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    ztracené heslo?
    SAIL_ORElectroacoustic / Radio art / Audio art / Computer Music
    RED_KOMUSO --- ---
    Signals from Arkaim: SFA023 - Czechoslovak No-Input Mixer Compilation
    RED_KOMUSO --- ---
    Stimul Nights uvádí zvukovou událost roku! « STIMUL festival
    SAIL_OR --- ---
    SAIL_OR --- ---
    má někdo zájem o vstup na contempuls festival tenhle víkend? nebudu v praze.
    www.contempuls.cz - Program
    MRKVA --- ---
    Robil som zvukovu instalaciu v Bohnicich. Mozno vas zaujme.
    Site Specific Resonances 2
    NOIK --- ---
    Rolf Liebermann composed this piece for the Swiss Expo (National exhibition) 1964. Scored for 156 machines - amongst which one can find 16 typewriters, 18 calculator machines, 8 accounting machines, 12 office perforators, 10 caisses enregistreuses, 8 humidificateurs-colleurs, 8 tele-scripteurs, 2 metronomes, 4 bells of signalisation, 2 entrance door gongs, 10 claxons, 16 telephones, 40 experimental signal receptors,1 fork lift, a duplicator and a monte-charge. Rolf Liebermann was also the head of the main music section of the Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR) from 1957 to 1959. In this function he was responsible for instigating the famous NDR Jazzworkshops. His most popular work might be his Concerto for Jazz Band and Symphony Orchestra which was premiered by Hans Rosebaud in Donaueschingen in 1954.

    UbuWeb Sound - Rolf Liebermann
    SAIL_OR --- ---
    KILL77: díky, sdílim všude!
    KILL77 --- ---
    Místo lihu kup si knihu! Nebo přispěj k pokračování HIS Voice. https://www.hithit.com/cs/project/241/casopis-his-voice
    SAIL_OR --- ---
    MRKVA: pěkný. ale na ten web se nedá dívat dýl než 2 vteřiny
    MRKVA --- ---
    ZVŮK festival


    LOCATION: 48.13580 17.12790


    ⇧ Saturday 7.9. // 17:00
    ↪ Angakok Θ
    ↪ Chris Galarreta
    ↪ Odpał
    ↪ Trávnica
    ↪ Roy Guzman

    ⇒ ZVŮK party in FUGA // 21:00


    ⇧ Sunday 8.9. // 17:00
    ↪ Cave Art
    ↪ Jonáš Gruska
    ↪ Samčo, brat dážďoviek
    ↪ Slavo Krekovič + Xavier De Wannemaeker

    + SPECIAL WORKSHOP by Chris Galarreta. Register at zvukolom@zvukolom.org

    4 ę / day
    7 ę / 2 days

    MRKVA --- ---
    VooDooMan je legendárnou postavou bratislavskej experimentálnej scény, no napriek tomu zostáva generálnej populácii prakticky neznámy. Posledných dvadsať rokov sa venuje vyrábaniu vlastných ‘voodoo’ nástrojov, programovaniu ale hlavne hudbe, ktorú produkuje prolifickým tempom. Pred nedávnom sme na LOMe vydali kompiláciu jeho prác, ako aj jeho plnú diskografiu na DVD. Teraz vám prinášame krátky rozhovor o jeho súčasných projektoch a plánoch.

    VooDooMan a hlasy z Antidimenzie - LOM label
    SAIL_OR --- ---
    “You learn a lot about the city by asking about its sound”: Peter Cusack Interview, Sounds

    českou verzi najdete v prvním letošním HIS Voice (spolu s dalšíma božíma článkama jako vždy!)
    MRKVA --- ---

    FREE DOWNLOAD: http://voodooman.zvukolom.org/

    This retrospective web-release is a journey through VooDooMan's extensive discography with a mission to show the various outcomes of his creative endeavors. Although the selection covers the span of many years, there is a recognizable handwriting in the music - the recognizable (but sometimes difficult to read) handwriting of a doctor who is prescribing drugs to himself in very high dosages - voices from the "antidimensional fetishistic platform" processed through effects and echo, harsh noises, naive melodies, alien landscapes, hypnotic ambience... We would gladly recommend you to listen through everything VooDooMan has produced and find your own gems, but be warned that this might be a dangerous activity which could leave you with permanent damage.

    Along with the web release, we are publishing a DVD, containing VooDooMan's complete 9-album discography, radio podcasts and videos.
    SAIL_OR --- ---
    SAIL_OR --- ---
    jinak když už tu byla moje bakalářka, tak sem ještě hodim můj dárek pro jejího vedoucího :)

    NOIK --- ---
    Johana Švarcová, Stanislav Abrahám (eds.): Manuál pro uživatele elektronické hudby (2009) [Czech] — Monoskop Log

    NOIK --- ---
    UbuWeb Sound - Sound Experiments in The Russian Avant-Garde (1908-1942)
    SAIL_OR --- ---
    Cage vs. Duchamp: Toronto Musical Chess Match 1968 (via babut)
    RED_KOMUSO --- ---
    A Duck in a Tree 2013-01-12 | Hand Speed You to the Thermal Nations

    Our thanks go out to the artists and sound recordists included here for their fine work.

    track list

    01 Kathy Acker - Empire of the Senseless [extract]
    02 Akatombo - Twisted
    03 Ben Ponton - Afga 5
    04 Aeronaut - Coronal Mass Two
    05 Alexander Tucker - Energy for Dead Plants
    06 David King - Pipistrelle Bat (recording of ultrasonic calls from a heterodyne detector)
    07 Hrvatski - Madrid
    08 Ekkehard Ehlers - Plays Albert Ayler (Edit)
    09 Artificial Memory Trace - Helen's Music Box
    10 Leafcutter John - 42
    11 Y-Ton-G - Fa-Fiese-Zwyschenspiele II [extract]
    12 Ed Lawes - Middle
    13 Lee Patterson - Nine Lucifers
    14 Martve Boys’ Choir - Tsintsgaro [played at half speed]
    15 Koen Daigaku - Phosphorescence 08
    16 D_Rradio - See for the Last Time
    17 Ben Ponton - Afga 4
    18 Fossil Aerosol Mining Project - Relative Silence
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