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    ztracené heslo?
    GLACIERAtletika - je jako život sám - poražení a vítězové, nakonec všechno co zní dostane je přimo úměrné vašemu úsilí
    JOPS --- ---
    GLACIER: díky moc

    a mám dotaz, zkusil někdy Bolt 110m překážek ? nebo jsou na něj moc vysoko ? :)
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    Profil smolařky Amantle Montshové, co vypustila závěr a přišla o zlato.


    Tady úplně jiný příběh vítězky.
    Christine Ohuruogu was suspended from competing in the 2006 European Athletics Championships because she had committed a doping violation.She missed three out-of-competition drug tests, known as the "whereabouts" system, of the World Anti-Doping Code; one in October 2005 and then a further two in June 2006.Under IAAF and British Olympic Association rules, she received a one-year ban for missing these tests, which expired on 5 August 2007.

    The British Olympic Association also imposed a lifetime ban on competing at future Olympic Games for Great Britain. She appealed to the Court of Arbitration for Sport, but the original decision was upheld. Ohuruogu submitted a further appeal, claiming that she would probably leave Britain and compete in the Olympics for another country if it was unsuccessful. Her Olympic ban was over-ruled on 27 November 2007.
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    Jsem rád, že stovku nevyhrála "Pharmalita", ale nadopovaná vítězná Britka na 400m mě zklamala.
    PLUTO --- ---
    Lukáš Melich je božák...bronzová je suprová.
    JOPS --- ---
    Hoj, prosím Vás kdy se má běžet 200m a 4x 100m ?
    GLACIER --- ---
    MAKOSHARK: :-DDDDDDDDDDDD asi ji DOST tikaj hodinky...proto tak rychle bezela ha ha
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    Předzávodní rituál Japonky, co odtáhla skoro celou desítku a byla 5.?
    "Watching videos of animals giving birth," she said. As she gained more international experience at the Daegu World Championships and last year's London Olympics, anxiety became more and more of an issue because, she said, "I'm in pursuit of perfection." To help relieve the stress and anxiety she took up watching the videos on an online site. "Did you know that when dogs give birth the mother eats the umbilical cord? It's true," she said. "We're not allowed to have pets in our team dormitory, so I go to pet shops all the time. It helps me forget about running." Is she going to run like an animal in Moscow? Her goal is to make the top six.

    japan running news: Quotes From Niiya, Sato, Kawauchi, Yamagata and Iizuka at Japan's Pre-World Championships Press Conference
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    Nejlepší současný běžec, v životě zatím neporažená na desítku, ale všude píšou jen o Boltovi a Farahovi. Dobře že si toho někdo taky všimnul.
    Athletics Illustrated – Tirunesh Dibaba where is the recognition?
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    World Athletics Championships 2013: Mo Farah eyes golden double - Telegraph

    Although his 10,000m win looked comfortable enough as he repelled a late attack from Ethiopia’s Ibrahim Jeilan to reverse the result of the 2011 World Championships, he admits the heat and the changes of pace made the race harder than he expected.

    He is relieved, though, that the Ethiopian and Kenyans were unable to gang up on him and set a searing pace from the start – a tactic he fully expected given his superiority in a one-lap sprint finish.

    “It was good for me,” he said. “I was speaking to Jeilan after the race. They did have team tactics but they didn’t follow the plan. One of them was meant to go hard and another one was meant to follow through and go hard again.

    “They were all going to do a couple of laps each and try to take it out. But I think it was just too hot for them and they didn’t feel great. Most of us didn’t feel great because of the heat.”

    Farah expects an even harder race in the 5,000m. Only he and his American training partner, Galen Rupp, are doubling up in the distance races, so the rest of the field will be fresh and desperate to topple him.

    “I think it’s going to be tough,” said Farah. “If I was one of the guys, I would have seen how the [10,000m] race was run and be thinking that I wouldn’t want to leave it late. They’ll probably do something early with the pace and just go as hard as they can and maybe sacrifice one guy.”
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    Že by v IAAF měli smysl pro humor?
    Brittney spears historic third consecutive Long Jump title
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    MAKOSHARK: Takhle měla vypadat desítka mužů a Farah se k finiši ani nedostal. Japonky mi bylo líto, přál jsem jí medaili. A škoda že ethiopská federace zakázala T.D. startovat i na pětce. Pořád je tam ještě jako rezerva, ale obávám se, že ji nepustí.
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    Teď se poběží desítka žen. Úrovní to bude určitě úplně někde jinde než muži a poběží tam někdo, komu je věnováno desetkrát míň pozornosti než Farahovi, ale kvalitou o několik tříd výš než Farah - Tiruneš Dibabová
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    OODOOW: Gebremeskel byl nemocnej, zdravé je nemůžeš srovnávat.
    Nechápu, jak může někdo přát Farahovi a Ruppovi před třeba Gebremeskelem. Hádám, že ve filmu Rocky jste fandili Sovětovi:-)
    HEXXX --- ---
    OODOOW: muzes poslat link na celej zaznam ? jsem nasel jen ruzny highlights..
    OODOOW --- ---
    jsem si pustil záznam a vidím, že to ten čočkař zas všem nandal :))
    škoda toho Ruppa, mohl ještě trochu máknout v tom závěru :)
    MAKOSHARK: tak nakonec lol, co ;-)
    GLACIER: jsi ho podcenil :)
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    Rozhovor s bronzovou medailistkou z marathonu.
    Moscow 2013 - Kayoko Fukushi JPN - Marathon Women Final - Bronze - YouTube
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    Ethiopian/Kenyan 10k runners should learn from STRANEO

    No times this year and only the 12th best PB in the field, but she was balls-out from start to finish, and nearly won. She broke much better runners one by by one the only way she possibly could. Brilliant strategy.

    The EA's knew what they had to do, and they each hoped another EA would do it for them, and so they collectively did nothing. Only Jeilan had a chance.

    Podle předpovědi to vypadá, že se v Moskvě během týdne výrazně ochladí. Škoda, kdyby vydrželo tohle teplo i do marathonu mužů, tak by podle mě měli šanci kamikadze jako Kawauči.
    ONASYS --- ---
    GLACIER: mě to přijde fakt srandovní jak hloupý jsou...
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