GAF: celá ta stránka je prdel imho ;)...něčí recese,pokus jestli se najde někdo,kdo je fakt tak moc,že jim dá ty peníze za ty bleble ;)
viz. tato ukázka:
Start meditating with these magic words for at least 30 minutes a day to begin with and increase your meditatiing time to 2 hours a day as soon as possible. Repeat them in the exact order that they are.
It is better to have some diet coke in your bloodstream (if possible) before starting the meditation exercise. You may drink as much as you desire of diet coke in the 20 oz and 1 liter sizes and at McDonald's (with caffeine) in the plastic bottles only. The double-quarter-pounder/with cheese meal at McDonald's is the other part this diet. Try to eat at least one meal a day for a while to get started. Go back to my web site periodically to see if you can start to feel the magic (The energy from my writings) after reading a few paragraphs.
It is OK to drink from the cups when eating at McDonald. I highly recommend that you eat at McDonalds when ever possible. All McDonalds are constructed on properties that are protected by 5th Dimenstional high energy/spiritual portals.