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    ztracené heslo?
    EXXXEquantel - znate? pracujete s nim? pada vam? rady, triky, novinky
    vyrobce cele rady nastroju pro postprodukci filmu a videa


    Quantel has been at the forefront of the use of digital technology as a creative tool for the last 30 years and it is now using its vast experience to create tools for the new digital age - covering everything from terrestrial and multi-channel television, to broadband internet, DVD and d-cinema.

    Quantel’s generationQ is a radical, all-encompassing, new concept that offers total scalability in both hardware and software across post production, graphics and broadcast for multiple resolution, team-working production environments. With its sQ server technology, the company produces the world's most popular server-based newsroom systems; its iQ machine is responsible for more digital intermediate work, in more suites, in more countries than any other system; and with eQ it is leading the global transition towards HD production workflows.

    Since completing a management buyout in 2000, the company is now privately owned and employs nearly 500 people worldwide. It is headquartered in Newbury, UK and has offices in the USA, mainland Europe, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Korea and Australia.
    rozbalit záhlaví
    EXXXE --- ---
    ALI: klidne. kazdopadne ja uz jsem mimo obor. diskuzi ti muzu venovat, mas li zajem
    ALI --- ---
    co to tady predelat na klub o gradingu, spis nez o quantelu?
    SWINE --- ---
    Nechcete nekdo quantel pablo 4k i s panelem neo?
    EXXXE --- ---
    WITNESS --- ---
    Quantel loves us all

    EXXXE --- ---
    trochu pozde..
    ALI --- ---
    wau zeby konecne...

    V5.2 rev 4 - Now Released for Post (Pablo, iQ, eQ and Pablo PA)

    New Feature Headlines
    Mocha Planar tracker and Quantel Point tracker in MLTFX
    Combining of eyes to make a stereo clip – sync options now include first frame, TC or playhead
    Split/make stereo clip to/from V1 and V2 on the timeline
    Blend modes and opacity between colour cascades
    Plugins available within colour cascades
    Naming of MLTFX effects modules
    R,G,B viewing modes
    Blur – separate R,G,B channel blur
    Option to rename cascades in key menu
    Multiple non-contiguous segment select (yellow) for both video and audio
    Segment select based on colour highlights
    Multiple track and segment audio level adjust (includes copy and paste of audio fades)
    Update group range select
    EXR export with ACES support
    ACES support for F65 and ARRI raw
    Option to specify a share location/network drive for look-up tables
    Export – support for XDCAM
    Import / softmount and Export – SStP (Sony SRMASTER) support
    Import / softmount – GoPro .mp4 support
    F1 menu to reduce MLT menu updates to improve player performance
    New keyboard shortcuts
    A red border is now visible around the render box to indicate a render mis-match to the output setting
    STL subtitle code page support
    EXXXE --- ---
    MUCKER: nejak jo ;)
    MUCKER --- ---
    .)) prej si uz nejak se na to vykaknul v telce...
    EXXXE --- ---
    tak u toho zase sedim. a docela z toho mam radost :) sive v4, ale lepsi nez smokem do oka
    ALI --- ---
    po par zpravach mam pocit, ze by mohlo existovat jeden vfx klub (mimo 3d teda), kde by to aspon zilo.

    dohromady s temito

    [ vfx, cgi, filmove efekty - tvorba, making of, rady, zajimave linky ]
    [ SHAKE & NUKE_Advanced digital effects compositing ]
    EXXXE --- ---
    ALI: bordel tady asi nevadi. nicmene myslim, ze na nyxu moc grejdaru nebude
    ALI --- ---
    Premejslim o zalozeni klubu venujiciho se gradingu (barevne korekce, primarne filmu a videa) na nyxu - ale chtel bych nejdriv vedet, jestli to tu nekoho vubec zajima. Co myslite?

    Radsi do mailu, at tu neni bordel.

    EXXXE --- ---
    tai smoke je teda strasna sracka, zlatej quantel...
    EXXXE --- ---
    jo ui... ale pisnicka pekna :))) to uz musi mit clovek naklikano na takovy frajerinky ;)
    ALI --- ---
    jojo, ja si pamatuju svoje zacatky na flameu... sice jsem manual procetl od zacatku do konce dvakrat, ale tam to taky skoncilo .)

    kdyz se na tom naucis, umi to skvely veci, ale ja to ui nikdy neprekousl, umim v tom jenom zaklady.

    a tady pisnicka!

    The Flame - YouTube
    EXXXE --- ---
    zatim nevim, jeste ani neumim zalozit projekt, je to uplne jiny
    ALI --- ---
    jinak Quantel V5.1 rev 8_P4 released
    ALI --- ---
    EXXXE: hezky, to sem zvedavej, kolik tu tech kvantelu za chvili zbyde .)
    EXXXE --- ---
    hmm to uz se me moc netyka. archivujeme projekty a cteme manualy na smoke 2012...
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam