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    VODISKALeft 4 Dead / L4D2
    _LEPIK_ --- ---
    L4D2: Valve Gift Grab 2011 Update - YouTube
    _LEPIK_ --- ---
    Left 4 Dead Blog

    Holiday Update
    December 16, 2011 - L4D Team

    If you have been playing Left 4 Dead 2 for a bit, you probably have your own lists of who is naughty and who is nice. We already make it easy for you to track who is being nice – we have the Steam Friends list. But we know people can rage, players can grief, and some people… well some people you just don’t want to play another game with.

    For those special people, we have the blocked list. Think of it as your own personal naughty list. Not only will those people not be getting gifts from you this holiday season, they also won’t be joining you in any games, reindeer or otherwise.

    Once you add someone to your blocked list, they will not be able to join your game. This means they are blocked through the lobby interface, the server browser, the recently played list, and even direct connecting. They are gone from your life.

    This does also mean if a friend invites them to your game, they will be blocked. It also prevents you from joining a game where there is a player you have blocked. If it was a mistake or you kissed and made up, you can always unblock them and everything will return to normal.

    How do you block someone? You can simply block any user from within the Steam Community page, Steam chats, or your Steam Friends list. Players can also be blocked while in a game via the Steam Overlay, which provides an easy path to both locate and block current and recent players from joining your future matches.

    Don’t worry about offending someone with your block. As always, your blocks are private. Only you can see the list of people you’ve blocked. And again, don’t worry about making a mistake blocking, you can always unblock someone at any time.

    What games will support your block? Left 4 Dead 2 is the first. We want to test it here. CS:GO will be next and then we will continue to add games that use Steamworks matchmaking.

    So now that you have your lists, what about gifts for you in today’s updates?

    First we have some bug fixes. We have a fix for the problem of Tanks not consistently spawning in the finales. Prodigysim (once again) correctly identified when the issue was introduced and helped us track it down. Thanks!

    We fixed the problem of dying when you win Death Toll and we mixed up the distribution of melee weapons in the new campaigns (we do read the forums) .

    We are also back with custom campaigns. Today we are adding I Hate Mountains ( Download ) to the rotation and have an updated version of Suicide Blitz 2. If you missed it, RT Frisk made a special version of Suicide Blitz 2 to help with a marriage proposal. Ohh…

    Lastly… well what are those things in Versus? What’s this new achievement? You’re gonna have to play a round and find out.
    DZS --- ---
    _LEPIK_: Jo presne, konec videa se slovy "you kidding" nam kazi jinak pekny pribeh
    PEPSSI --- ---
    IMOLOL: :)))
    _LEPIK_ --- ---
    IMOLOL: ta absence sluvka ANO je tristni :o
    IMOLOL --- ---
    FRANCIK: and then she ragequit!
    PEPSSI --- ---
    dojímavé, já se kvůli Leftku několikrát málem rozvedla :))
    FRANCIK --- ---
    IMOLOL --- ---
    PETRPEDROS: mazej do steam auditka rumcajzi, než o tebe někdo přerazí sukovici
    PETRPEDROS --- ---
    Tato hra vyžaduje, abyste na Steamu vlastnili alespoň jednu hru běžící na Source enginu, např. Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life 2, L4D2
    NELLI --- ---
    PETRPEDROS: a proc s tim lezes sem?
    PETRPEDROS --- ---
    Hraje někdo Pirates, Knight and Vikings?

    Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II on Steam
    OPRAH --- ---
    PEPSSI: cože?? i Todd HUNTER?:)
    PEPSSI --- ---
    jednička je mrtvá, Dejve
    OPRAH --- ---
    FRANCIK: jenom na dvojku? tak to se me stejne netyka...
    OPRAH --- ---
    hele lidi, jak najdu tu l4d nyx skupinu? ve vyhledavani pratel mi to pod heslem nyx nic nenajde... sry for me (lama)
    _LEPIK_ --- ---
    PETRPEDROS: duveruj starsim a zkusenejsim, mas to stazene :)
    PETRPEDROS --- ---
    _LEPIK_: asi ne mrknu na to.. dyx
    _LEPIK_ --- ---
    PETRPEDROS: Crash Course campaign
    (uz mas stazeno :)
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