Kvalitni kniha Modern buddhism - free ebook
Right now we have obtained a human rebirth and have the
opportunity to attain enlightenment through Dharma practice
so if we waste this precious opportunity in meaningless activities
there is no greater loss and no greater foolishness. This is because
in future such a precious opportunity will be extremely hard to
In one Sutra Buddha
illustrates this by giving the following
He asks his disciples, ‘Suppose there existed a vast and
deep ocean the size of this world, and on its surface there floated
a golden yoke, and at the bottom of the ocean there lived a blind
turtle who surfaced only once in every one hundred thousand
years. How often would that turtle raise its head through the
middle of the yoke?’ His disciple, Ananda
, answers that, indeed,
it would be extremely rare.
In this context, the vast and deep ocean refers to samsara
– the cycle of impure life
that we have experienced since
beginningless time
, continually in life after life without end –
the golden yoke refers to Buddhadharma,
and the blind turtle
refers to us. Although we are not physically a turtle, mentally
we are not much different; and although our physical eyes may
not be blind, our wisdom eyes are. For most of our countless
previous lives we have remained at the bottom of the ocean of
samsara, in the three lower realms
– the animal, hungry ghost
and hell realms – surfacing only once in every one hundred
thousand years or so as a human being. Even when we briefly
reach the upper realm of
samsara’s ocean as a human being, it
is extremely rare to meet the golden yoke of Buddhadharma:
the ocean of samsara is extremely vast, the golden yoke of
Buddhadharma does not remain in one place but moves from
place to place, and our wisdom eyes are always blind. For these
reasons, Buddha
says that in the future, even if we obtain a
rebirth, it will be extremely rare to meet