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    ztracené heslo?
    JESSIEATREIDESsvětová a česká politika z pohledu zahraničních médií
    BRUN --- ---
    tak urcite jsem to trochu nadsadil, ale porad je to blog vzdelavaci instituce.
    LONESTAR --- ---
    BRUN: no že by Ludwig von Mises Institute byli jen tak nějakcí "strejdové z Horn Dolní"...
    BRUN --- ---
    to by bylo super, kdyby to bylo na cnn.com
    takhle je to asi jako by to napsal strejda z horni dolni :)
    LONESTAR: tohle je super!
    LONESTAR --- ---
    There still are elected people in the world (other than Ron Paul) who make sense...
    http://blog.mises.org/archives/009677.asp ;-)
    VIR_KENNY --- ---
    TILIO: no a?
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    International Herald Tribune: Po Topolánkově výlevu se EU usilovně snaží o nápravu škod
    Katinka Barysch, náměstkyně londýnského Střediska pro evropskou reformu (Centre for European Reform), zdůraznila, že Topolánek ochromil konsensus, který byl pracně vytvořen na vrcholné schůzce v Bruselu minulý týden. "Evropská unie pokročila k dobře vypracované argumentaci," řekla. "Topolánek to zpochybnil." Je záhadou, proč to udělal právě v této chvíli, řekla a dodala: "Proč Topolánek právě v této chvíli zahájí kanonádu proti lidem, kteří chtějí víc stimulovat ekonomiku, to je záhada. Je to asi jeho osobní postoj."
    TILIO: a my snad umíme nosit i nějaký jiný střih? ;oDDDD
    AETHER --- ---
    Globalisierung oder "Bohemisierung"?

    Aneb o ceske jazykove politice.
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Buďte silní jako USA, vyzval Evropu prestižní list
    Ekonomická krize ohrožuje ideu jednotné Evropy a včerejší krizový summit svolaný českým premiérem Mirkem Topolánkem tyto obavy neuklidnil, ale naopak posílil. Slabá Evropská unie by si měla vzít příklad ze Spojených států. Tak vidí současné debaty o řešení hospodářské krize na půdě Evropské unie prestižní americký deník New York Times (NYT).
    The Economic Crisis Hits Eastern Europe But not acting could end up costing Western capitals more than helping out. That's because Western banks have huge exposure to emerging European economies, either directly or through local subsidiaries. Austrian banks alone have a more than $293 billion exposure to Eastern Europe, roughly 80% of the Austrian GDP.
    "Given the combination of banking and trade links between Eastern and Western Europe that have been built up over the past five to ten years, it's clear that this cannot be seen as a self-contained regional crisis," says Neil Shearing, Eastern Europe economist at Capital Economics in London.
    Big Banks Face 'Stress Tests' From Regulators

    The Obama administration hopes to restore confidence in the nation's ailing financial sector by subjecting 19 of the largest banks to ''stress tests'' that will gauge whether each institution has adequate capital to survive a severe downturn.

    Downturn to Cost Billions In Aid to World's Poor
    Falling Revenues Threaten Rebuilding and Stability in Iraq

    Obama’s Iraq Plan Has December Elections as Turning Point for Pullout

    Obama's Iraq Pullout Plan: A Thumbs-Up From Anbar

    The key to the turnaround in Anbar, says Kelly, wasn't the 30,000-strong U.S. surge, which sent relatively few reinforcements to Anbar. Instead, the local population — mostly Sunnis, who had largely supported the insurgents — grew so fed up with the brutality of the al-Qaeda element that it rose up against the insurgency. Tribal sheiks who had once fought against U.S. forces began to work with the Marines in a tacit "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" alliance. "If the objective is zero violence in the nation of Iraq, it's impossible," Kelly said. "But if the objective is [to reduce] violence [to a level] manageable by the Iraqi police and the Iraqi army, we're all but there throughout most of the country."
    Zimbabwe’s Rival Leaders Deploy Their Chess Pieces, With Political Power the Prize

    Two weeks after Zimbabwe’s opposition leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, was sworn in as prime minister and joined President Robert Mugabe in governing, the archrivals are openly matching wits and wiles in a struggle to dominate the political landscape of a country whose people endure hunger, cholera and political repression.

    C.I.A. Pakistan Campaign Is Working, Director Says

    The C.I.A. in recent months has intensified its covert campaign of missile attacks in the tribal areas, carrying out more than 30 strikes against Qaeda and Taliban leaders from drone aircraft. Mr. Panetta stopped short of directly acknowledging the missile strikes, but he said that “operational efforts” focusing on Qaeda leaders had been successful.

    Ruling Throws Pakistan into New Political Turmoil

    Pakistan has been plunged into a fresh phase of political instability after the country's two main opposition leaders were barred from elected office. The controversial ruling from the Supreme Court has sparked violent and angry protests against the government of President Asif Ali Zardari in Punjab, the largest and wealthiest province of the country. Just as Pakistan's civilian leadership most needs to unite to tame militants, the country's two main political parties have revived their poisonous rivalry, setting off on a potentially destructive confrontation with each other.
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