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    ztracené heslo?
    MICHALFRIDRICHKrautrock / 60s70s Electronic / No Wave / New Wave / Postpunk
    JONY --- ---
    Cold Cave - Cherish The Light Years (2011)

    Free File Hosting, Online Storage & File Upload with FileServe
    SOPOR32 --- ---
    dneska sem objevil tuhle kapelku, jsou dost stary ale treba to nekdo taky nezna

    YouTube - Front - Polaroid - 1981.mov
    ALADAR42 --- ---
    Zrovna jsem nasel..

    Support: Phil Schoenfelt + Pavel Cingl
    Bunkr Parukarka

    Jinak hrajou jeste ve dvou mestech u nas..
    ORLOCK --- ---
    Food Pyramid - II [Moon Glyph, 2010]

    Entitled simply “II”, Food Pyramid’s second release for Moon Glyph might be viewed as an extenuation of their debut cassette, which the release both is and isn’t. Having introduced the listener to their long-form template and insistent beat, Food Pyramid find themselves in a place to experiment. Jettisoning any “live” touches from their sound this time around (i.e. the saxophone and guitar), “II” is a pure expression of the band’s electronic angle. Preserving the propulsion they established on their previous record, Food Pyramid commingles its strength for drawn-out melody lines with a more spirited handling of the repeater and delay dials.

    BIRLIBAN --- ---

    Tango Luger - S/T (1981 France)
    coldwave / post-punk / experimental

    The Passage - Degenerates (1982 UK)
    post-punk / synthpop / experimental

    Sad Lovers and Giants - Epic Garden Music (1982 UK)
    post-punk / post-punk / post-punk
    SOPOR32 --- ---
    ORLOCK: vyborny
    ORLOCK --- ---
    Food Pyramid - [Moon Glyph, 2010]

    genre : krautrock

    ORLOCK --- ---
    Pre tých čo nesledujú kryptofašistické fóra, možno aj sem :
    [ ORLOCK @ New Music Downloads ]
    GUSTAVTUTRE --- ---
    YouTube - OCCULT CHEMISTRY - Fire (Destroy Create)
    ORLOCK --- ---
    ORLOCK: Scorpion Violente feels fucking illegal. Ripped from the sonic beast of Metz-area France (see also: The Anals, A.H. Kraken, Normals, et al), the duo are just as dirty-nasty-raw as any of their neighbors: smoldering throbs of bass, beats like black leather and illicit sex, so many screeching synths. Think Cheveu meets Cccandy meets Cabaret Voltaire—then think about Giorgio Moroder producing it all from the backseat of a stolen Lamborghini.

    And lest you think such danceable ultra-violence can’t hold water beyond a seven-inch or two, behold Uberschleiss: eight tracks of mega-fucked, Italo-fueled, trashy analogue jams that rarely let up or even threaten to lose their footing. From the piercing propulsion of “Fugue De Pute Mineure” to the rudimentary grit-shuffle of “Viol et Revanche” (which translates to “Rape and Vengeance” or, if you smush the first two words together, purple revenge a la fresh bruises), each track surges forward like bloody hell on the Autobahn. Even the comparatively lighter songs—”The Cherrypopper”, for instance—punch and kick and bite; ballads forged from shattered bone, the way only Scorpion Violente could do them.

    Still, you’ve got to get used to all this screeching. Though the heaviest of beats and bass do cut through it, loads of Uberschleiss is buried beneath of waterfall of wails, most notably the (Suicide-esque) moaning vocals. But then, Scorpion Violente aren’t much for subtlety. Vengeance and violence and black-clad beasts dancing all drug-addled to woozy Italo-industrial, sure. Minor shifts in mood and melody, smooth little synth lines: not so much. But to be totally honest? They’re 100% better—and more dangerous—for it.
    ORLOCK --- ---
    Scorpion Violente - Uberschleiss [Avant! Records, 2010]

    dark wave, minimal synth, post punk, rough electro, witch house, post industrial

    KILL77 --- ---
    WERMUT - Ether (2LP, 2010)

    "After four years of intense cosmic labour, here comes full-length number five from the prog-electro duo, now turned trio with multi-instrumentalist NIEDOWIERZANIE joining forces, and assisted by guest drummer FALKO GRAU. The four long trance inducing Berlin-school influenced psychedelic pieces will take you on an 85 minutes long journey to the fountain of life. This new opus is without a doubt the band’s most traditionalist work to date, reflecting on the quintessence, the doctrine of the five elements, the cycles, the holy mountain, the world tree and what has been the bands most recurring symbolic interest: the heart of the world. Some "Tomhetian" melodies here, a hint of Southern Rock a la EARTH and Post-Rock a la GYBE there, a soupcon of 80s minimal wave romanticism and a bit of Cascadian feeling combined with loads of pulsating analogue sequencing in the style of ASH RA TEMPEL, TANGERINE DREAM and TIM BLAKE, "Ether" is the logical continuation of works like "Anna" and "Les Nuits Dalmates", moving further away from the new wave of the 80s and investigating the more obscure psychedelics of the 70s… Enter the realm of metaphysical Post-Kraut-Rock!"

    Uloz.to! - wermut - 2010 - ether.rar
    MIKEH --- ---
    Musiccargo live in Paris 2010
    Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
    ORLOCK --- ---
    The Soft Moon - s/t [Captured Tracks, 2010]

    genre : darkwave, coldwave, synthwave, post-punk

    After snagging our attention with an unassuming 7" earlier this year, The Soft Moon returns with an equally captivating debut album. That single 'Parallels' makes a noteworthy appearance amidst superbly executed references to Joy Division, Bauhaus and swathes of the most f**ked darkwave imaginable. Just check the super low-slung, motorik bassline of 'Circles' and the gothic agitations of 'Out Of Time' for a good entry, and then go to 'When It's Over' to witness them on a far slower and more epic tip. 'We Are We' is their most EBM moment, powered by buzzing, serrated saw tooth synth and sheets of distortion and then there's the towering might of potential anthems 'Tiny Spiders' or the Pump-esque 'Into The Depths'. Really, this is one of the best coldwave/darkwave pop albums you'll come across this year

    SALEM --- ---

    Zvuková magie starých i nových vrstev: Qa'a (ESP) + Soxol 16. 11. ve Finalu
    V rámci podzimního turné, které zahrnuje i zastávky na významných festivalech Audiscope v Oxfordu nebo Saint Ghetto ve švýcarském Bernu (letos např. s The Residents, Charlemange Palestine nebo Stevenem Stapletonem) se v pražském klubu Final zastaví psychedelická post-rocková formace Qa´a z Barcelony. Večer otevře one-man projekt Soxol.
    Qa´a jsou sami poměrně mladou kapelou. Vznikli v roce 2006, hned v roce 2007 zaujali debutem Vesprada, a loni vydali zatím poslední desku Chi´en. Za svou hudební inspiraci ovšem příznačně považují „starobylé nahrávky, staré nahrávky, ne tak staré nahrávky a nové nahrávky…“ Za tímto vyznáním je třeba hledat lásku k míchání rozmanitých zvukových vrstev a především klíčový prvek času v jejich hudbě. Jsou ovlivněni nejen rituály, repetitivností nebo magií, ale i prostorem současného eklekticismu, kde se mísí hudební styly různých dob (hodně 60. a 70. léta) v hypnotickém post-psychedelickém amalgamu. Zvláštní kapitolu pak představuje práce s časem uvnitř rozsáhlých kompozic aktuální desky Chi´en, která nikoli shodou okolností vznikala v německém studiu krautrockové legendy Faust a přímo za dohledu Hanse Joachima Irmlera.
    Nadšené ohlasy na toto 80minutové album raději než o post-rocku mluví o post-post-Krautrocku a mezi hudebními asociacemi se objevují Agitation Free, Can, Sunburned Hand of a Man, Amon Düül, a když je řeč o magii, tak se trefně připomíná magie souhry kytar a bicích na desce Daydream Nation od Sonic Youth. V jejich arzenálu najdete taky veškerý „šrot“ současného revivalistického zvuku: vintage syntezátory, perkuse, elektrickou sitár, violu, varhany nebo Hammondky, diy nástroje a pedály, modulované vokály atd. Při poslechu Chi´en na tohle všechno ale ani nemyslíte, Qa´a pro každou skladbu nacházejí vlastní časový vesmír s vlastními zákony dynamiky a s vlastním průběhem „hypnózy“ (od minimalistické Time Is Key po expresivní She Provides), takže vy se musíte soustředit hlavně na to, jak ustát elastickou, míst až free-rockově šílenou souhru na celé ploše alba. To je vlastně i největší důvod, proč jejich hudbu zažít živě: pokud to, co se podílí na uchvacujících vlnách desky, je zčásti i geniálně zkrocená improvizace, pak koncert bude naprostou lahůdkou pro milovníky živých experimentů…
    Na úvod vystoupí Soxol, člen několika českobudějovických formací – s baskytarou, looperem, mp3 přehrávačem a s neomylnou intuicí, jak z téměř ničeho vykouzlit opravdu působivou a pohlcující zvukovou hmotu.
    Qa´a – Chi´en (2009) - http://www.magiaroja.net/magia-roja
    SALEM --- ---
    International Harvester - Sov Gott Rose-Marie (Love Records, 1969)

    Indeed, the members of Parson Sound were playing krautrock before krautrock
    was invented, and mixing into their own pastoral/communal Swedish roots a
    free jazz ethos, the droning minimalism coming out of late 1960s New York,
    and Terry Riley’s new forays into loops. As their sound refined, they
    renamed their band International Harvester. From that point forward they
    branched out into new musical outfits, some of the musicians sticking
    around, others taking part in new projects. Of all these collaborations and
    versions, International Harvester’s Sov Gott-Rose Marie remains the most
    fully realized true LP.

    international harvester - 1969 - sov gott rose-marie.zip
    international harvester - 1969 - sov gott rose-marie.zip
    ORLOCK --- ---
    Hallogallo 2010 - Blinkgürtel / Drone Schlager [7", 2010]

    "The debut record (and download) by Micheal Rother (NEU!, Kraftwerk, Harmonia), Steve Shelley and Aaron Mullan (Tall Firs, Glass Rock) is also the premier release on Steve’s new Vampire Blues record label. The single features two new exclusive instrumentals recorded at SY’s Hoboken, NJ studio in September 2008."


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