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    ztracené heslo?
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    OGMIOS: moralku nemuzes odlozit
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    KOCOURMIKES: myslim ze v dnesni dobe jsou veskera nabozenstvi a podobne jiz prekonana. Pase jak kalhoty do zvonu. Kolektivni mysl uz pomalu manifestuje jiny pristup k existenci. Staci se otevrit. Odlozit predstavy minulosti a byt.
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    Dzogchen Practice in Everyday Life
    by HH Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

    The everyday practice of dzogchen is simply to develop a complete carefree acceptance, an openness to all situations without limit.

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    Dzogchen Practice in Everyday Life
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    IOM_NUKSO: ano, 20 let :)
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    Tricycle znate?
    What Do Buddhists Mean When They Talk About Not-Self?
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    TEDDYBEDDY: jenom videni, jenom slyseni, jenom citeni, pozor 6. clen vnimani je v buddhismu vedomi vijjnana a sedmy je uz nevnimani vedomi citta a to je rigpa v citta, a to predchozi vnimani je zase jenom vedomi vijjnana :)
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    The world is made out of perceiving
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    Compassion, a defining feature of humanity, is at a deficit. How can we change that? - The Globe and Mail
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    Mingyur Rinpoche’s 2018 New Year’s Message – Tergar Learning Community
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    Bohm and the Holographic Universe

    Michael Talbot writes:

    “Bohm's view that space is as real and rich with process as the matter that moves through it reaches full maturity in his ideas about the implicate sea of energy. Matter does not exist independently from the sea, from so-called empty space. It is a part of space. To explain what he means, Bohm offers the following analogy: A crystal cooled to absolute
    zero will allow a stream of electrons to pass through it without scattering them. If the temperature is raised, various flaws in the crystal will lose their transparency, so to speak, and begin to scatter electrons.

    From an electron's point of view such flaws would appear as pieces of "matter" floating in a sea of nothingness, but this is not really the case. The nothingness and the pieces of matter do not exist independently from one another. They are both part of the same fabric, the deeper order of the crystal.”

    Similarly, when the active energy of mind rests still within Pure Awareness, the Mind of Clear Light (the Crystal), there exists a perfect transparency of consciousness that unfolds as the Mind’s Buddha Wisdoms. However, when the active dynamic of the mind’s energy enforms itself into a “thought topic”, the transparency becomes opaque, in which thoughts act like a friction within the mind’s clarity. The sense of self is the main point of friction which grasps and rejects at other thought forms.

    Alternatively one could consider that when the mind is “no mind”, absent of mental thought forms of every kind, awareness as the changeless and empty host or context of mind, would be crystal clear and transparent. In this quantum coherent state, the Buddha Wisdoms and primordial insights would begin to proliferate spontaneously.

    The mind arises as a pranic field of thought forms that beclouds the transparency of the crystal sphere of empty awareness; within Mind of Clear Light.

    When the pranic field clears as the contents of mind cease to arise (no mind), the natural transparency (zangthal) and Buddha Wisdoms of the Mind of Clear Light, spontaneously emerge.
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    The Egoic Self is not an Obstacle

    A duck is seen flying through the sky. This experience can be just as it is, a purely perceptual experience or it can be a subjectively biased “I HAD an experience of seeing a duck fly through the sky”. But both are simply known in their characteristic appearance; and both are known by that which has no personal sense or characteristics of being a personal perceiver.

    When a sense of personal self arises as an “observer” of experiences, it arises as a mere experience itself, like seeing the duck flying through the sky. The selfing feeling of “me” doesn’t block the knowing of that selfing sensation anymore than perceiving the duck flying blocks the seeing of the duck flying.

    In this way it’s seen that nothing actually blocks the vivid knowingness of “ducks flying” or blocks the vivid knowingness of a strong feeling of personal selfhood as a “me”.

    Consider both the experience of “ducks flying” and the “feeling of personal selfhood as a ‘me’ “ to be just different empty and ungraspable clouds floating through empty awareness, the impersonal observingness present in all experiences.

    To whom would a “strong sense of self” flying through the sky of impersonal awareness” be a detriment? To whom would ducks flying through a sky be a detriment?

    Is trying to get rid of the experience of an egoic self different from trying to clear the sky of all ducks that may be flying through it?

    Experiences of sound occur, experiences color appear, experiences of sensations appear, experiences of feelings of an egoic “me” or suffering self appear; but all are just equally appearances in the empty sky of awareness without altering the impersonal empty awareness in any way.

    It’s not that there is a personal self as a “me” that has experiences, but rather the personal self as a “me” is itself just an experience occurring in impersonal awareness.
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    Peace is every step.
    The shining red sun is my heart.

    Each flower smiles with me.
    How green, how fresh all that grows.
    How cool the wind blows.

    Peace is every step.
    It turns the endless path to joy.

    Thich Nhat Hanh
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    Call Me by My True Names, by Thich Nhat Hanh
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    Everyone, everything you meet is Buddha.

    Buddha-awareness (Dharmakaya) spread across the Universe(s)

    Everybody and Everything is Buddha-Awareness, beings and things are Buddha, beings but also seemingly non-alive things like mountains, forests, stars etc. teach Dharma but we do not see it or hear it and feel it - "My deepest conviction is that the whole universe is alive, the entire univere" - words of deepest conviction of Zen master Sei.

    Every, each being is Buddha - the Buddha teaching that a good, skillful deed has good consenquences and the bad, evil deed has bad consequences, results in suffering, everyone is thus both student and the teacher, both giving and accepting, suffering and.... the last words of my Zen master: "Goodbye, there is a lot of Buddha around."
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    Lana Del Rey - Religion (Music Video)
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    okamziky kazdodenniho zivota, zrozeni a smrt jsou nirvanou.....

    Kazdodenni zivot je cesta
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    TEDDYBEDDY: konecne ses lognul na fb
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