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    ztracené heslo?
    EXXXEquantel - znate? pracujete s nim? pada vam? rady, triky, novinky
    ALI --- ---
    buk. na nyxu uz je fakt vsechno... ja teda nebarvim, ale delam na tom obcas picoviny jako dustbusting a tak, nicmene mi pablo k srdci moc neprirostlo
    EXXXE --- ---
    a quatro vam neslibili? jsem koukal na webu, docela pekne to vypada...
    jj ceskej
    FOUR --- ---
    na kafkach = v ceske?
    FOUR --- ---
    Jo ted uz na EQ, modernizovali nas, nebo tak nejak:)
    EXXXE --- ---
    FOUR: delas na paintboxu ne? taky quantel :]. patrikovi uz jenom donesu posledni fakturu. ted delam na kafkach...
    EXXXE --- ---
    MARTASTAIN: no hw peknej. UI taky dobry, da se na tom delat, jenom kdyby to fungovalo tak jak ma :]
    FOUR --- ---
    EXXXE: Nevim jestli se mam pocitat za q-uantelistu ja? :))) Jeste stale u Patrika?
    MARTASTAIN --- ---
    me se jen libi HW :-)
    EXXXE --- ---
    ja to tak pochopil :]
    koukam ale ze tady asi budu jedinej quantelista...
    MARTASTAIN --- ---
    errr.... nenapadl me ten zjevny dvojsmysl.... mel jsem na mysli flamewar mezi Flame s velkym F a Quantelem :-)
    CLOJSTER --- ---
    Quantel... HAHA
    EXXXE --- ---
    jo a taky jsem ted zaregistroval, ze je na svete quatro, ale to se mi pod ruku asi jen tak nedostane :|
    EXXXE --- ---
    flame je ale jina rodinka, ne? :]
    mimochodem, quantel je dobry kamarad na dlouhe bezesne noci...
    MARTASTAIN --- ---
    book. bude flame :-)
    EXXXE --- ---
    CLAD: nejen klavesnice, tablet, jog/shuttle, stojanek na krysu /ten je dokonce na baterky/, maj taky svitici q
    CLAD --- ---
    ... a delaji taky pekny klavesnice s sviticim Q
    EXXXE --- ---
    asi tady nebude moc lidi, kteri s nim maji zkusenost, ale snad se taci najdou a pro ne je tento utulek...
    EXXXE --- ---
    Quantel has been at the forefront of the use of digital technology as a creative tool for the last 30 years and it is now using its vast experience to create tools for the new digital age - covering everything from terrestrial and multi-channel television, to broadband internet, DVD and d-cinema. Quantel’s generationQ is a radical, all-encompassing, new concept that offers total scalability in both hardware and software across post production, graphics and broadcast for multiple resolution, team-working production environments. With its sQ server technology, the company produces the world's most popular server-based newsroom systems; its iQ machine is responsible for more digital intermediate work, in more suites, in more countries than any other system; and with eQ it is leading the global transition towards HD production workflows. Since completing a management buyout in 2000, the company is now privately owned and employs nearly 500 people worldwide. It is headquartered in Newbury, UK and has offices in the USA, mainland Europe, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Korea and Australia.
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