Komentář Renata Canovy o přípravě Bekeleho. Je to zvíře největší!!! Jak píše Canova "MONSTER"
(Canovova angličtina není perfektní, ale je to 70letý Ital)
Now that the race is over, I can write the truth about the preparation of Kenenisa.
After his injury in Dubai last year, HE DIDN'T RUN FOR 11 MONTHS, till the beginning of 2016, and was in treatment with an equipe of doctors and physios from England. His problem in the left Achilles tendon was almost solved, but he started to have a similar problem in his right tendon.
However, he started jogging at the beginning of January : one session per day, not longer than 1 hour till half of February, when started to increase the volume.
His REAL training started 7 weeks ago (so are practically 6 weeks of preparation).
Two days ago, Kenenisa asked me about the pace in London. When I told him the tartget was 61'45" at half, he told me "it's a little too fast for me, since I'm prepared at 50% only". So, I told him "there is also a second group with target 63' at half", and he replied "my mind is not ready for running with weak athletes".
This is Kenenisa, and without this type of mentality, NEVER could be Kenenisa in the past.
The guy is really a "monster" under mental and organical point of view, and, if his tendons are ok, can open in the best way the second part of his unbelievable career.