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    ztracené heslo?
    VRBIK --- ---
    Obergman — Stilleben041; A1. Gran Sasso
    VRBIK --- ---
    Ballad of the Non-Believer

    1st verse
    like most of you I was indoctrinated with religion
    at a time when I was much too young to make decisions

    dragged by the hand without permission
    lacked the cognitive ability to see the contradictions and the superstitions

    I know my mother really thought that she was doing right
    cause after all this wasn't a war that she was taught to fight

    buried under layers of prayers emotional attachments
    and every other programming attached with

    a sense of common unity involvement
    no actual incentive to questions all of the sermons from the pulpit

    this is how they introduce the idea, firmly rooted in the feat
    don't question validity just adhere

    it's not innocent is sets a bad precedent
    internalized credulity for things that lack evidence

    some people keep this way of thinking for their whole lives
    the need for critical thinking is never realized

    I don't want to hear about the books that you have read
    explain to me the way you see the thoughts inside your head

    not filtered with the garbage you regurgitate instead
    your thoughts are just a program with which you are embed

    all I really want to do is show you there is freedom
    eliminate those primitive myths you don't need them

    the clergy's only trolling for power so don't feed them
    and since they can't prove it remove it and don't believe them

    2nd verse
    ponder the logic of learning science from shamans
    excuse the laughter if you please I'm trying to keep it all in

    but this is how you look when you go and consult your preachers
    to gain an understanding of evolutionary features

    in fact I finding it despicable how you characterize scientific principles
    dismiss the indispensable

    so don't believe these guys that say it's science they despise
    when they standing in the line for the iphone 5

    you're benefiting from the method then you go and step on it
    defaming the very thing that your life has been effected with

    our lifespan enhancement comes directly from advancements
    by people in lab coats not biblical enchantments

    take a look at these comedians cause something smells funky
    "if we came from monkeys than why there're still monkeys"

    see that's the type of dumb shit that needs to be responded to
    your obvious accomplishment was dropping out of high school

    I don't want to hear about the books that you have read
    explain to me the way you see the thoughts inside your head

    not filtered with the garbage you regurgitate instead
    your thoughts are just a program with which you are embed

    all I really want to do is show you there is freedom
    eliminate those primitive myths you don't need them

    the clergy's only trolling for power so don't feed them
    and since they can't prove it remove it and don't believe them

    3rd verse
    you're not mentally fit to be talking shit to me
    when you believe those primitive books are reflecting history

    in it's purest form like it really has no discrepancy
    you want to go to war and you're choosing this as your weaponry

    now how's that even sound at all and is this even logic when
    you're claiming that a book of faith can prove your stupid argument

    way to much to bargain with not much fact to stake it on
    it's just like thinking if you dance you can really make it storm

    oh yeah but I forgot your book is the truthful one
    and all those other ancient myths are something that is really dumb

    it couldn't possibly be that you all have been deceived
    it couldn't possibly be that you got a false belief

    that's why I question your sermon should be sequestered
    now leave from off my porch you're starting to really pester

    you're one of many thousands that's claiming a revelation
    too wrapped up in all of your ego to see your indoctrination

    I don't want to hear about the books that you have read
    explain to me the way you see the thoughts inside your head

    not filtered with the garbage you regurgitate instead
    your thoughts are just a program with which you are embed

    all I really want to do is show you there is freedom
    eliminate those primitive myths you don't need them

    the clergy's only trolling for power so don't feed them
    and since they can't prove it remove it and don't believe them

    jsem cetl rozhovor s fmtm nasel dead prez a pak tohle.. :]
    VRBIK --- ---
    sice trochu mimo. ale

    Slayer - Disciple
    AHJA --- ---
    Her Tongue Was Tattooed On the Back of Her Teeth - Old Gray - YouTube
    JEHUDITH --- ---
    JEHUDITH: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=po5JTyMUKZE&feature=relmfu aby to nebyl zajic v pytli a patricna inspirace. poctivy 90. leta, ha
    JEHUDITH --- ---
    klasici zanru VAS SZUSZANNE z koprivnice (kdysidavno split LP 12" s nize zminovanejma john ball treba, pro ty, kdo neznaj). moc casto nehrajou a uz vubec ne v praze. a spolu s nima WHITE LUNG rychlej kanadskej punk, 3/4 holcici obsazeni.

    skan A3.jpg (2997772 B)
    VRBIK --- ---
    AHJA: klip jak stehno :D
    na zivo by to mohlo bejt zajimavy
    MAKAK --- ---
    AHJA: letos na fluffu budou!
    AHJA --- ---
    Pianos Become The Teeth - "Houses We Die In" (Music Video) - YouTube

    ty mě teď baví
    MAKAK --- ---
    VRBIK: jo jo, ty jsou taky skvělý
    VRBIK --- ---
    dobre! diky za prispevek.
    pripomelo mi to esa z lesa z chebu
    esazlesa - Úvod - Bandzone.cz | Kytary.cz - hlavní partner
    MAKAK --- ---
    kamarádi z Plzně bohužel už nehrajou
    Owls Are Not What They Seem - Úvod - Bandzone.cz | Kytary.cz - hlavní partner
    MOMO --- ---
    VRBIK: ejkejej=AKA (also known as)
    jo hehe jasně,gantz je i anime ale ja měla na myslí spíš tohle: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gC-4bKGWXUc) hm ty posledni tri kapelky mi nic nerikaj,mrknu na ne,díky .))
    VRBIK --- ---
    co znamena ejkejej orchid? gantz je naka japonska manga serie ne??
    zkus najit treba ty kapely od kterych jsou tu texty.. jinak vrele doporucuje desku od Grade ktera se jmenuje And Such Is Progress. nebo treba> rites of spring, fugazi, lakmé, john ball, short time, jawbreaker.
    MOMO --- ---
    nazdárek,nějaký kapelky na doporučení,ejkejej orchid,gantz?? rada oplatim .))
    XINDLX --- ---
    narazil sem tady na to náhodou a hned na mě vyleze text yage.... luxus, dík
    VRBIK --- ---
    Yage - We lost beauty

    How and why is this potential aggression in our hands?
    Conciuosness transfered to foreign. Same we are.
    Look as you are feel like? Feel as you are look like? But where do we found ourselves?
    Mainly embed ina fantastic system. Conciousness?
    And scared we walk on. Scared of ourselves. Scared by reasons ans nothing.
    Did you sent a smile to an unknown face today?
    Did you recieve a smile today?
    How and why is this potential aggression in our hands?
    Consupmtion binds the eyes and we buy numbness! Can you be yourself?
    Is it still blood floating through or veins? Can i be myself or is it the newest trend
    that makesa million hearts beat. To find myself!
    Are you scared to smile? I know it is trivial, but somehow essential
    VRBIK --- ---
    1000 Travels Of Jawaharlal - With Smile And Slobber (original v japonstine si odpustim :) ):
    You seem always to look for something reassure you.
    You buy what everybody buys, you sing what everybody sings.
    However, why do you always feel so uneasy? Why do you always have a fake smile?
    You seem to always be following something afraid to miss anything.
    You say what everybody says, you do what everybody does.
    However, why do you always feel so uneasy? Why do you always Have a fake smile?
    And you get new pressure. It's just repetition.
    You know you do the bent smile, you know you are awkward.
    Do you want to be with a true good smile?
    I want to be with a true good smile.
    VRBIK --- ---
    Maximilian Colby - Balance
    "A Woman Is Talking to Death"

    Testimony in trials that never got heard

    my lovers teeth are white geese flying above me
    my lovers muscles are rope ladders under my hands

    we were driving home slow
    my lover and I, across the long Bay Bridge,
    one February midnight, when midway
    over in the far left lane, I saw a strange scene:

    one small young man standing by the rail,
    and in the lane itself, parked straight across
    as if it could stop anything, a large young
    man upon a stalled motorcycle, perfectly
    relaxed as if he'd stopped at a hamburger stand;
    he was wearing a peacoat and levis, and
    he had his head back, roaring, you
    could almost hear the laugh, it
    was so real.
    "Look at that fool," I said, "in the
    middle of the bridge like that," a very
    womanly remark.

    Then we heard the meaning of the noise
    of metal on a concrete bridge at 50
    miles an hour, and the far left lane
    filled up with a big car that had a
    motorcycle jammed on its front bumper, like
    the whole thing would explode; the friction
    sparks shot up bright orange for many feet
    into the air, and the racket still sets
    my teeth on edge.

    When the car stopped we stopped parallel
    and Wendy headed for the callbox while I
    ducked across those 6 lanes like a mouse
    in the bowling alley. "Are you hurt?" I said,
    the middle-aged driver had the greyest black face,
    "I couldn't stop, I couldn't stop, what happened?"

    Then I remembered. "Somebody, " I said, "was on
    the motorcycle." I ran back,
    one block? two blocks? The space for walking
    on the bridge is maybe 18 inches, whoever
    engineered this arrogance. in the dark
    stiff wind it seemed I would
    be pushed over the rail, would fall down
    screaming onto the hard surface of
    the bay, but I did not, I found the tall young man
    who thought he owned the bridge, now lying on
    his stomach, head cradled in his broken arm.

    He had glasses on, but somewhere he had lost
    most of his levis, where were they?
    And his shoes. Two short cuts on his buttocks,
    that was the only mark except his thin white
    seminal tubes were all strung out behind; no
    child left in him; and he looked asleep.

    I plucked wildly at his wrist, then put it
    down; there were two long haired women
    holding back the traffic just behind me
    with their bare hand, the machines came
    down like mad bulls, I was scared, much
    more than usual, I felt easily squished
    like the earthworms crawling on a busy
    sidewalk after the rain; I wanted to
    leave. And met the driver, walking back.

    "The guy is dead." I gripped his hand,
    the wind was going to blow us off the bridge.

    "Oh my God" he said, "haven't I had enough
    trouble in my life?" He raised his head,
    and for a second was enraged and yelling,
    at the top of the bridge "I was just driving
    home!" His head fell down. "My God, and
    now I've killed somebody."

    I looked down at my own peacoat and levis,
    then over at the dead man's friend, who
    was bawling and blubbering, what they would
    call hysteria in a woman. "It isn't possible"
    he wailed, but it was possible, it was
    indeed, accomplished and unfeeling, snoring
    in its peacoat, and without its levis on.

    He died laughing: that's a fact.

    I had a woman waiting for me,
    in her car and in the middle of the bridge,
    I'm frightened, I said.
    I'm afraid, he said, stay with me,
    please don't go, stay with me, be
    my witness "No," I said, "I'll be your
    witness later," and I took his name
    and number, "but I can't stay with you,
    I'm too frightened of the bridge, besides
    I have a woman waiting
    and no license
    and no tail lights "
    So I left
    as I have left so many of my lovers.

    we drove home
    shaking, Wendy's face greyer
    than any white person's I have ever seen.
    maybe he beat his wife, maybe he once
    drove taxi, and raped a lover
    of mine how to know these things?
    we do each other in, that's a fact.

    who will be my witness?
    death wastes our time with drunkenness
    and depression
    death, who keeps us from our
    he had a woman waiting for him,
    I found when I called the number
    days later

    "Where is he" she said, "he's disappeared/"
    "He'll be all right" I said, "we could
    have hit the guy as easy as anybody, it
    wasn't anybody's fault, they'll know that,"
    women so often say dumb things like that,
    they teach us to be sweet and reassuring,
    and say ignorant things, because we don't invent
    the crime, the punishment, the bridges

    that same week I looked into the mirror
    and nobody was there to testify;
    how clear, and unemployed queer woman
    makes no witness at all,
    nobody at all was there for
    those two questions: what does
    she do, and who is she married to?

    I am the woman who stopped on the bridge
    and this is the man who was there
    our lovers teeth are white geese flying
    above us, but we ourselves are
    easily squished.

    keep the women small and weak
    and off the street, and off the
    bridges, that's the way, brother
    one day I will leave you there,
    as I have left you there before,
    working for death.

    we found out later
    what we left him to.
    Six big policemen answered the call,
    all white, and no child in them.
    they put the driver up against his car
    and beat the hell out of him.
    What did you kill that poor kid for?
    you mutherfucking nigger.
    that's a fact.

    Death only uses violence
    when there is any kind of resistance,
    the rest of the time a slow
    weardown will do.

    They took him to 4 different hospitals
    til they got a drunk test report to fit their
    case, and held him five days in jail
    without a phone call.
    how many lovers have we left.

    there are as many contradictions to the game,
    as there are players.
    a woman is talking to death,
    though talk is cheap, and like takes a long time
    to make
    right. He got a cheesy lawyer
    who had him cop a plea, 15 to 20
    instead of life
    Did I say life?

    the arrogant young man who thought he
    owned the bridge, and fell asleep on it
    he died laughing: that's a fact.
    the driver sits out his time
    off the street somewhere,
    does he have the most vacant of
    eyes, will he die laughing?

    a table they made and on it was laid a baby we gave and I'm so dry mud cracked I maybe we deny where these walls won't let go of my eyes we made a circle of smoke on a train please same me from saying it was easy we were driving across the bridge so slow he lost his child in the snow
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