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    ztracené heslo?
    DRAGONEarth - Nature Architecture and Art
    MUFF --- ---
    YAMAOTOKO: podle wiki se jedna o hoax ;)
    Well to Hell hoax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    DRAGON --- ---
    CHEMIK: tak zrovna u tohodle filmu je to dost opodstatneny. Ty veci, co se tam probiraj, jsou dost vazny.
    CHEMIK --- ---
    DRAGON: Zabery v tom filmu jsou moc pekny, jen kdyby to nebyla takova eko-agitacka :).
    YAMAOTOKO --- ---
    Kolský super vrt
    YouTube - Kolský super vrt - zvuky pekla
    ONDRUCH --- ---
    Ledový kaňon, Grónsko
    Voda z roztátého sněhu vyhloubila kaňon hluboký 45 metrů.
    Ice Canyon Photo, Greenland Wallpaper – National Geographic Photo of the Day
    DRAGON --- ---
    ALERT: tak já mám doma 1080i verzi na Blu Ray, myslim ale že 720 verze předá tu informaci taky. Souhlas, je to škoda, na tohle bych šel třeba třikrát a klidně bych za to zaplatil víc než za ten brak, co teď v kinech dávaj.
    ALERT --- ---
    pze se na to musi do kina, 720p vubec nestaci
    skoda, ze uz to nedavaj
    DRAGON --- ---
    já nějak nechápu, proč sem tu ještě nedal tohle

    KATHARIINE --- ---
    Redwood National Park Pictures - US National Parks stock photos, fine art prints by QTL
    ONDRUCH --- ---
    Průvodce mlžným tropickým lesem
    Monteverde, Costa Rica
    DRAGON --- ---
    ONDRUCH: je to hodne pokrocila certifikace, je to HODNE nebezpecny. Doporucuju dokument Extreme Cave Diving, ukaze ti o cem to je :)
    ONDRUCH --- ---
    DRAGON: to může bejt ale hrozně nebezpečný, ne? :)
    DRAGON --- ---
    ONDRUCH: krása, cave diving je jedna ze specializaci IANTD, kterou si chci udelat :)
    ONDRUCH --- ---
    DRAGON: náš matikář (ital) tedy vždy, když mluvil o hřibech (a to hlavně v souvislosti s jídlem :D), tak používal porcini.. ale asi co kraj, to jiný název pro to samé
    KUTIL_TIM --- ---
    Ilulissat Icefjord, Denmark

    Near the top of the world, lies the glacier Ilulissat Icefjord.

    Situated on the west coast of Greenland near the town of Ilulissat and north of the Arctic Circle, this site offers scientists a magnificent natural laboratory for studying climate change and icecap glaciology.

    It's significant because the area is actually a combination of several extraordinary natural phenomena. A huge ice-sheet moving at the rate of 62 ft. (19m) per day. Now, combine that with the dramatic sounds of a fast-moving glacial ice-stream careening into a fjord already covered by icebergs. It makes for some incredible icy fireworks not found anywhere else on Earth.

    The Ilulissat Icefjord is one of the fastest and most active glaciers in the world, carving more ice per year than any glacier outside Antarctica.

    KUTIL_TIM --- ---
    Surtsey, Iceland

    A series of volcanic eruptions from 1963-1967 formed this very young island off the southern coast of Iceland.

    Because the island immediately received protected status, scientists have been able to study development of plant and animal life free of human influences in this small, isolated area.

    Watching the process of a new world form, scientists observed that the first seeds arrived via ocean currents. Molds, bacteria, and fungi appeared next, followed by the first vascular plant in 1965.

    This unspoiled natural laboratory is now home to 89 species of birds and 335 species of invertebrates.

    KUTIL_TIM --- ---
    Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley), Egypt

    This area south of Cairo tells one of Earth's most mindbending stories of evolution.

    Bone and skeletons scattered throughout the area show the transformation of whales (suborder: Archaeceti) from land-based to ocean-swimming mammals.

    Scientists have found fossils caught in the middle of the process: young whales losing their soon-to-be obsolete hind limbs.

    DRAGON --- ---
    MONIA: very nice :)
    MONIA --- ---
    doufam,ze nevadi jeste trochu Irska

    Cliffs of Moher

    The Cliffs of Moher (Irish: Aillte an Mhothair, lit. cliffs of the ruin, also known as the Cliffs of Mohair) are located in the parish of Liscannor at the south-western edge of the Burren area near Doolin, which is located in County Clare, Ireland.

    The cliffs rise 120 meters (394 ft) above the Atlantic Ocean at Hag's Head (Irish: Ceann na Cailleach), and reach their maximum height of 214 meters (702 ft) just north of O'Brien's Tower, eight kilometres away. The cliffs boast one of Ireland's most spectacular views.On a clear day the Aran Islands are visible in Galway Bay, as are the valleys and hills of Connemara.

    oproti MONIA: zazit Cliffs na vlastni kuzi je neco nepopsatelneho...z te vysky se az cloveku toci hlava a jit na prochazku tesne po hrane utesu (kde skoro vzdycky fouka) jedno mu zvednu hladinu adrenalinu v krvi :)

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