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    ztracené heslo?
    HRANIKACONEV - Cooperative Network of European Volunteers - EVS, ex-EVS, Evropská dobrovolná služba a co pak?
    Evropská dobrovolná služba - European voluntary service
    Chystáte se, láká Vás to - vyražte!
    Vrátili jste se, ale ne zas tak úplně - staňte se konevníkem!
    CONEV - ex-EVS asociace voluntýrů tělem i duší
    Zalijme si projekt společne!

    rozbalit záhlaví
    FUJI_ITA --- ---
    Dear friends,

    We are sending you this message as you have contacted us in the past and expressed your interest in volunteering at SEEDS in Iceland. If you do not wish to receive more of these messages, please let us know so that we can remove your email address from our mailing list.

    If you know someone who may be interested in volunteering in Iceland, please feel free to share this call for volunteers. With this call you will find 3 different types of projects according to their duration:

    1. LONG-TERM. These are placements through a number of different positions for a minimum of 6 months.

    If you want to apply for our long-term projects, please ONLY use the email address projects@seeds.is

    2. MID-TERM. These are placements for a period of 13 weeks.

    If you want to apply for mid-term and long-term projects, please ONLY use the email address projects@seeds.is

    3. SHORT-TERM. These are projects (from 1 to 2 weeks at the time) through our workcamps around Iceland. If you want to apply to these projects, please send us a message through our website at http://www.seeds.is/contacts


    We are looking for a number of long-term volunteers. We need to fill the following positions:

    Accommodation Manager (2x)
    Driver / Logistics Coordinator (1x)
    Photo-marathon Coordinator (1x)
    Office Assistant (Communications) / (1x)
    Office Assistant IT (1x)

    Please note that this project is self-sustainable and volunteers do not receive any support from EVS / the Erasmus+ program. If you are or can be beneficiary of a grant like for example Civic Service or part of a funded scheme, please let us know as well; as this may increase the chances of being selected.

    To know more about the position and the project details, please go to the following link:

    2015-07 SEEDS Iceland LTV opportunities.pdf

    Please read carefully the description. If you want to apply, please send us the following documents:

    Curriculum vitae (CV)
    Motivation letter (ML) - Specific for the project
    Completed questionnaire (Q):

    Applications should be submitted as soon as possible. We will start to select volunteers by July 14th 2015.

    Applications will only be considered if the 3 documents (CV, ML & Q) are received fully completed. Please state clearly your availability of time.

    Please find the preferred starting date for the positions below. Stay is for minimum of 6 months; longer stay is preferred.

    Accommodation Manager (2x) – starting date as soon as possible, ideally from 20.07.2015
    Driver / Logistics Coordinator (2x) – starting date 01.08.2015
    Photo-marathon Coordinator (1x) – starting date 25.08.2015
    Office Assistant (Communications) starting date 01.08.2015
    Office Assistant (IT) starting date 01.08.2015
    If you want to apply to these projects, please ONLY use the email address projects@seeds.is

    > 2. MID TERM PROJECTS. ( 13 week-long projects)

    We are looking for medium term volunteers. Please note that these projects are self sustainable and volunteers do not receive any support from EVS / the Youth in Action Program. To know more about the different positions and the project details, please go to the following link:

    2015-07 SEEDS Iceland MTV opportunities.pdf

    If you want to apply, please send us the following documents:

    Curriculum vitae (CV)
    Motivation letter (ML) - Specific for the project
    Completed questionnaire (Q):

    Applications should be submitted as soon as possible. We will start to select volunteers by July 14th 2015. Applications will only be considered if the 3 documents (CV, ML & Q) are received fully completed.

    Please send your applications for this project via e-mail to projects@seeds.is

    > 3. SHORT TERM PROJECTS (Usually 2 weeks-long projects)

    We have released new projects of our programme of short-term voluntary service projects through workcamps in Iceland for 2015!

    We are offering a wide variety of volunteer projects all around Iceland and you can find our latest programme of workcamps and their descriptions at the link below:


    Please download the pdf file and check all the different alternatives; apart from the descriptions of the workcamps, you will find there practical information about our projects including details on transport to Iceland, arrival & departure dates, domestic transportation, the participation fees, insurance, accommodation, language, age, conditions of participation, etc.

    Volunteers are in charge of paying participation fees to join the project(s) and of making their own travel arrangements from home to the project location and back home, however SEEDS usually arrange a costs-sharing option (minibus) from Reykjavík to the workcamp site to make the travel more convenient than with the public transportation services in Iceland.

    Please notice that the fees are to be paid on arrival in Euros (or Icelandic crowns) and they include board and lodging (food and accommodation) for the duration of the project. You can of course apply for more than one workcamp or come with someone else.

    New additions to the programme will be regularly uploaded in our site.

    You can also find the descriptions of our current (and past) projects at our website under www.seeds.is/workcamps

    If you are interested in joining these short-term projects, please send us a message through our website at http://www.seeds.is/contacts

    Do not hesitate to contact us again in case of questions, comments or remarks.

    Warm regards from Iceland,

    The SEEDS Office Team
    SEEDS Iceland
    SEEDS - Sjálfboðaliðar umhverfis landið
    Grettisgata 3a
    101 Reykjavík - Ísland
    Ph: +354-7713393
    Please think twice about our environment before printing out this message or any of the documents enclosed
    FUJI_ITA --- ---
    Dear friends,

    We hope this message finds you all well! You are receiving this message as you have in the past shown interest in volunteering at SEEDS in Iceland. If you do not wish to receive more of our messages and updates, please let us know so that we can remove your email address from our mailing list.

    If you know someone who may be interested in volunteering in Iceland, please feel free to share this call for candidates. With this call you will find 2 different types of projects according to their duration:

    1. LONG-TERM. These are placements through a number of different positions for a minimum of 6 months.

    If you want to apply for our long-term projects, please ONLY use the email address projects@seeds.is

    2. SHORT-TERM. These are projects (from 1 to 2 weeks at the time) through our workcamps around Iceland. If you want to apply to these projects, please send us a message through our website at http://www.seeds.is/contacts

    Please read carefully their descriptions and differences and let us know whether you are interested in applying.


    We are looking for a number of medium and long-term volunteers. We need to fill the following positions:

      •  Driver / Logistics Coordinator
      •  Office Assistant (Communications)
      •  Placement Officer
      •  Office Assistant IT
      •  Photo-marathon Coordinator
      •  Accommodation Manager
    Please note that this project is self-sustainable and volunteers do not receive any support from EVS / the Erasmus+ program. If you are or can be beneficiary of a grant like for example Civic Service or part of a funded scheme, please let us know as well; as this may increase the chances of being selected.

    To know more about the position and the project details, please go to the following link:

    2014-11 SEEDS Iceland LTV opportunities.pdf

    Please read carefully the description. If you want to apply, please send us the following documents:

      •  Curriculum vitae (CV)
      •  Motivation letter (ML) - Specific for the project
      •  Completed questionnaire (Q):

    Applications should be submitted as soon as possible. We will start to select volunteers by November 30th.

    Applications will only be considered if the 3 documents (CV, ML & Q) are received fully completed. Please state clearly your availability of time.

    The starting date for all positions is from December 2014. The latest starting date is on January 4th 2015. Stay is for a minimum of 6 months; longer stays are preferred.

    If you want to apply to these projects, please ONLY use the email address projects@seeds.is

    2. SHORT TERM PROJECTS. (Usually 2 weeks-long projects)

    We have released few new projects of our programme of short-term voluntary service projects through workcamps in Iceland for 2015 and still have available spots in some of our projects. In case you want to join us or know someone who may be interested in doing so; please feel free to pass on the information.

    We are offering a wide variety of volunteer projects all around Iceland and you can find our latest programme of workcamps and their descriptions at the link below:



    Please download the pdf file and check all the different alternatives; apart from the descriptions of the workcamps, you will find there practical information about our projects including details on transport to Iceland, arrival & departure dates, domestic transportation, the participation fees, insurance, accommodation, language, age, conditions of participation, etc.

    Volunteers are in charge of paying participation fees to join the project(s) and of making their own travel arrangements from home to the project location and back home, however SEEDS usually arrange a costs-sharing option (minibus) from Reykjavík to the workcamp site to make the travel more convenient than with the public transportation services in Iceland.

    Please notice that the fees are to be paid on arrival in Euros (or Icelandic crowns) and they include board and lodging (food and accommodation) for the duration of the project. You can of course apply for more than one workcamp or come with someone else.

    New additions to the programme will be regularly uploaded in our site.

    Yes, this year we again have projects during Christmas and New Years in Iceland!

    You can also find the descriptions of our current (and past) projects at our website under www.seeds.is/workcamps

    If you are interested in joining these short-term projects, please send us a message through our website at http://www.seeds.is/contacts

    We have included your email address in our mailing list and will send you updates when we have new placement opportunities and vacancies in our projects. If you do not wish to receive more of our messages and updates, please let us know so that we can remove your email address from our mailing list.

    Warm regards,

    The SEEDS office team
    SEEDS Iceland
    SEEDS - Sjálfboðaliðar umhverfis landið
    Grettisgata 3a
    101 Reykjavík
    Please think twice about our environment before printing out this message or any of the documents enclosed.
    INXS --- ---
    INXS: prosím o šíření. dík
    INXS --- ---
    ahoj, je to hodně na rychlo, vypadl jeden člověk z tohodle projektu
    BeInternational » Color of Incursion – Express Yourself Through Graffiti, 23. – 30. 9., Gruzie

    NANU --- ---
    Pokud by měl někdo zájem o měsíc strávený putováním po České republice s osvětovou kampaní Fotbal pro rozvoj, zde je příležitost: http://www.fotbalprorozvoj.org/?p=603
    Máte-li možnost informaci sdílet na vašich webech budeme vám moc vděční.
    FEFERONIE --- ---
    FUJI_ITA: mě to nijak neuráží (když to není to samé co chodí mě:) navíc tady nijak zvlášť živo není, jen jsem zvědavá.
    FUJI_ITA --- ---
    Jo tak, chodi mi furt jeste nabidky z youth network, ja uz na EVS byl takze applikovat nemuzu tak je sem preposilam kdyby to pro nekoho bylo prinosny, ale neprobiram to, třeba to tu někde sdělí kamarádovy z Bulharska.

    Jestli to nikoho nezajimá můžu to sem přestat vkládat

    FEFERONIE --- ---
    FUJI_ITA: jen nechápu, proč sem dáváš jakýsi projekt schválení pro lidi z bulharska a chtěla jsem to osvětlit..

    The volunteer have to be from Bulgaria.

    There will volunteers from 5 countries: Bulgaria, Poland, Germany, Italy and Portugal.
    It will be fun !!!
    FUJI_ITA --- ---
    FEFERONIE: nechapu tvuj prispevek, ergo chapu to tak ze jsi si precetl(a) prvnich cca 40 znaku a to bych ti doufam krivdil
    FEFERONIE --- ---
    FUJI_ITA: ...from bulgaria??
    FUJI_ITA --- ---
    New vacancy

    Vacancy: Approved project for volunteer from Bulgaria created at 23 Apr 2013
    The project is approved ! The volunteer have to be from Bulgaria. There will volunteers from 5 c...
    Vacancy: International Humanity Foundation created at 24 Apr 2013
    The International Humanity Foundation (IHF) is seeking forward-thinking, dynamic individuals of all ...
    Vacancy: International volunteer workcamp My world without hostility created at 25 Apr 2013
    The camp is help in Perm and dated for the “White nights” festival and 12 June, the City day. The pr...
    Vacancy: Become a volunteer in Thailand created at 27 Apr 2013
    Volunteer to help children in Thailand The International Humanity Foundation (IHF) is seeking for...
    Vacancy: Volunteer to help children in Thailand created at 27 Apr 2013
    Volunteer to help children in Thailand The International Humanity Foundation (IHF) is seeking for...
    Vacancy: Become a Voluntourist in Kenya created at 27 Apr 2013
    Become a Voluntourist in Kenya The International Humanity Foundation (IHF) is seeking forward-thi...
    Vacancy: Become a Voluntourist in Indonesia created at 27 Apr 2013
    Become a Voluntourist in Indonesia The International Humanity Foundation (IHF) is seeking forward...
    Vacancy: Volunteer to help children in Kenya created at 27 Apr 2013
    Volunteer to help children in Kenya The International Humanity Foundation (IHF) is seeking forwar...
    Vacancy: Expeditions to Kenya 2013 created at 27 Apr 2013
    Expeditions to Kenya this summer 2013! We have several projects lasting 10 days to 1 month. They a...
    Vacancy: Volunteer India created at 30 Apr 2013
    *Renovation and Repainting Group Project Volunteer:-15-30 vol. work type:-Renovation / Repaint/...
    Vacancy: Assistants éducateurs enfants de la rue created at 30 Apr 2013
    Carrefour Mission International ou CMI est une association loi 1901 (association à but non-lucratif)...
    Vacancy: Assistant de langue français ou anglais created at 30 Apr 2013
    Missions de volontariat/stage au sein d'un college bilingue situé dans la belle ville de Dakar. 2 as...
    Vacancy: Infirmière created at 30 Apr 2013
    Carrefour Mission International ou CMI est une association loi 1901 (association à but non-lucratif)...
    Vacancy: Alphabétiseur created at 30 Apr 2013
    Carrefour Mission International ou CMI est une association loi 1901 (association à but non-lucratif)...
    Vacancy: Youth Junk Orchestra Leader created at 02 May 2013
    Two suitable volunteers, under the direction of Music Harvest, will build Nablus’s first Percussion ...
    Vacancy: Become an activist join the fight against poverty in Africa and India created at 02 May 2013
    Join the programme "Fighting with The Poor" at College for International Co-operation and Developmen...
    Vacancy: Volunteers created at 06 May 2013
    The Friends of Animals Foundation was established in Nyíregyháza in 1993, doing its activities in Sz...
    Vacancy: Animal Friendship Foundation created at 07 May 2013
    The Friends of Animals Foundation was established in Nyíregyháza in 1993, doing its activities in Sz...
    Vacancy: Freiwilligendienst beim Deutsch-Polnischen Jugendwerk in Warschau created at 08 May 2013
    Wenn du einen Freiwilligendienst im Ausland verbringen möchtest, dich für die Arbeit in einer intern...
    Vacancy: Inspired Meaningful Holidays, Culture and Volunteer Travel breaks created at 09 May 2013
    Looking for a holiday break from the ordinary everyday life? Beacon of Hope Uganda will take you ...
    Vacancy: Where Will You Volunteer Abroad? – The Answer is definitely Uganda! created at 09 May 2013
    Programs are available in over 25 program sites in Uganda from 1-24 weeks. These project sites distr...
    Vacancy: Volunteer India with SMILE created at 09 May 2013
    Project: Environment and Recycling Activities Place : Madhyamgram and sealdah Living cost : Euro...
    Vacancy: Life on Stage created at 12 May 2013
    Magic Association works primarily in the arts and their impact on people with disabilities. This pro...
    Vacancy: HIVAIDS OUTREACH COORDINATOR created at 13 May 2013
    HIV/AIDS remains a serious health threat in many African countries including Ghana. Every year hundr...
    Vacancy: Eurocircle created at 14 May 2013
    Dear partners and future partners, EUROCIRCLE is an EVS sending, coordinating and hosting organiz...
    Vacancy: EVS mediawork with youngsters in a German castle created at 14 May 2013
    The Organisation "CJD Schloss Kaltenstein" as the city's landmark is situated on a nice hill, above ...
    Vacancy: EVS sport activities with youngsters in a German castle created at 14 May 2013
    The Organisation "CJD Schloss Kaltenstein" as the city's landmark is situated on a nice hill, above ...
    Vacancy: Linguistics Coordinator created at 15 May 2013
    Ludilangues is looking for 1 EVS , coming from Germany or Austria starting from August 2013 until J...
    Vacancy: Linguistics Coordinator created at 15 May 2013
    Ludilangues is looking for 1 EVS , coming from France starting from August 2013 until July 2014. T...
    Vacancy: Linguistics Coordinator created at 16 May 2013
    Ludilangues is looking for 1 EVS , coming from Poland to promote the French language. The mission w...
    Η Κοινωνική Ανάπτυξη Νέων είναι σε θέση να προσφέρει την ευκαιρία σε ένα άτομο 18-30 ετών να συμμετά...
    Η Κοινωνική Ανάπτυξη Νέων είναι σε θέση να προσφέρει την ευκαιρία σε ένα άτομο 18-30 ετών να συμμετά...
    Vacancy: The Global Student Project created at 16 May 2013
    Code-X International is set to develop a project in Zanzibar together with a local entrepreneur with...
    Vacancy: Volunteers for World Heritage camp in Vietnam We need 5 more volunteers created at 17 May 2013
    Vacancy: THE MISSING INGREDIENT v20 created at 17 May 2013
    The activities in which the volunteers will be involved, are our regular activities, which are creat...
    Vacancy: Development project in Third World created at 18 May 2013
    APPLY NOW AND WE WILL HELP YOU TO RISE FOUNDS FOR YOUR PROGRAM! It is not just great volunteer oppo...
    Vacancy: URGENTLY - EVS volunteers created at 19 May 2013
    Activities General Objective - Increasing the local community integration and life skills developme...
    Vacancy: International volunteer camp "Blurring the boundaries" created at 20 May 2013
    The camp is traditionally held in the city of Perm with the German organization Internationaler Bauo...
    Vacancy: working for children home in summer created at 20 May 2013
    The summer working with children home at Makuyu Children center is open for all the volunteers acros...
    Vacancy: Urban PIE a Cork Irlanda per 3 volontari EVS italian created at 20 May 2013
    Candidature aperte per il progetto EVS approvato "Urban PIE - Participation, Inclusion and Environme...
    New event

    Event: Workcamp in Gondang Village created at 22 Apr 2013
    Background : Gondang is one of the villages in Kendal Regency. It is located 1 hour by car to the w...
    Event: Summer School of Russian Language and Culture created at 26 Apr 2013
    Classes will run in decorations of the real Russian market, on the local train station, in the shop ...
    Event: Poetry contest Safeguard environment for disaster risk reduction created at 03 May 2013
    Contest Dates http://ukadrr.webs.com/poetry-contest The contest opens for entries on May 1, 2013 a...
    Event: Urgent call for Irish partners for a 11 youth exchange created at 09 May 2013
    Ballybough Youth Project has been accepted on a multi-lateral youth exchanges that is to take place ...
    Event: Irish partners needed for a 11 youth exchange in Romania created at 09 May 2013
    Ballybough Youth Project has been accepted on a multi-lateral youth exchange that is to take place i...
    Event: WHAT IS MY CULTURE created at 10 May 2013
    The theme of the project aims to challenge young people from different corners of Europe in order to...
    Event: MY LIFE IS MY PRIORITY created at 10 May 2013
    Car accidents are injuring or taking the lives of thousands of people every year, an important numbe...
    Event: LET’S GET MARRIED created at 10 May 2013
    This project aims to increase the awareness among young people concerning the importance of keeping ...
    Event: YOUTH GREEN SPORTS LEADERS created at 10 May 2013
    This project aims to increase awareness among young people the importance of playing sports, and liv...
    Event: Last call for applications to The 4th University Scholars Leadership Symposium created at 11 May 2013
    Last call for applications to the Manila Symposium 2013! Join the global movement of positive change...
    It will be a 8 days training course taking place in R.Macedonia, involving 10 partners organizations...
    Event: Think Outside The Box created at 13 May 2013
    Call for ROMANIAN participants: 'Think Outside The Box' is the project that will be held in UK. T...
    Event: International christmas created at 15 May 2013
    Associazione Culturale Link is looking for partners for a multilateral exchange that will have place...
    Event: BALKAN MEMORY PUZZLE created at 17 May 2013
    Balkan Memory Puzzle is an action in the context of "Europe for Citizens" program, action 4, which h...
    Event: Take apART created at 19 May 2013
    Description: 7 day training course “Take apART”. - is unusual project for youth leaders and youn...
    Event: Young Leaders in Action created at 20 May 2013
    This training course shall bring together young motivated youth workers and volunteers from SEE and ...
    Event: Fisrst steps created at 20 May 2013
    The project “First steps” is a project proposal that aims to create opportunities for quality partne...
    The EU Health Strategy (2008-2013) identifies health of children and young people as a priority for...
    Event: YE Cyclists in Action created at 21 May 2013
    This is call for only partner ORGANIZATIONS from YiA program and non-program countries to participa...
    With regards,
    YouthNetworks team.
    TAMJDEM --- ---
    CONEV opět ožívá a obnovuje svou aktivitu, a to v podobě Tamjdemových aktivit. Můžete s námi jet na víkendovku pomáhat některé české neziskovce, na workcamp do zahraničí, nebo se zúčastnit kreativních workshopů, jednodenních dobrovolnických akcí, knižních bazarů a jiných novotvarů.

    Mrkněte na náš web: http://www.tamjdem.cz/cs/

    Nazouváme nové kecky značky Tamjdem! Příležitost pro ty, co chtějí něco dělat!

    FUJI_ITA --- ---
    Dear friends,

    We are sending to you this message as you have contacted us in the past and expressed your interest in volunteering at SEEDS in Iceland. If you do not wish to receive more of these messages, please let us know so that we can remove your email address from our mailing list.

    We are glad to announce few openings in our SEEDS long-term volunteer program for 2013. Please read carefully the criteria below and send us the documents needed in case you want to apply:

    Eligibility: We will apply for support from the Youth in Action Program of the European Commission; which means you are eligible to apply if you are legally residing in one of the 27 member countries of the European Union and you are aged 18 to 30 years old (included) before May 1st.
    We will select and choose few candidates to volunteer at SEEDS Iceland for the following projects:

    International workcamps’ leaders / Environmental Messengers (EI: 2012-ISL-7)

    Six places available (4 for International workcamps’ leaders and 2 for Environmental messengers) starting in September 2013, for 9 months.


    If you are interested in any or some of the projects and the period of time suits you, please send to us via email BEFORE APRIL 23th (to evs@seeds.is), ALL the following documents in English:

    CV, Curriculum Vitae
    Specific motivation letter for the project(s) of your interest
    The filled form with a summary of your data and SEEDS questionnaire with additional questions.
    You can find the form at: http://www.seeds.is/files/2013/seeds-evs-candidates-questionnaire-2013.doc
    Applications will only be considered if the 3 documents are received fully completed. If you have applied for SEEDS projects in the past, please notice that the questionnaire has slightly changed.

    Please state clearly which project(s) you are applying for, your preference and availability of time.
    Do not hesitate to contact us again in case of questions, comments or remarks.

    Warm regards from Iceland,

    SEEDS Iceland
    SEEDS - Sjálfboðaliðar umhverfis landið
    Grettisgata 3a
    101 Reykjavík - Ísland
    Ph: +354-7713393
    FUJI_ITA --- ---
    Dear Friends,

    We are sending to you this message as you have contacted us in the past and expressed your interest in volunteering at SEEDS in Iceland. If you do not wish to receive more of these messages, please let us know so that we can remove your email address from our mailing list.

    We are glad to announce few openings in our SEEDS long-term volunteer programme for 2013. Please read carefully the criteria below and send us the documents needed in case you want to apply:

    Eligibility: We will apply for support from the Youth in Action Programme of the European Commission; which means you are eligible to apply if you are legally residing in one of the 27 member countries of the European Union and you are aged 18 to 30 years old (included) before February 1st.

    We will select and choose few candidates to volunteer at SEEDS Iceland for the following projects:

    International workcamps’ leaders (EI: 2012-ISL-7)
    Three places available; starting in May 2012, for 7 months.

    Environmental messengers (EI: 2009-ISL-12)
    Three places available; starting in May 2012, for 7 months.

    Farfuglaheimilið – Green Hostels (2009-ISL-10)
    Two places available; starting in May 2012, for 12 months.
    If you are interested in any or some of the projects and the period of time suits you, please send to us via email BEFORE JANUARY 20th (to evs@seeds.is), ALL the following documents in English:

    CV, Curriculum Vitae
    Specific motivation letter for the project(s) of your interest
    The filled form with a summary of your data and SEEDS questionnaire with additional questions. You can find the form at: http://www.seeds.is/files/2013/seeds-evs-candidates-questionnaire-2013.doc
    Applications will only be considered if the 3 documents are received fully completed. If you have applied for SEEDS projects in the past, please notice that the questionnaire has slightly changed.

    Please state clearly which project(s) you are applying for, your preference and availability of time.

    Do not hesitate to contact us again in case of questions, comments or remarks. Warm regards from Iceland,

    The SEEDS office team!
    SEEDS Iceland
    SEEDS - Sjálfboðaliðar umhverfis landið
    Grettisgata 3a
    101 Reykjavík
    NANU --- ---
    Rádi bychom Vás pozvali na Veletrh kariérových příležitostí 12.12.2012
    veletrhu se zúčastní neziskové organizace hledající stážisty, dobrovolníky a zaměstnance
    více na http://www.facebook.com/#!/events/328884227209200/
    FUJI_ITA --- ---
    Dear friends,

    We hope this message finds you all well; you are receiving this message as you have in the past shown your interest in volunteer/intern at SEEDS in Iceland. If you do not wish to receive more of our messages and updates, please let us know so that we can remove your email address from our mailing list.

    If you know someone who may be interested in volunteering in Iceland, please feel free to share this call for candidates.

    We are looking for a number of medium and long-term volunteers. We need to fill the following positions:

    Photo-marathon Coordinator
    Office Assistant IT
    Camp Leader
    Please note that these projects are self-sustainable and volunteers do not receive any support from EVS / the Youth in Action Programme.

    If you are or can be beneficiary of a grant like for example Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus, Civic Service or part of a funded scheme, please let us know as well; as this may increase the chances of being selected.

    To know more about the different positions and the projects details, please go to the following link: www.seeds.is/files/2012/2012-10-seeds-iceland-ltv-opportunities.pdf

    To know more about SEEDS and our activities, please visit www.seeds.is

    If you want to apply, please send us the following documents:

    Curriculum vitae (CV)
    Motivation letter (ML) - Specific for the project(s) you want to apply for
    Completed questionnaire (Q) http://www.seeds.is/files/2012/seeds-interns-ltv-candidates-questionnaire.doc
    Applications should be submitted by October 25th. Selection will be made on October 30th.

    Applications will only be considered if the 3 documents (CV, ML & Q) are received fully completed.

    Please state clearly which project you are applying for.

    If you want to apply for more than one project, apply for a maximum of 3 and state clearly your project preference and availability of time.

    Job is to start as soon as possible, the latest on November 20th and for a minimum of 3 months; longer stays are desired for all of the positions.

    Please send your applications via e-mail to projects@seeds.is

    We have included your email address in our mailing list and will send you updates when we have new placement opportunities and vacancies in our projects.

    Do not hesitate to contact us in case of questions or comments. Warm regards,


    SEEDS Iceland
    Klapparstígur 16
    101 Reykjavík
    Ph: +354-7713300
    HRANIKA --- ---
    Ja uz si presne nepamatuju cisla, delala jsem to skoro pred 10 lety, ale sending org dostava penize na kompletni vyslani, tj. vyskoleni, cestovne, za me to bylo i pojisteni a drobne vydaje (to uz zalezi pripad od pripadu, me tenkrat Inex zaplatil ockovani, vim ze nekteri dobrovolnici dostali od svoji sending org. dokonce treba mobil, treking boty, slovniky:) no a pak se ten grant z casti take pouziva na plat EVS koordinatora
    STADIK --- ---
    UNDERWORLD: FEFERONIE: INEX je v pohodě, ledaže bys chtěl podpořit nějakou malou.. Ale nevim, moc z toho asi mít nebudou - jak řiká FUJI_ITA:
    FEFERONIE --- ---
    UNDERWORLD: a co ti nevoní na inexu, jesti se můžu zeptat? taky jsem s nima v řešení a přijdou mi docela profi..
    FUJI_ITA --- ---
    UNDERWORLD: já jel přes Duhu, myslim ze z toho neco maj ale moc ne minimalne ale na pokryti cesttovnich nakladu a pojisteni
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam