Excellent article but only the tip of the iceberg ,the Dalai Lama and many Tibetan lamas have known about Soygal Rinpoche's activities for years and done nothing to prevent the appalling traumatisation .Even on this occassion no Tibetan Lama has explicitly criticised the actions of SR except for Mathieu Ricard and he is not a lama .Orygen Rinpoche reportedly expressed the opinion that those monks/nuns who had reported SR should be disrobed and allegations persist that Dzongsar Khyentse ,who wrote a 10,000 word article on the issue without once referring to the sufferring of the abused,was advising women raped by SR not to report it to the police .No child or indeed adult is safe in Tibetan Buddhism ,there is a long histoery of abuse and there is no tranparency or accountability ,it is a feudal anti democratic theocracy which has nothing to do with Buddhism .Figures suggest that in Bhutan 10 % of children are sexaully assaulted ,many in the monasteries and yet you are more likely to be arrested for picking wildflowers than for assaulting a child .The Worlds Happiest country is not so happy after all . Tibetan Buddhists are excellent at PR but their behaviour suggests that many are criminal thugs . Rigpa say that a third party is investigating the allegations but the reports are so serious that police need to be involved ,he should be charged and if convicted face imprisonment ,a lifetime travel ban and be placed on the Sex Offenders Register .