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    DRAGONEarth - Nature Architecture and Art

    Kreativita planety Země

    víte o nějakém zajímavém místě nebo úkazu na Zemi? Napište to sem, přidejte polohu a fotografii.

    Darvaza je vesnice v Turkmenistánu v oblasti bohaté na zemní plyn. V roce 1971 geologové při vrtání narazili na obří podzemní jeskyni vyplněnou metanem, který začal unikat do okolí.
    Aby tomu zabránili, rozhodli se plyn zapálit a nechat ho shořet. Plyn hoří dodnes.


    btw: are we really that ignorant?
    rozbalit záhlaví
    KAREN --- ---
    DRAGON: ok, to mas pravdu, v testovinach mi davaj hribky, lisky... nejak sem si to nahodila jen na tu pizzu. ale koncim s ot, pardon)
    DRAGON --- ---
    KAREN: pokud mluvime o cesky pizzerii, tak tam at davaj treba vaclavky, neresim. Jed nekdy do italie a povime si ;) sem fakt nevidel, ze by treba penne ala fongi byla s zampionama, lol :)
    KAREN --- ---
    DRAGON: tys mel nekdy na funghi a jinejch pizzach nekdy neco jinyho nez zampion?? ;)
    DRAGON --- ---
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN: funghi? Mám za to, že to je italsky hřib, někdy i čistě houba, ale v gastru se tento výraz používá pro hříbkové ingredience. Imo :)
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN --- ---
    DRAGON: oni sou to spis zampiony zejo :)
    DRAGON --- ---
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN: kde presne v tom mam videt ty hribky? :)
    KAREN --- ---
    DRAGON: ja sem si rikala, co to je za masovy puzzle ,DD
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN --- ---
    DRAGON: prosciuto funghi
    DRAGON --- ---
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN: vidis v tom jezere taky to prosciuto? ;))
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN --- ---
    DRAGON: mazec :)

    musim dat jeste tohle :) zimni nebyl :D
    DRAGON --- ---
    jezero Natron, Tanzania...

    DRAGON --- ---
    nice! love it!
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN --- ---
    dlouho tu nic nebylo :)

    One of the cool natural breath-taking places in Russia are the “Lena’s stone forest” or “Lena’s Stone Pillars”.

    Many spend a lot just to get there and to take a look. This place is where the virgin Siberian woods stand untouched and the only way to get there is to take a four day journey from Moscow city. First, you have to take a flight so long that if you flew opposite direction you could easily come to New York, so far from Moscow that is, but that’s still Russia. The average price for such flight is around $800 by Russian airlines, and as you might guessed there are no foreign competitors on those routes. Then upon the arrival to Yakutia region, the land from where the significant part of world’s diamonds production originate from. Then from there the only way to go to this place is by a boat. Armed native individuals can offer you a “cheap” $500 trip on a small boat, so in three days you can be on spot. They can show you the fields of wild hemp flower around which, as some tourists say, often can be picked up by your guide while you are exploring the stone forest, and then boiled together with some milk to meet you when you are back in camp with some mind blowing mixture. And they are all armed there, those natives. Also you can take bit larger river boat that are run by some local companies and go with more comfort up the river. Of course, then there are no armed natives or botanical exploration.

    Also this one can be see on google maps to get an idea where the heck it is.


    DRAGON --- ---

    DRAGON --- ---
    existuje samozrejme HD verze celeho dokumentu.

    kdyztak je na HDbits.org
    DRAGON --- ---
    DRAGON --- ---
    delší verze mravenčího světa
    DRAGON --- ---
    paráda, krásný, fascinující, příroda je naprosto geniální umělkyně :)
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN --- ---
    BUBBLE: ja vim , chtel bych o tom videt nakej dokument nejlip HD :D
    BUBBLE --- ---
    CRUEL_ELLEGAN: tyvoe to je narez!
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