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    ztracené heslo?
    " Zazen je velka cesta, velka stezka. Je to zniceni nazoru, existence a neexistence, zivota, smrti, je to zniceni viry ve vecnost, v zanik. Je to nedualita. To, cemu nas uci zazen, je prava povaha vsech veci. Zazen odtina vsechny nase pochyby. Musime cvicit s velkou radosti. Toto cviceni je hluboke a tajemne, nikdo ho nemuze zmerit. Svetlo zazenu je jako jas slunce. Toto cviceni je nekonecne. "

    - Mistr Debailly

    "Zazen je nejhlubší odpověď na všechny otázky, které si člověk může položit.“

    - Rev. Debailly

    Zazen (dhyana) - buddhisticka meditace-koncentrace


    Dódžó Myo ji

    po: 18:30; čt: 18:30


    15. července otevíráme nové dojo v Plzni na adrese Němejcova 6.
    Denní praxe bude probíhat pod vedením zenového mistra Seï Yu Debailly.

    Zazeny budou probíhat každý všední den ráno od 6:30 do 7:30 a večer od 18:00 do 19:00.

    Zen dojo Plzeň

    po, út, čt: 19:00-20:00, ranní praxe po domluvě


    Zen dojo při Česko-Japonské společnosti

    út: 6:15 - 8:00, 19:15 - 21:00; čt: 6:15 - 8:00


    čt: 18:45 - 21:30

    Zen-buddhismus v České republice

    Škola sótó ( Taisen Deshimaru přenesl praxi zenu v 60.letech do Evropy)

    Zazen v česko-japonské společnosti na Můstku


    Sangha mistra Kaisena - dojo Praha, Brno, Ostrava


    Sangha mistra Debaillyho


    Zen Dojo v Plzni

    rozbalit záhlaví
    IOM_NUKSO --- ---
    ENGUMAZ: toho Drtikola neznam, ale co rika Grof v tom videu se sem celkem hodi.
    KOCOURMIKES: tohle je prekvapive dobre :D
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    7 důvodů, proč nikdy nenajdete lásku. Jiří Charvát (Rimmer)
    IOM_NUKSO --- ---
    Kdyby nekdo neznal zdroj klasickych a jinych fakt mnohych textu lotsawahouse.org
    Tady konkretne 37 practices of all bodhisattvas
    The Thirty-Seven Practices of All the Bodhisattvas | Lotsawa House
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Disengaged from the six senses’ domains,
    Not thinking is the path of transcendence.
    The absolute expanse has no concepts.
    Freedom from mental activity is Great Seal.

    Don’t meditate! Don’t meditate! Don’t meditate with the mind!
    The mind’s meditation amounts to deluded thoughts.
    Thoughts bind you to cyclic existence.
    With release from the mind, there is no meditation.

    In space, emptiness without awareness,
    Tame the root of the mind endowed with awareness.
    Tame its root and relax.

    ~ The Song of Sukhasiddhi
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Amazon.com: Christopher Wilkinson: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Origins of Buddhist Thogal in Early Buddhism: the Nimittas (a truly amazing text!)

    (nimittas are thigles of Clear Light)

    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    The Notion of "Two" Truths is an Hallucination

    It can be demonstrated through the skillful use of the Prasangika "emptiness teachings", that the idea of there being an absolute truth and a relative truth, is barren of all possibility.

    A quality of the ultimate truth is that it can't be conceptualized, that's it's emptiness. And since no substance or material qualities can be found to have any slight existence at all, then a "relative truth" would be equally empty of any material substance as well. This is the equally empty nature of the relative truth.

    Since no material or substance of any kind can be found within an imagined "real", relative truth, no relative truth can be found to have arisen; for without a substance of even the most subtle nature, what can be said to have arisen as a relative truth?

    In emptiness teachings philosophy, an "object" to be refuted or affirmed, is called a probandum, the basis for designation.

    A questioner asks Lama Zopa:

    Q. You spoke about labeling on a valid base (probandum). It sounds as if “valid base” means there is something from the side of the object that merits its being given that particular label. Gen Lam-rimpa brought that up in his book, Realizing Emptiness, and said that especially the first time we give a name to an object, if we say it’s labeled in dependence on a valid base, it sounds as if there is something inherently existent from the object that makes it worthy of that label. In that case, it would be inherently existent.

    Lama Zopa:

    The valid base (probandum) is, of course, also merely imputed by mind. What’s called “valid base” is also merely imputed by mind. It also comes from the mind.

    The famous Dzogchen master, Rongzom wrote:

    “When one realizes that there is no property of a probandum whatsoever, then all is at the same level of nonexistence."

    The goal of Madhyamaka is the freedom from and the cessation of, all mental constructs. The goal of Dzogchen is the realization of the Buddha Mind with all its Buddha attributes.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    no tak ted budes mit dobry sny zas :) a ten hlas....

    Visací zámek - Rtěnka
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    KILLIAN: dochtore !!!
    KILLIAN --- ---
    nebuď doktor!
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    kazdy zdravy clovek je jenom nemocny clovek, ktery to ignoruje
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    zvlastni. vytrzene z kontextu tech knih sbirek.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    few words which always inspire/so I share...
    I sometimes call them "Longchenpa gone Hua Tou"


    A man while having a sleeping dream
    dreams he is floating aimlessly on the ocean of samsara.

    He dreams he suffers in the hells and other realms.
    Fed up with this, he dreams he finds a Lama.
    He dreams he puts the Lama's precepts into practice.
    He dreams that meditative experiences occur.
    He dreams the clear light Dharma Body dawns.
    He dreams the darkness of troubled thoughts are cleared up.
    He dreams there is no difference between meditation and post-meditation. Then he dreams that realization dawns.
    He dreams he has impartial compassion
    for sentient beings who have no realization.
    He dreams that, after attaining the supreme Great Seal,
    he naturally achieves benefits for beings with Form Bodies.
    Immediately upon awakening from his sleep,
    there is no experiencing the suffering of samsara.
    There is no getting fed up and finding a Lama.
    There is no putting his precepts into practice.
    There is no dawning of meditative experiences and Total Knowledge.
    There is no dawning of clear light Dharma Body.
    There is no clearing up the darkness of troubled thoughts.
    There is no abiding in non-thought.
    There is no dawning of Total Knowledge realization.
    There are neither sentient beings nor compassion for them.
    There is no Enlightenment and no obtaining it either.
    There are no animate beings and no benefitting them.
    There is no truth, and no falsehood either.
    They are gone like a mere appearance in a dream.
    This dream-dreaming samsara—
    Where did it come from? Where did it go?
    This nirvana that does away with samsara—
    Where did it come from? Where did it go?
    These and all other dream dharmas—
    Where did they come from? Where did they go?
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    A Theory of Reality as More Than the Sum of Its Parts | Quanta Magazine
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    POOWL: ta Rigpa má být nejhlubší podklad a báze ve tvém vědomí právě teď za bdělého vědomí, která zůstává stejná ikdyž umřeš, jsi po smrti a procházíš procesem znovyvstání jako jiná bytost i potom jak ta jiná bytost, tedy co se vztahuje na ty myšlenky, se vztahuje i na těla a bytosti.
    POOWL --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: děkuju
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    SUCZKER: Bondyho knihy serial Indicka filosofie, Cinska filosofie - maji jen tu vyhodu, ze tim prolitne cely a okomentuje je to, nicmene dal je to Bondym zabity.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    SUCZKER: Bondy je dekadence, i v tom buddhismu.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    POOWL: tady to mas pekne a autenticky prelozene, rad jsem to pro tebe prelozil, aspon si clovek u toho muze uvedomit, co je to Rigpa:

    "Rigpa je původní přirozený stav, který je tady od počátku, je to naše skutečná buddhovská podstata - je nevyprodukovaná a nestvořená a neprochází procesy vývoje a změny. Vždy tu byla a bude. Je neměnná, ale mysl a vědomí se neustále mění a vyvíjejí, zatímco existují v čase a jsou podmíněné. Ale původní stav Rigpa je jako prostor, nemění se. Myšlenky Rigpou procházejí, jsou jako přelety ptáků na obloze a nenechávají za sebou žádnou stopu. Ať už jsou tyto myšlenky dobré nebo špatné, krásné nebo oškilivé, nemění Podstatu mysli (Rigpa) and když se rozpouštějí, nenechávají za sebou žádnou stopu."

    Bon Lopon Namdak

    “This Natural State (rigpa), which was there from the very beginning, is our real nature; it is unproduced and uncreated and does not undergo change or evolution. It always was and always will be. It is unchanging, whereas mind and consciousness are changing and evolving all the time. They exist in time and are conditioned, but the Natural State is like space; it does not change. Discursive thoughts pass through it like birds passing across the sky leaving no trace behind. Whether these thoughts are good or bad, beautiful or ugly, they do not change the Nature of the Mind and, when they dissolve, they leave no trace behind.”

    Bon Lopon Namdak
    IOM_NUKSO --- ---
    SUCZKER: madhyamaka shastra nebo madhyamaka-sastra
    SUCZKER --- ---
    https://youtu.be/AefJr-6b8wE?t=34m39s - o jakym textu to tady bodny mluvi, pokusy o anglickou transkipci toho, co rika, mi z googlu nic nevyhodily. Kdyztak diky.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam