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    ztracené heslo?
    DANCHEZvfx, cgi, filmove efekty - tvorba, making of, rady, zajimave linky
    TURBO --- ---
    MEDINY: projdi si květinářství/dekorace a ptej se po koulích na plot :)
    PANIKA --- ---
    DANCHEZ: ok, jen teda upozornuju, ze to je dost krehky, vim ze jsme jich meli vic, nez jich mame ted...
    DANCHEZ --- ---
    PANIKA: muzes to info pak hodit i sem? myslim ze nas je vic co oceni levnou alternativu:)
    MEDINY --- ---
    PANIKA: Skvělý, děkuju moc!
    PANIKA --- ---
    MEDINY: kluci 3dckovy od nas sehnali skoro idealni z jablonce z nejaky vyrobny kouli na stromecek.. zkusim zjistit podrobnosti..
    MEDINY --- ---
    Dostala jsem za úkol sehnad reflexní kouli, která slouží k nafocení HDMI mapy.
    Měla by složit jako pomůcka k správnému nasvícení 3D scény.
    Jsem více méně lajk, dělám "popelku" v postprodukční firmě a plním nejrůznější šílenosti, co při natáčení i po něm usnadní dodržení termínu deadlinu, takže uvítám jakoukoli pomoc a radu. děkuji.

    Neboli toto: (omlouvám se za dlouhý odkaz, bohužel mi nejde vložit obrázek)

    vfx balls - Hledat Googlem
    DANCHEZ --- ---
    MEDINY: nevim jestli u nas sezenes, asi jedine amazon/ebay
    DANCHEZ --- ---
    SHQ --- ---
    SHQ --- ---
    DANCHEZ --- ---
    The second, smaller version, the M5 that will be on sale at some point in the near future (once the production capacity is in full swing) will be sold for a price point under $7,500.
    to uz by slo
    ALI --- ---
    DANCHEZ: kdyz si vemes, kolik by te stal na den steadicam(ista), tak to neni tak hrozny. v par lidech koupit a pronajimat by se dalo .)
    LOOCAS --- ---
    Hrozivej úlet, jak jsou ty steady camy drahý. Jinak 15K USD je "za hubičku" oproti jinejm rigům, co jsem tak slyšel. Fakt úlet.
    DANCHEZ --- ---
    ALI: hm pekny ale 15000usd
    ALI --- ---
    ja zeru tohle

    MōVI in Action (Quick Video)
    LOOCAS --- ---
    DANCHEZ: Tohle je brutální nálož! :)
    OLTSKUL --- ---

    Hi all,
    I've just released the new version of Corona, Alpha v4. It contains all updates from daily builds. It is attached at the end of this forum post.
    It is subject to the Corona licence/disclaimer. The installation instructions are here.

    The changes reflect half a year worth of development, and are too numerous to list them all. Below is a list of the most significant ones. There were also lots of small bugfixes/performance improvements/tweaks

    Major new features
    - New Virtual Frame Buffer, with better desing and functionality
    - Optional Light portals, for speeding up rendering of scenes with small windows
    - Better system of artistic control fakes (selective visibility of objects)
    - New robust algorithms for rendering caustisc (toy implementation, generally not usable in production):
    - Bidirectional Path tracing
    - Vertex Connection and Merging,
    - Light tracing,
    - Progressive Photon Mapping
    - Windows Vista support (again)
    - Option to autosave renders during and at the end of rendering
    - GUI layout for settings and texmaps reworked

    Major bugfixes:
    - Fixed unpredictable blurriness of some textures
    - Fixed performance scaling on multiprocessor machines
    - Massively improved convergence of scenes with tens of thousands of lights
    - Fixed holes in objects with displacement and/or motion blur
    - Massively improved performance and decreased memory consumption when using displacement and textured light emitters
    - Fixed bug causing wrong defaults to be set after scene reset
    - Fixed crashes when using some texmaps

    Some of the minor new features:
    - Diffuse/Reflect/... render passes now contain direct lighting
    - Blowup and Crop render modes are now supported
    - Material editor rendering quality spinner added
    - Bucket rendering now works progressively
    - Corona scatter now supports volume scattering
    - Colored Bokeh effect
    - Camera clipping added (via Corona camera modifier)
    - Option to disable colormapping for a texture (via Corona Map Output texmap)
    - "Hide edges" in Corona Edge texmap now works
    - Implemented full sky model for high quality closeup renders of sunset
    - VPL renderer/GI solver (fast biased solver, toy implementation)

    Corona benchmark scene
    It is a standalone, no-3dsmax-needed benchmark for Corona. See here: http://corona-renderer.com/forum/index.php/topic,559

    Known issues
    - When opening older scenes, you need to open render settings dialog and then resave (warning windows will pop). Sometimes, it is necessary use merge to load an old scene.
    - Sharp edges on diffuse surfaces of low-res geometry when using strong and small light sources, or bump mapping. FIX: tesselate the geometry further
    - Using motion blur on geometry with changing topology (face count) is not supported, such objects are not rendered
    - NormalBump map is not supported
    - VFB is occasionally slow or displays as see-through on windows 8 + geforce 6xx. The latter can be fixed by minimizing and maximizing 3dsmax again
    MATHEF --- ---
    KONOPASLIK --- ---
    DANCHEZ: Odpovídal jsem pod dojmem videa dříve, než jsem klikl na odkaz na ten shop. Já jsem hračička, asi bych si to stejně vyráběl, ale je pravda, že za tuhle cenu nemá smysl to šmudlat doma z jinýho důvodu, než DYI masturbace. :)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam