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    ztracené heslo?
    WENCA --- ---
    KUANG11: dik, tohle je hodne dobry
    KUANG11 --- ---
    Deer Tick - War Elephant

    Deer Tick, who are they and why do have this ridicuously hayseed name? Deer Tick is basically one guy, John McAuley, his musical vision and a few accompanying musicians. But what a musical vision it is. McAuley graduated High School in 2004 which makes him what...about 22 or 23. The music reaches beyond that age. His voice has this worn gravelly quality which he uses to great affect. McAuley hails from Providence Rhode Island and is ready to break upon the world. He is a do it yourself Kurt Cobain, a little bit of Neil Young, some alt country mixed in, and all in all the complete musical package. He knows his way around a song. The jangly street music, "These Old Shoes," will get your toes a' tappin' and the lyrics get you laughing, "It was a no-go, for this hobo." "Art isn't real (City of Sin)," has this 70's AM radio pop folk quality to it. And then there's "Christ Jesus," "I woke up next to the King / Got up and gone fixed me something / And it made me sick how I can't trust him / Christ Jesus / Have you seen us / Down on our hands and our knees / and Tell us what's the Reason." Granted it's not your standard gospel number, but it has human suffering and the depth of the human experience in spades.

    KUANG11 --- ---
    Honkeyfinger - Invocation of The Demon Other

    A one man force of evil seduction. I dare say he tops Rob Zombie. Hailing from Bethnal Green, he describes his sound as skronk blues beast rock partial to fuzzy harmonicas and driving percussion. He's got the sound of an entire angry shotgun toting hillbilly ensemble all to himself, expect magnified to the grimmiest most careless sense of that analogy. Throw a little beatboxing loops and rattlesnakes into the mix and you've got one bad ass motherfucker. Oh wait, he's from the UK? I don't get it either, but it sounds pretty damn nastalgic.

    KILLERT --- ---
    Porta 2010 ŘEVNICE

    Festival se koná v Řevnicích 25. až 27.6.2009.
    Jedná se o hudební festival, který zahrnuje trampskou, folkovou, bluegrasovou a county muziku ale najde se zde i více dalších žánrů.

    KUANG11 --- ---
    Redneck Girlfriend - Off The Wagon

    These guys rule! I was lucky enough to catch 'em live in Seattle. I've seen a lot of shows over the years and I'm not at all easily impressed. These guys flat out f@&kin' floored me. Their sound is a tight high energy blend of honky-tonk, punk, with some rock-a-billy thrown in for good measure and it's done very well I might add. Imagine tatoos and well worn cowboy hats.

    KUANG11 --- ---
    Blue Mountain - Homegrown

    No act better epitomizes alternative country than Blue Mountain. This trio from the woods of northern Mississippi is a rock band with twang to spare. The title comes not from a dumb pot joke but from a sense that these tracks sprang from the musicians' backyard. "Homegrown" opens with "Bloody 98," an uptempo blues shuffle that finds singer-guitarist Cary Hudson describing the state highway between Mobile, Alabama, and Hattiesburg, Mississippi, in a nasal moan straight out of Bob Dylan's "Maggie's Farm." Counterbalancing that song is "Babe," one of the most convincing rock & roll odes to marriage ever. The album also contains Hudson's most pointedly political song yet, "Generic America," a galloping folk rock anthem that takes a broad swipe at "shopping malls and prison walls."

    ~245 kbps VBR

    KUANG11 --- ---
    Hank III - Straight To Hell

    256 kbps

    This is the country album for everyone who thinks they hate country music. For everyone that misses Waylon Jennings and Johnny Cash every time they hear a new Toby Keith song. If country is more than a big smile and a big hat to you, than Hank III is writing for you. Recommended.

    KUANG11 --- ---

    192 kbps

    This was my soundtrack to the summer of 2006. Curt Kirkwood is a member of the Meat Puppets, an Arizona band that put out a string of amazing psych-rock albums in the 80s and then had about seven and a half minutes of fame after making a guest appearance at Nirvana’s MTV Unplugged performance. This is his first and only solo outing so far, a fun little country/folk record. It’s a fairly stripped down and understated affair, dominated by acoustics guitars and Kirkwood’s trademark acid-fried poetry sung in his lazy drawl.

    KUANG11 --- ---

    alt-country, americana, country-rock

    ~300 VBR

    Album ktery v sobe nese vlivy country, punku a klasickyho rocku ... pisnicky ze zivota, vod srdicka atp ... paradni texty, naslaply kytary, do zlatova vypecena muzika ... dokazu si predstavit ze tohle posloucham v lete cestou nekam k babicce na chatu ... kde se pak ale chystam s dedeckem poradne vylejt :) Udajne legendarni album alt. country zanru, coz nepotvrdim, ale muzu rict ze mi sakra chutna ...

    VEON --- ---
    díky díky!!
    MALAMUT --- ---
    VEON: #

    sobota 17. října - 19:00 Kulturní centrum Vltavská, Bubenská 1, Praha 7

    sobota 17. října - 20:00 v Country - restaurantu Montgomery na Žernovce u Říčan
    KILLERT --- ---
    Veon ja jsem z prahy ale at se divam na cokoliv tak v sobotu 17.10. neni nikde nic. Bouzel neporadim.
    VEON --- ---
    vazeni pratele, muzete mi prosim poradit, jedna moje znama z anglie chce navstivit nejaky country klub v praze a ja jelikoz to totalne nesleduju, tak se snazim nedke ziskat radu, kam by mohla zajit. jedna se o sobotni vecer 17.10. jestli o necem vite diky!
    MR_JACK --- ---
    Po dlouhé době "pondělní country" ... Sheryl Crow asi každý zná, ale Shelby Lynne... mmmm... slečna, jejiž otec zastřelil její mámu, a pak sebe... to je country!

    KILLERT --- ---
    Jelikož je toto téma tak jsem hodím pozvánku na hudební festival, který pomáhám organizovat. myslím si že to sem tématicky zapadá. Pokud to bude vadit tak klidně topik smažu. děkuji:-)

    Porta 2009 ŘEVNICE

    Festival se koná v Řevnicích 26. až 28.6.2009. Jedná se o hudební festival, který zahrnuje trampskou, folkovou, bluegrasovou a county muziku ale najde se zde i více dalších žánrů. Všeobecně se jedná o písně a hudební styly spjaté s přírodou, které do Řevnické lesní scény perfektně zapadají. Program a další informace o festivalu můžete najít zde: http://www.porta-festival.cz/program-porta-revnice-2009-2.html Porta má též svou prezentaci na Youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/portafestival kde si posluchači mohou poslechnout několik interpretů z minulého ročníku.

    vstupné 200Kč na den a 450Kč permice
    MR_JACK --- ---
    Mno jo, nebyl čas... a jelikož není ani teď, tak postnu jen srdcovku...

    Willie Nelson – Angel flying too close to the ground

    LAMICZKA --- ---
    pondělí v čudu .. za dveřma pátek .. a zase žádná novinka k poslechu ... !

    špatně to tu pane řídící vedete ! :)
    MR_JACK --- ---
    To jsem rád, že jsem potěšil :)
    CALE --- ---
    a ten simon and garfunkel v tom ... luxus !!!
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam