Jinak jsem dnes delal ukol do skoly a sem by se ten kousek mohl hodit-je to jedna z otazek na ktere jsem odpovidal
Question:Explain the concept of the window of perception.
We have some possibility how to see and feel the „reality“.
When we go trough our life and growing up,we are finding the deeper connection with the essence, with who we really are.And when we are in this deep connection,our being vibrate on higher freguency and we have more energy to see more „things“.We can go through doors of Maya and duality and we can experience that world behind the world is not behind and that curtain falls and all levels of manifestation of non manifest world are here.
This process is also connect to process of creation.More we are in alow mode of being more the higher purpose of life, the wisdom and love can fulfill the“reality“.
It is principle of healing, it's way of entlighment.