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    ztracené heslo?
    DYSNY --- ---
    JAKOUBEK: pripadne to HA na zacatku...
    TOOMUCH --- ---
    co za font byste mi doporučili, kdybych chtěl aby třeba E byly jen tři čáry pod sebou, A vypadalo jako stříška atd.. dík. za boha si nemůžu vzpomenout na název
    ZOOEY --- ---
    JAKOUBEK: asi holt nebylo az tolik toho typografickeho hamasu .-)

    (hamas = entuziasmus .-)
    JAKOUBEK --- ---
    DYSNY: Jak uz jsem nekomu psal na fb... to S na konci jim trochu ujelo.
    ZOOEY --- ---
    DYSNY: ... + ode mne za volbu adekvatniho auditka .-)
    DYSNY: čoveče plus musím dát už za tu poznámku „ve skutečnosti je to vzhůru nohama“ :))
    DYSNY --- ---
    Šejk nechal vepsat své jméno do pouště, nápis je vidět i z vesmíru - iDNES.cz

    [ve skutecnosti je to vzhuru nohama...]
    CRS1138 --- ---
    Typography in Exploding-fluid Form - DesignTAXI.com
    LAYUP --- ---
    Jan Horcik (VSUP) z aktualni vystavy v Trafacce "Industrial"

    Endless Illusion | Výstava Industrial v Trafačce - pozvánka

    KUBA687 --- ---
    i když už je ddd v designovým nebi, na tohle by se nemělo zapomenout

    RP - Fonts - Mitim

    ’The typeface, provisionally titled Mitim (there’s something trianglular about that particular palindrome), should be based on the two examples I gave you – the BROADWAY text and the page from BLAST. The idea is to make a text typeface with triangular serifs. We imagine the weight should be the equivalent of a typical semibold (Plantin semibold for reference, for example), but it should be foremost designed for reading. From now on, unless there is a particular demand from a particular text, the whole of DDD will be set in Mitim; it will be used for all kinds of text, including essays, captions and cover. Over the coming issues we will use the typeface in whatever form it arrives in as we go to print. We suggest that with each new issue you add a new member to the family, and are paid each time as a regular contributor (i.e. The cost of a normal written commission). The previous version can also be amended based on all our comments after publication. In this way we will follow a character growing up in public. So for DDD11 you should produce a first version of the basic roman. Your deadline is a month from now, so 1 October 2005, though you can carry on working on it if you like up until we go to print, which will be about another month from then. Obviously I need some kind of version to start laying out the issue. Feel free to send anything for comment as and when you feel necessary, but beware, in doing so you will come up against mine and P’s unresolvable differences in taste, so you do so at your own risk.’
    UV_CAT --- ---
    Wim Crouwel clock app – Produced as part of the Wim Crouwel exhibition
    Wim Crouwel clock app

    Wim Crouwel - A graphic odyssey
    BARCIA --- ---
    Super Cool Illustrations & Typography by Jordan Metcalf

    FYI Monday: Super Cool Illustrations & Typography by Jordan Metcalf
    CHARVYBURGER --- ---

    Weave Type on the Behance Network
    GGG --- ---
    114.psd Type

    Emilio Gomariz made a font by just arranging 114 Photoshop files. Each letter is composed by different files, from 1 file for I till 9 files for X. OS X has this feature where it remembers the position of window after minimizing and bringing it back to the front. Emilio used this to make this video of the 114.psd Type. Brilliant!
    Watch the video!

    114.psd Type

    GGG --- ---
    UV_CAT --- ---

    Papercut – 3D font by Avi Haltovsky
    start http://www.papercutfonts.com/
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