tohle je geniální, Jurij Borzakovskij je prý syn jednoho z nejlepších středotraťařů všech dob Steva Ovetta-výsledek sovětského experimentu na stvoření superběžce, kombinace Ovetta a sovětské sprinterky. Narodil se 12. dubna 1981, přesně 9 měsíců po olympiádě v Moskvě, kde Ovett získal zlato na 800m a bronz na 1500.
Steve Ovett - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

come Moscow, Ovett batters his way to the 800 title (top stuff), him and Harry Wilson get out on the brandy and Cigars, big celebration, a few of the Russians turn up and offer congrats. etc, plus a few vodkas probably. The Russians saw a chance to create a 'super-athlete', and get Ovett into a situation with a Russian female sprinter. A few days later Ovett is suffering a 'cold' (or perhaps run-down from his celebraory antics) and loses the 1500 final, first loss at the distance in 3 years / 45 or so races. As stated a few months later Borza is born
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