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    ztracené heslo?
    " Zazen je velka cesta, velka stezka. Je to zniceni nazoru, existence a neexistence, zivota, smrti, je to zniceni viry ve vecnost, v zanik. Je to nedualita. To, cemu nas uci zazen, je prava povaha vsech veci. Zazen odtina vsechny nase pochyby. Musime cvicit s velkou radosti. Toto cviceni je hluboke a tajemne, nikdo ho nemuze zmerit. Svetlo zazenu je jako jas slunce. Toto cviceni je nekonecne. "

    - Mistr Debailly

    "Zazen je nejhlubší odpověď na všechny otázky, které si člověk může položit.“

    - Rev. Debailly

    Zazen (dhyana) - buddhisticka meditace-koncentrace


    Dódžó Myo ji

    po: 18:30; čt: 18:30


    15. července otevíráme nové dojo v Plzni na adrese Němejcova 6.
    Denní praxe bude probíhat pod vedením zenového mistra Seï Yu Debailly.

    Zazeny budou probíhat každý všední den ráno od 6:30 do 7:30 a večer od 18:00 do 19:00.

    Zen dojo Plzeň

    po, út, čt: 19:00-20:00, ranní praxe po domluvě


    Zen dojo při Česko-Japonské společnosti

    út: 6:15 - 8:00, 19:15 - 21:00; čt: 6:15 - 8:00


    čt: 18:45 - 21:30

    Zen-buddhismus v České republice

    Škola sótó ( Taisen Deshimaru přenesl praxi zenu v 60.letech do Evropy)

    Zazen v česko-japonské společnosti na Můstku


    Sangha mistra Kaisena - dojo Praha, Brno, Ostrava


    Sangha mistra Debaillyho


    Zen Dojo v Plzni

    rozbalit záhlaví
    TENZO --- ---
    Identity Formation: the hallucinatory nature of a personal self

    In a dream at night a subjective self is generated by the subconscious mind felt as a real “me”. This imaginary self seems to think, to perceive and experiences various emotional states. But when the body wakes up in the morning, that hallucinated self vanishes as the subconscious mind ceases hallucinating or imagining it and its dreamed environment.
    During the dream the hallucinated self seems to think, feel, perceive and act all as autonomous acts of its own; yet no such self was ever there and all those subjective experiences were generated by the subconscious mind alone.
    Upon awakening in the morning, the subconscious mind generates a daytime self that also feels like an autonomous “me” who thinks, who perceives, who feels and acts all on its own, according to its own volition. It’s given the feeling of “I”.
    (This imaginary self is the seeker, the yogi, meditator and spiritual practitioner)
    It seems to be the one that is engaged with its daytime world. But this daytime self is also a hallucination being generated by the subconscious mind as a psychological identity or self-image that is projected to feel that it owns a body, has a mind, owns possessions, has a family, thinks thoughts, has memories, makes decisions, perceives sensory perceptions, responds, believes in god, seeks to attain liberation and enlightenment, wants to be free of negative thoughts and wants to not die or suffer.
    But all that just described pertaining to the personal self, only exists as the “story of me, mine and my experiences” which are being hallucinated by billions of neurons functioning as what’s called the “subconscious mind”.
    The brain has evolved to generate its own imaginary “captain of the ship” (the boss) felt as the personal identity (“I”) who is “in control” and is experienced as “me”; not more real than the self felt as “me” in a dream.
    The daytime self never experiences the actual real external world which exists outside and beyond the body’s skin and sensory organs.
    Physical energies make contact with the body’s sensory organs and skin, generating electro-chemical exchanges within the nerve cells of the body which end up in various centers of the brain.
    There they are then transformed into colors, shapes, movements, sounds, flavors, odors and sensations and a brain generated 3D inner movie including the illusion of space, depth and time; a representation of what the brain thinks is “out there”.
    All those brain generated mental phenomena are then associated with the brain’s memory banks, conditioning and DNA software code; at which point it generates the fake self, built to feel as a real “me”, as being the one to whom this inner 3D movie is occurring along with all its thoughts which are being generated as seeming to “belong” to this imaginary self felt as “I”.
    The self in a dream is created by the brain through the functioning of the same neural mechanisms, but the contents of the dream are coming from memory instead of live sensory signals.
    What’s truly amazing is that the daytime self as the imaginary seeker, the perceiver, the thinker of thoughts, the decider, the feeler of emotions, the experiencer, the one who understands or not, the one seeking enlightenment, the one who suffers, the one afraid to die and who is believed to be the doer of deeds (good and bad); doesn’t exist as other than patterns of electro-chemical activity being generated by billions of neurons in a human brain; but where the brain can suddenly cease projecting this imaginary self and all its associated processes leaving an indescribable and impersonal state of pure Awareness and Presence but occurring to no one; no self, me, or I.
    It’s just a matter of the bio-computer brain becoming aware that all the selfing processes being generated by the billions of neurons, is an illusion which is no more real than the self and its thoughts and perceptions in a dream at night.
    Actually the selfing mechanisms cease every night for all humans during deep, dreamless sleep. The brain ceases generating any kind of self, or “me” or “I”, and hence all personal existence, suffering and pleasure cease. It’s not that your “self” is lying dormant just waiting to come out of its little waiting room to spring back into the waking world upon awakening, but rather the neurons aren’t generating any self of any kind yet.
    The self so preciously felt as the real “me” and “I” in waking life is actually only the temporary product of the brain’s electro-chemical activity which ceases every night (poof) and is freshly generated every morning as though it had continued to exist while it was only taking a short break.
    (poor baby!).
    If one feels depressed, suicidal, anxious, angry, sad, happy, in love or bored; know that “that one” is the imaginary self:
    That self is not a real me; it’s body, feelings, emotions, thoughts, mind, actions, possessions, family and memories aren’t mine; and what you actually are can’t be thought about or consciously known by the mind.
    Download into the brain:
    LSD, psilocybin, meditation and other causes can cause a disruption in the brain’s “default mode network” which is where the sense of personal self is generated. When that happens, the personal self identity vanishes.
    Through prolonged meditation, the “default mode network” in the brain of the Buddha became inactive, where he experienced “no self” or anatta. He realized that the psychological sense of self was a kind of hallucination generated by his mind (brain).
    The Zen master Dogen, experienced the “falling away of self” through extended periods of Zen meditation called zazen.
    These excellent videos expand upon this topic:
    Notice especially at 4 minutes 9 seconds in this first video, where she mentions “there is no me”…
    Rare footage of 1950's housewife on LSD (Full Version)

    How to Stop Overthinking - Buddhism & The Default Mode Network

    Michael Pollan | Dissolving the Default Mode Network

    ‘Default mode network’ is suppressed by meditation practice | Roland Griffiths

    The real dope:
    The Default Mode Network & End of Suffering - Gary Weber

    Here it’s explained what “remains” after the DMN (default mode network) becomes inactive and when the mental content as the fictional sense of self and its fictional biography disappear:
    This following quote is from the famous cycle of teachings known as the Tibetan Book of the Dead. The text was discovered by Karma Lingpa (born in Tibet around 1329). It is part of what is called “The Direct Introduction to Awareness” teaching of Dzogchen and is meant to “awaken” those who simply read and understand the text without need for any prior or subsequent practice:
    "And in the present moment, when your mind remains in its own condition without constructing anything, Awareness, at that moment, in itself is quite ordinary.”
    “And when you look into yourself in this way nakedly, without any discursive thoughts,
    since there is only this pure observing, there will be found a lucid clarity without anyone being there who is the observer, only a naked manifest awareness is present.”
    “This Awareness is empty and immaculately pure, not being created by anything whatsoever. It is authentic and unadulterated, without any duality of clarity and emptiness."
    It seems that when the DMN becomes fully inactive in a human brain, a deeper underlying pure and unchanging Awareness is exposed, like the sun no longer being obscured by clouds.
    The pure Awareness which has never had a self, is now absent of the modes of the DMN’s illusory thought constructs which seem to be superimposed upon it; like reflections appearing in a crystal clear mirror.
    The world you perceive and interact with is one that your brain generates based on the sensory input coming in from the real and existing external world, a world you never can know or see or hear directly.
    The one as yourself, interacting with that brain projected world is also a subconscious brain projection. Everything “you” think arises from the subconscious with no influence from yourself, because your entire self is also just another projection of subconscious brain activity.
    There is no real personal self experiencing its world. The self felt as “me” is a projection of that part of the brain called the “default mode network” (DMN). When the DMN becomes inactive the personal self felt as “me” vanishes… it was never more than a temporary configuration of the electro-chemical software code within the neurons, as directed by the cellular DNA.
    The brain generated self never can “do” anything as it has no more causative powers than does a cartoon character projected on a movie screen.
    Because the movie called “our world” only exists subjectively in our heads, it doesn’t spill out as a “substance” to affect the actual external world. Rather it’s only the external world which causes our world of inner experience to appear as it does.
    Actually our inner subjective world of experience is only the external world internalized.
    All of a human’s life is a dynamic flow of mechanical evolution, a biological process fully organized and determined by the laws of physics and chemistry with no one “in there” who could exercise free-will or who could possess the least bit of autonomy.
    Deactivating the DMN is the single and only solution necessary for humans regarding “liberation” from ignorance, self, karma and suffering. Samsara and its inhabitants were only a brain generated illusion.
    Bottom line; all that’s necessary is the sudden cessation of the selfing or self construct. With no self, life just happens with no one living that life; no one who dies, with no perceiver, no experiencer, no experience; no subject/object dichotomy; yet vividly radiant, as a magical unfolding of meaningless
    appearances, all dancing to their own music. And of course, no psychological “others” exist to be saved or rescued, as any psychological entity or psychological self is imaginary at best.
    After this cessation of the fictional self, what remains is the unconditioned Buddha Mind, which was never affected by the appearance of the egoic self, but it was only that the egoic self was dominating the panorama of its view. Even though the movie screen isn’t affected by the movie projected upon it, nonetheless it dominates the screen as what’s experienced.
    Understanding all this confirms the most accurate view of our situation and its resolution, is contained within the tradition known as Samkhya which is also the metaphysical background of the Buddha’s teachings.
    I recommend developing a sound daily meditation practice as advised in Soto Zen: the deactivation of the Default Mode Network and its conceptualizing mind, is the only answer for human beings to become free from the real cause of our personal psychological suffering. No other practices are necessary.
    Zazen deactivates the selfing of the brain’s DMN naturally until “self falls away”. It also facilitates what’s called “nirvikalpa samadhi” or the cessation of all conceptualizing activity.
    These following videos can also trigger a sudden and temporary cessation of the brain’s selfing mechanism.
    No Self Videos
    There is no findable self:
    The Illusory Self & Buddhist Philosophy

    Direct Pointing - What is 'I', 'me'? - The illusion of the seperate self - Advaita / Non-Duality

    No Central Self

    No Self

    Seeing That the Self is an Illusion with Matt Tenney

    No Self, No Progression

    Self as a subconscious projection

    Neuroscience and Free Will

    9 January 2019

    Anil Seth: How your brain invents your "self" | TED
    DRZEEF --- ---
    There is No Findable Self

    Bon teacher, Tenzin Wangyal offers a simple way that dissolves the “me”, the self that you always felt and thought was “you”. What remains is a selfless space of vast, pure, empty awareness (Buddha Mind); that has no personal identity. The “me” and the “story of me” suddenly vanish.

    A wisdom arises at this exact moment that now knows that there never was a real personal self. There is nothing further as “path work” necessary. The one that seemed to need the path simply vanished, without ever completing the path.

    The Buddha’s path of Anatta (no self) offers no benefit for “anyone”, yet all suffering ends. Without a self to suffer, who remains to suffer?


    A bodhisattva understands that ultimately there are no beings to save, but chooses to reside and remain active in the world of beings.


    Alfred Korzybski proposed a theory of sanity in his general semantics. He believed sanity was tied to the structural fit or lack of thereof, of what is going on in the world. He imposed this notion in a map-territory analogy: "A map is not the territory it represents, but, if correct, it has a "similar structure" to the territory, which accounts for its usefulness."[3] Given that science continually seeks to adjust its theories structurally to fit the facts, i.e., improves its maps to fit the territory, and thus advances more rapidly than any other field, he believed that the key to understanding sanity would be found in the study of the methods of science (and the study of structure as revealed by science). The adoption of a scientific outlook and attitude of continual adjustment by the individual toward their assumptions was the way, so he claimed. In other words, there were "factors of sanity to be found in the physico-mathematical methods of science." He also stressed that sanity requires the awareness that "whatever you say a thing is, it is not"[4] because anything expressed through language is not the reality it refers to: language is like a map, and the map is not the territory. The territory, or reality, remains unnamable, unspeakable, and mysterious. Hence, the widespread assumption that we can grasp reality through language involves a degree of insanity.


    Promarnit vlastní život je snadné

    Promarnit vlastní život je snadné

    TENZO --- ---
    Space Ambient Music LIVE 24/7: Space Traveling Background Music, Music for Stress Relief, Dreaming
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Self is a Subconscious Projection

    It’s possible for an inward observing mind to discover the emptiness of a personal self or “me”, that thinks, that intends, that chooses, that perceives, experiences and acts.

    A sudden shift can occur where the subconscious self is seen through. It’s a bit like waking up from a dream, where during the dream, the dreamed identity seemed real.

    Start by sitting quietly and just notice any sounds. Is a sound just happening without the necessity of feeling “I am hearing a sound”? The “I am hearing” is just an after thought. Sounds are occurring but not “to” a someone like a middle man who is listening. That sense of there being a “listener” is imaginary.

    Work with this exercise concerning the “immediacy of sounds” for awhile until an insight arises. An experience of true anatta (no self) can arise.

    Once this anatta insight arises, one can then do the same exercise with the other four senses. Continue until it’s seen that all five sensory experiences do not need a perceiving self as a middle man observing them.

    Another example would be a moment of “seeing”. Seeing is a perceptual moment of colors. When eyes open in daylight, there is an immediate experience of color. That perception of color
    at first, is absent the sense of “I see”. That “seeing” is anatta, without a self.

    When the anatta insight is obvious with all five senses, then apply the exercise to “thoughts”. Take time with this one in order to see a thought occurs without a thinker or a contemplator of thoughts. Thoughts don’t occur “to” a me, nor are they “mine”. They just occur as sounds just occur. No one has ever thought a thought. There is no “thinker” just like there is no “sounder” or listener. This applies to imagination, fantasies and memories too.

    When the anatta (no self) insight occurs clearly, regarding thoughts and all mental cognitions, then notice the feeling of identity as “me” when it arises. That “me” feeling is not occurring to another, real “me”, it is occurring in the empty mental space of anatta, that has no “me”, is not a “perceiver” or a witness. That “me” is an imaginary “me” identity projected by the subconscious mind, no more real than the “me” in last night’s dream.

    When this anatta insight occurs regarding the “me” itself, the seeker, the practitioner, the anxious one, the fearful one and the suffering one, all suddenly disappear. They were never real at any time, they were just imaginary projections of the subconscious mind. Nothing was ever problematic, except in the imaginary narrative of the “me”.

    The core of dualism is the presence of a “me” to which all phenomena seem apart from, and to whom phenomena seem to appear.

    A Buddha is a consciousness without a “me”. A citizen of samsara is a consciousness where the subconscious is projecting an imaginary “me”.

    A great video that can trigger and enhance the anatta insight:

    Neuroscience and Free Will
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Potřebujeme více SPIRITUALITY, ne náboženství - Stanislav Grof, 1994
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    7 důvodů, proč nikdy nenajdete lásku. Jiří Charvát (Rimmer)
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    no tak ted budes mit dobry sny zas :) a ten hlas....

    Visací zámek - Rtěnka
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    Lana Del Rey - Religion (Music Video)
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    KILLIAN --- ---
    LECITEL --- ---
    KILLIAN --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    TEDDYBEDDY --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    The Mirror in Dzogchen

    Tenzin Wangyal, Bonpo Dzogchen Master, captures the essence of Dzogchen in this video, please watch it all the way through and do the exercises with him:

    Being the Mirror, Not the Reflection
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