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    ztracené heslo?
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    After 2 months of looking into my mind during solitude retreat in Palpung Sherabling Monastery this is what’s coming to my mind

    I love my life and my peerless teachers who are showing me what life is about. I’m thankful for my family that supports me and my wise friends who I can learn from and enjoy this precious time we all keep. It is just on us how we use it. Nobody can do it on our behalf. We are creating our reality and life is in our own hands. Keep strong & Warm heart ***

    - Misa
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Soto Zen master, Dogen Zenji, wrote this primer of Zen instruction around 1242 a.d.


    Translated by Norman Wadell & Masao Abe

    “The Way is originally perfect and all-pervading. How could it be contingent upon practice and realization?

    The Dharma-vehicle is utterly free and un-trammeled. What need is there for our concentrated effort?

    Indeed, the Dharmakaya is far beyond the world’s dust. Who could believe in a means to brush it clean?

    It is never apart from you right where you are. What use is there going off here and there to practice?”

    Shen-hui was the champion of Zen’s Sixth Patriarch, Huineng’s “Sudden Enlightenment” teaching tradition. This was the lineage that was transmitted to me by my teacher Yen Wai Shi, while I was in China in 1978. The teaching seems identical to earliest Dzogchen tradition called “Semde”.


    “Do not practice mindfulness of the Buddha, do not grasp the mind, do not view the mind, do not measure the mind, do not meditate, do not contemplate, and do not interfere with the mind. Just let it flow. Do not make it go and do not make it stay. Alone in a pure and ultimate location as the absolute, the mind will be naturally bright and pure.”

    An example:

    Look at a coffee cup. It is already a coffee cup. It requires no further help or enhancements to be what it already is. Our Buddha Mind is the same; it is already perfect and requires no additional “perfecting”. It is the Absolute and therefore never changes. It is the only quality of consciousness that is “aware” and “knowing” by default. That quality of sentience is like empty, aware space. All that’s required is being what you already are; not a body, not an individual soul, not any identity at all, just “aware knowingness” that has no location in space or time. It’s the space-like context, all the rest is merely ever-changing content.

    Longchenpa clarifies the Dzogchen view:

    "Because Awareness (Rigpa) has no finite essence, and because suchness and deliberate activity are mutually exclusive, and because Awareness is already timelessly and spontaneously present, nothing need be done concerning levels of realization on which to train, spiritual paths to traverse, mandalas to visualize, empowerments to be bestowed, paths to cultivate in meditation, samaya to uphold, enlightened activities to accomplish, and so forth. This is because there is no need to accomplish anew what is already timelessly and spontaneously accomplished. If there were such need, it would be inappropriate to use the conventional designation "spontaneously present and uncompounded." And it would follow that dharmakaya was subject to destruction, because it would be compounded, and this because it would be created by causes and conditions." (practices etc.) Longchenpa, Choying Dzod, A Treasure Trove of Scriptural Transmission, page 120, first paragraph. Padma Publications.

    Page 190: first main paragraph:

    Longchenpa writes: "Since all phenomena are timelessly free, nothing need be done to free them anew through realization."

    Next paragraph: "Even the thought that freedom comes about through “direct introduction “is deluded. One strives to free this essence from whatever binds it, but nothing need be done to free it, for unobstructed Awareness, which has never existed as anything whatsoever, does not entail any duality of something to be realized and someone to realize it. There is equalness because nothing is improved by realization or worsened by it's absence, so there is no need for any adventitious realization. And because there never has existed anything to realize- for the ultimate nature of phenomena is beyond ordinary consciousness- to speak of realization on even the relative level is nothing but deluded. What can be shown at this point is the transcendence of view and meditation, in which nothing need be done regarding realization, nothing need be directly introduced, and no state of meditation need be cultivated. So there is the expression 'it is irrelevant whether or not one has realization'."

    Page 191: middle paragraph

    "In this case what makes perfect sense in the Ati approach is the superior realization whereby one directly experiences the unobstructed state in it's nakedness, without relying on anything whatsoever. Since one does not experience separation from the essence of Awareness even for an instant, to say that is realized or perceived is merely to use a conventional expression."

    Longchenpa wrote in his Choying Dzod:

    "There is only awareness, pure in being free of adventitious distortions; there is no essence of buddhahood other than this Mind itself; nothing to seek through causes or conditions, effort or achievement, because the term "buddhahood" is being used merely to describe pure awareness." (P. 84)

    Sri Ramana Maharshi:

    "You are awareness. Awareness is another name for you. Since you are awareness there is no need to attain or cultivate it."


    "Awareness abides as the aspect which is aware under any and all circumstances, and so occurs naturally, without transition or change."
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Ok... am a lay practitioner with limited benefit of instructions... yet my "assumption" is to stop further accumulation of negativity and cleanse the past karmic debts by only remaining in mind's essence???
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    a samozrejme, Buddha rika:

    “Therefore, Subhuti, disciples should leave behind all distinctions of phenomena and awaken the thought of the attainment of Supreme Enlightenment.....

    The disciple’s mind should be kept independent of any thoughts that might arise within it.

    Diamond Sutra: Chapter 14 – Diamond Sutra – A New Translation of the Classic Buddhist Text

    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    ne Diamantova sutra je tady: http://diamond-sutra.com

    tohle bude asi dost neuplna, nikoliv fulltext http://www.dharmagaia.cz/knihy/diamantova-sutra/DIAMANTOVA_SUTRA_miniknizka.pdf

    id Bara hlasila, ze Osho: Diamantova sutra je v Levnychknihach za 9 Kc, doporucuji porovnat, pokud by se tim teda nekdo zabyval.

    " Kdyz mysl nic neuchopuje a neulpiva na nicem, objevuje se prava (svoboda mysli) mysl (jasne svetlo) " - Diamantova sutra

    When mind dwells on nothing, true mind appears - Diamond sutra

    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Buddhismus je zivot a smrt - buddhismus to je svoboda od zivota a smrti, a hlavne je to svoboda od vsech (tech) nesmyslu, jako jsou ruzna cviceni, byznys, politika, telocvik, sex, penize, duchovno a dalsi nesmysly (s vyjimkou moralky, etiky samozrejme ! )
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    jsem buddhista pres 17 let, je to vychodni nabozenstvi co se zabyva nejhlubsi podstatou skutecnosti, tehle reality kde zijeme a zemreme. jako buddhiste take vime, ze existuje Buh (z Bible, Koranu a Zoroastrianismu) a spousta dalsich systemu bozstev a jinych svetu - buddhismus se tim nezabyva, buddhismus je univerzalni nabozenstvi jak pro bozstva tak i pro cloveka. Kdyz pouzivame slovo buddhismus mame na mysli vyhradne svate slovo Dharma, ktere ale na zapade nepouzivame.
    GRAMEC --- ---
    Viděl si to?
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    GRAMEC: neni to nahodou naprosto off-topic s buddhismem ?
    GRAMEC --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    “My realization is higher than the sky. But my observance of karma is finer than grains of flour.” - Padmasambhava
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    The Uttara Tantra and Dzogchen

    The earliest Buddhist text (350 A.D.) that defines rigpa as understood later in Dzogchen thought.

    From the Uttara Tantra:

    “The luminous nature of the mind is changeless, just like space. It is not defiled by adventitious stains, such as desire, born from false imagination.”

    The author, Asanga, also mentioned a “samadhi of sunlight”, of which I can’t find further information.

    Here is the entire tantra with a commentary by

    Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Thayé “The Unassailable Lion’s Roar”
    explanations by
    Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche


    Jamgön Kongtrul comments:

    “Likewise the tathagatagarbha, the dharmadhatu which is clear light, abides all-pervasively within all beings as the nature of their minds. Yet this dharmadhatu is by nature completely pure. For this reason it never suffers the slightest pollution from the faults of beings, such as their mental poisons and so on.”

    “This clear and luminous nature of mind is as changeless as space. It is not afflicted by desire and so on, the adventitious stains, which are sprung from incorrect thoughts. The nature of space is not changed through clouds, smoke, and so on. In the same way, the tathagatagarbha, the clear and luminous nature of the minds of all beings, is changeless. It is not in the slightest altered by the fact that the veils are purified or unpurified, and so on.”

    Jamgön Kongtrul

    “Its nature is absence of thought.” Although thought appears within it, yet it, itself, has no thoughts.

    TEDDYBEDDY --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Remember Death

    Just as every single thing is always moving inexorably closer to its ultimate dissolution, so also your own life, like a burning butter-lamp, will soon be consumed. It would be foolish to think that you can first finish all your work and then retire to spend the later stages of your life practicing the Dharma. Can you be certain that you will live that long? Does death not strike the young as well as the old? No matter what you are doing, therefore, remember death and keep your mind focused on the Dharma.

    - Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, "The Heart Treasure of the Enlightened Ones"
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    In the Indian epic poem, the Mahabharata, a disciple asks the sage Yudhistira, ‘Master, of all things in life, what is the most amazing?’ Yudhistira looked at the disciple with infinite compassion, and said, ‘That a man, seeing others die all around him, never thinks that he will die.’
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Freud on Death

    I guess that Siggi never heard of a Chödpa!

    "It is indeed impossible to imagine our own death.' Because, as Freud goes on, '[...] whenever we attempt to do so we can perceive that we are in fact still present as spectators'. In fact, we could say that we assist at our own death, as if the one who dies in our imagination were a different person. We can't imagine how we would be like dead, without being able to think or see, for example."

    Freud on Death
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Chakras are the Wisdom Lights of Rigpa

    The chakras are the Five Lights and the Five Buddha Wisdoms. By releasing their contracted energetic states, their wisdom-light illuminates consciousness and transforms our limited and fixed perspectives.

    Dzogchen master, Tenzin Wangyal, explains how to open the crown chakra. By doing so, incredible insights into the true nature of reality and self, arise spontaneously:

    “Upward-moving prana: this practice opens the top of the central channel and the throat and crown chakras. Inhale. With your mouth closed, pinch your nose shut and blow out very, very gently, as if clearing your ears in an airplane or while diving. Be very careful and very gentle so as not to hurt your ears. The point is not to clear your ears but to use the internal pressure to direct your attention to the crown chakra. As much as possible, experience the sensation on the crown of your head. Use your imagination to concentrate the pressure in the central channel and to feel it open the chakra. If you don’t feel anything, just keep your attention fixed on the crown. Exert a slight pressure with your held breath. When you do feel the sensation, be present with it. Let the breath become natural. Stay focused in the crown chakra, but let the awareness be completely open and free. Exhale, directing the prana upwards through the chakra. Do this practice any time you wish, but particularly when feeling down, depressed, or dull; when feeling that you don’t have the strength to handle the tasks you need to do; when lacking clarity or wakefulness; and when distracted or confused.”

    (Excerpt from his excellent book,
    “Healing with Form, Energy and Light”)
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