The Town of Hostomice pod Brdy
From the 14th century onwards, this location nestling in a valley protected from three sides by the hills of Plešivec, Housina and Studený was part of the Karlštejn demesne. In 1738 Emperor Charles VI granted town status to Hostomice. From the 1700s on, the town thrived on pottery and the hobnail trade. Conceived as a park, the local square contains the Baroque Church of St Peter and a Marian column. The local Jewish cemetery has preserved a touch of antiquity. There is a primary school whose name recalls the painter P. Lisý, a native son of Hostomice. The professor of anatomy V. Treitz was born in the village and the priest and national revivalist J. Šmidinger worked here.
H O S T O M I C E 
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