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Patch list i discovered ... (CC update)
Added a visible team Cooldown timer for infected
Lowered Hunting rifle Recoil, and spread while moving
increased autoshotgun Damage falloff slightly
Removed alot of invisible walls in versus maps
Fixed a bug where the Hunter clawing animation would still play after a pounce, even tough the hunter was already knocked off
Fixed certain molotovs & pipebombs giving out more then 1
Smoker tongue will no longer break at seemingly random times
the small tunnel in NM3 sewers can no longer be blocked by the lights
Boomers can now vomit trough fences (probably not gonna happen, Fences are solids in hammer
You can now choose your Spawnpoint as infected in Finale's
Hunters can no longer get stuck on a witch
The third tank during the Death toll finale will not spawn so close.
Smoked survivors can now take damage from high damage pounces.
Added additional spawn points for infected in several maps
Puking or exploding on a currently Biled survivors Lenghtens the duration of the effect.
Servers will now show if they are using mods or are Pure.
Added more possible spawn points for all Molotovs, pipebombs, gascans and fuelcans making them less predictable (NM2 Crescendo has like 6 molotovs ALWAYS)
No friendly fire damage can be done Inside the safe room while the doors are still locked
Tank speed increases the longer hes been on fire
Both teams can now find same numbers of molotovs before tank spawn
Tank chance on all non-finale maps increased to 100%
Chance of one witch on all non-finale maps increased to 100%
Chance of second witch set to 50%
Fixed a bug where survivors could find first aid kits outside spawn
Replaced Tier2 weapons in spawns of 4th maps with Tier1
Added Tier2 weapon spawns on 4th maps
Fixed tank hits not being registered in some cases
Decreased distance required to be able to enter ghost mode again
Infected can now enter ghost mode if they walk this distance ahead too (not only back)
Slightly increased Smoker's damage