and lived by man. When truth and righteousness and virtue are woven together on the loom of life, they make for character.
Man of character outshines men of talents and birth and fortune, and outlives them all. Character is greater than genius. When intellect weds character it becomes matchless. It loses its luster when, alienated from character, it stands by itself. Character alone exalts. It makes a peasant more honored than a prince.
The beauty of character surpasses all other beauties. Character shines with greater brilliance than does the diamond. Character commands respect and trust of all as nothing in the world does.
The weakening and loss of man's character brings his fall. It is the end of his life. Man leaves his all at death behind. Character alone endures and the man of character takes it with him to heaven.
35 - Who loses character, he loses all