• úvod
  • témata
  • události
  • tržiště
  • diskuze
  • nástěnka
  • zobrazit sekci

    Project D.I.T.(se): Do.It.Together.(happening)



    Svobodna a otevrena diskuse/prezentace/workshop audiovisualni tvorby nejen pro umelce a odborniky,
    kteri chteji sdilet a vymenovat si sve zkusenosti a znalosti, ale take pro kazdeho, kdo ma zajem se ucit, ucastnit, a nebo jen poslouchat.
    Kazde setkani se bude soustredit na jinou cast tvorby tohoto umeni, jako je teorie, praxe a kolektivni/spolecne tvoreni, a na
    prezentaci nastroju a technologii, ktere se pouzivaji pro vyrobu zvuku, vjingu, strihu videa, kamerove techniky, apod.
    V prubehu kazdeho setkani budeme mit pozvaneho recnika/y, ktery/i bude/ou predvadet a nebo ucit, jak pouzivat ruzne nastroje
    a odpovidat na otazky.


    Kavarna Cross


    Kazdy mesic na 3 hodky, nasledujicich 6 mesicu.

    Pro koho:

    Pro kazdeho, kdo ma zajem pracovat v oblasti audiovisualniho umeni a tvorit spolecne v ramci skupiny.


    K vymene zkusenosti a znalosti a kolektivni prace na vytvoreni spolecneho projektu,
    jehoz vysledkem by mela byt akce nebo festival, behem ktereho budou ucastnici prezentovat sve prace nejen pro sebe,
    ale i pro verejnost. Duraz bude kladen na uceni ruznych technik a metod k dosazeni tohoto cile.




    Free and Open AudioVisual discussions, presentations and workshops not only for artists and
    professionals who want to share and exchange their experiences and knowledge, but for anyone interested in
    participating or just listening. Every gathering will focus on a different aspect of AudioVisual art and performance,
    such as theory, practice and collective and/or collaborative creation, and address specific tools and technologies
    used for making sound, vjing, video editing, camera technique, etc. During each session we will also have guest
    speakers to demonstrate and/or teach how to use different tools and to answer questions.


    The Coffeehouse at the Cross Club


    Once a month for 3 hours, during the course of 6 months.


    Open to anyone who has an interest in working with audio and/or visual art and in doing
    it collectively within a group environment.


    To exchange experiences and knowledge, and work together to develop a collaborative
    project resulting in an action and/or festival during which the participants will present their work not only for each
    other but for the public. The focus will be on learning different techniques and methods to achieve this goal.

    How Much:


    Zajimate se o Audiovisualni tvorbu?

    19 hlasy od 15 respondentů

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