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    ztracené heslo?
    GLACIERAtletika - je jako život sám - poražení a vítězové, nakonec všechno co zní dostane je přimo úměrné vašemu úsilí
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    to si snad dělaj srandu, na stránkách HME nejsou výsledky???
    GLACIER --- ---
    Kocour se posral v kině asi! :):):)
    GLACIER --- ---
    A čas může/ženy z roku 2009 castera neberu... A Ruska dopovala
    GLACIER --- ---
    TWARR: nejlepší letošní i loňský čas je skoro o 5s pomalejší 1:57 http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajee%27_Wilson
    TWARR --- ---
    GLACIER: promin, jakou ma ten odkaz spojitost s tim tvrzenim a 5s?
    GLACIER --- ---
    Jarmila Kratochvílová říká jak moc ji stalo, aby zabehla rekord ke kterému si nikdo nepřiblížil pomalu ani na 5s za posledních xy já z ty holky prostě nemůžu :-D http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/800_metres_world_record_progression
    GLACIER --- ---
    Ethiopians Negesse and Dibaba Win Tokyo Marathon | Runner's World & Running Times
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    MAKOSHARK: 8:03.40 nový světový rekord; na dvou mílích nicméně, trati, co nikdo neběhá, ale britští komentátoři se můžou posrat
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    Dneska mítink v Birminghamu. Tady stream
    Sainsbury's Birmingham Indoor Grand Prix (GBR) Live Stream - Watch Athletics
    V 17:13 pokus Faraha o světový rekord na dvou mílích
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    Has Mo Farah's mask finally slipped in war of words with Andy Vernon? | Daily Mail Online
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    Genzebe Dibaba Smashes 5000m Indoor WORLD RECORD XL-Galan 2015
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    Genzebe Dibaba včera překonala světový rekord na 5km v hale o 5 vteřin.
    Mezičasy na kilometrech (všem dala minimálně jedno kolečko a běžela od 2.km sama): 2:53.3, 2:51.5, 2:52.4, 2:54.6 and 2:47.1!
    Genzebe Dibaba Smashes Indoor 5,000 WR By Over 5 Seconds With 14:18.86 In Stockholm - LetsRun.com
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    Mo Class: Why Vernon is saying what we are all thinking | Eightlane
    TWARR --- ---
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    z letsrunu: Mo Farah a Andy Vernon (nejlepší britský běžec, pokud se nepočítají přistěhovalci)

    Andy Vernon: @AndyVernonGB: Another stellar field against @Mo_Farah on home turf this weekend at Birmingham. #joke

    Mo: @Mo_Farah: @AndyVernonGB Shame you didn't make the line up....again #ComeBackWhenYouWinSomethingDecent

    Andy: @AndyVernonGB: Lol @Mo_Farah I think even you can work out that I can make the cut to the Indoor Grand Prix. Lets hope no one loses their shoe...

    Mo: @Mo_Farah: @AndyVernonGB I wish you did make the cut mate so I can leave you in my dust like ALWAYS!! hahahaha #hatersgonnahate

    Andy: @AndyVernonGB: @Mo_Farah. 1) stop quoting Taylor Swift. 2) I don't hate you Mo. I would just rather watch a race than the the Mo Show. #playersgonnaplay

    Mo: @Mo_Farah: @AndyVernonGB that's why they didn't put you in the race mate.. Cos you're an embarrassment!! Taylor swift can probably run faster than you!
    GLACIER --- ---
    Mutai and Kirui to clash in Barcelona | World Running
    GLACIER --- ---
    Dusseldorf atletika už je skoro hodinu! Holusa běžel uplnou čočku...
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    Canova: But I can’t be totally happy because my first goal was to see the race and the behavior of Kenenisa Bekele.
    How I told yesterday in some interview, his preparation after Chicago faced several problems, the main being an Achille’s tendon pain which obliged Kenenisa to reduce training for about two weeks in November, and was cured using TECAR machine for one week of full immersion between 17 and 24 December, with the best operator of the Company. In spite of these problems, the shape of Kenenisa grew continuously, and the last workout, exactly one week ago, was really good.
    Also if, in my opinion, what he did is no more than 60% of the total training for a marathon, I was confident in a time under 2:05, and never I had some doubt he couldn’t win the race.
    But today he didn’t feel good from the start. Several times I saw him running, and his action didn’t have the relaxation and the total body control which are one of the best qualities for Kenenisa.
    After 28 km, Jos Hermens (on a motorbike of the organization) came to me (I was on the car of the chief of the Jury) telling me “the pace is slow, Kenenisa seems very fresh, what he has to do ?”, and I told him “tell him to push after 30 km, looking at the Race Record of Ayele Abshero”.
    Never words were less prophetic : after one km, Kenenisa started to struggle, limping a little, and losing contact
    with the leading group, which continued running at a pace not really fast.
    Problems at both his hamstrings, he told me after the race, probably provoked by the big tension he had from the start, when understood the pain in his tendon could not disappear after few minutes (such as during the last training sessions), but instead was growing of intensity. This tension, it’s my thought, caused carmps and soreness to both the hamstrings, and he couldn’t continue the race.
    The fact he dropped out doesn’t change my opinion he can be the next top marathon runner in the world.
    I was with him in training for the last two month, many times following him personally around Addis Ababa, and could build in my mind an idea of his possibilities. His engine is still the most powerful in the World, and, when the body is ok, his ability to relax himself and to control his body is absolutely superior to the same ability of every other runner I know. He doesn’t have problems of fuelling, and of course no problems of personality in the race.
    But it’s a fact that at the moment he doesn’t have his full efficiency. How I told him after the race, “an injured or sick athlete doesn’t exist : he’s one injured or sick man, and the first step is to concentrate all the energies for becoming a fit and healthy man. Only after this first step, he can look for becoming an athlete again”.
    We are now exactly in this position. The next step of Kenenisa is to look seriously at the way for solving his tendon problem, which was not present in Paris and in Chicago, but started at the beginning of November.
    So, at the moment can be useless to speak about future plans, because there is one plan only, and is to find the right way for recovering the full efficiency.
    After this, I have no doubt Kenenisa can become the number one in the longest Olympic event, too.
    MAKOSHARK --- ---
    Dream of new world record still burns for Dubai Marathon organisers | The National
    Now, for the past two years, the approach has changed and Connerton acknowledges the days of enticing big-name athletes to Dubai with hefty appearance fees have passed. The previous two races have been won by Ethiopian debutants.

    “It’s better that we don’t have Haile coming to break a world record because we’re getting these young guys, training like mad and arriving hungry to run,” he said. “The world record will come from them because they are not fearful of a Haile or a Patrick Makau.

    “They are coming to win the prize money. Those athletes and their managers who are going around, running races half-injured, picking up appearance money, that’s not what we want.”

    Myslim, ze Dubaj nabizi solidni prize money, za start uz nic moc. Bekele Chicago bezel pred 3 mesici.
    ONASYS --- ---
    MAKOSHARK: to se mi moc nezda, pokud bekele chtel bezet na cas. Prijde mi to divny, vybral si bezet dubai. O trati vsude ctu jak je super rychla ale je na ni zabehnutej az 15tej cas historie, lepsi vysledky se zabehli Berlin, Frankfurt, Chicago. Ocekaval bych ze si vybere jeden znich pokud chce utocit na WR nebo na nominaci na OH. Potom k tomu zraneni, to mi taky prijde divny. Obnovil si zraneni, zdravotni problemy ma dlouhodobe neni mu 25let a i presto si naplanuje behem tri mesicu dva maratonu. Mam proste pocit ze se snazi dojit kravku dokud dava mlicko, np delaj to jiny. Co je lepsi promo zavodu, nez kdyz ti na startu stoji clovek co ma WR na 10km a tvrdi ze ma formu jak vino... Za todle se proste plati!
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