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    ztracené heslo?
    SUBHAMfolklóóry celého světa / authentic recordings
    SUBHAM --- ---
    ONDRAASOVKA: tak jožka kubík je jasný, tady jsem našel "dalekonosne husle" na ulozto (odkaz netestován) http://uloz.to/xrGMRxw/jozka-kubik-zip
    z tech současných nositelů tradice bych doporučil cimbálku Petra Mičky, http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/ivysilani/10096307226-folklorni-magazin
    nahrávku ale nemám
    ONDRAASOVKA --- ---
    mohli byste mě, prosím, nasměrovat na nějaké pokud možno autentické folklórní nahrávky z horňácka? za případné tipy předem děkuji.
    FLU --- ---
    The Music Of Islam: Vol 1-15
    (Celestial Harmonies, 1997)

    walkingtrees: The Music of Islam (Celestial Harmonies, 1998)
    (vsechny linky funkcni, dneska jsem to tahal)

    The Music of Islam, 17-CD Boxed Set
    MILHAUZ --- ---
    nejen hudba: http://publicdomainreview.org/
    pod AUDIO zajimave stare nahravky
    SUBHAM --- ---
    Zespół ČAČI VORBA - midi, nuty do piosenek, muzyka rumuńska, cygańska, bałkańska, węgierska

    lahudka pro studenty transylvanske oblasti
    SUBHAM --- ---
    VANDA__: jj, moc pěkné kousky jsem tam nalezl a navíc všechny linky jsou stále funkční :)
    VANDA__ --- ---
    SUBHAM: Fantastický, díky!
    SUBHAM --- ---
    Dostal jsem jako dárek knihu To Smyrneiko tragoudi 1923-1940 by Petros Tabouris, pojednávající o hudbě oblasti Smyrna (dneska turecké město Izmir)
    (http://www.ebay.co.uk/...o-Smyrneiko-tragoudi-1923-1940-Songs-of-Smyrna-BOOK-4CD-2009-/271013218747), součástí jsou 4CD a je to teda masakr.

    After the Asia Minor debacle of 1922, about one and a half million refugees flooded into Greece, among them some of the greatest names in music composers, songwriters, singers, musicians. The refugees sought entertainment and a means of expression to give vent to their troubles. So ensembles that had played together in Smyrna and Constantinople got together in Athens and reestablished the Smyrna school comprising, among others, the composers Vangelis Papazoglou, Panayiotis Toundas, Stavros Pantelidis, Yiannis Dragatsis (aka Ogdontakis), Dimitris Semis ("Salonikios") Spyros Peristeris and the singers Costas Nouros, Giorgos Vidalis, Stellakis Perpiniadis, Lefteris Menemenlis. There was the "Constantinople" school comprising composers Costas Skarvelis, Antonis Diamanitidis, Grigoris Asikis, Costas Kapiris and Marika Politissa. The songs of Smyrna were the precursors of the later rebetiko songs of the Piraeus school and a firm foundation for modern Greek music. This collection follows the history of Smyrna and Constantinople songs both in their places of origin and in mainland Greece and recordings from the period 1932 - 1940.


    heslo: qarabaensemble

    Už znázvů některých skladeb můžeme poznat o co tématicky půjde, např.:
    Bring me a joint to get me high
    Why do I smoke cocaine?

    co dodat? Ideální muzika pro stoned heads :)))
    FLU --- ---
    FLU: excelentni kompilacka (4CD!) od tehoz autora (Christopher King), taktez z Epiru

    VA – Beyond Rembetika: The Music & Dance of the Region of Epirus (2013)

    Beyond Rembetika


    a nejaka ta rembetika...

    VA – Greek Rhapsody: Instrumental Music from Greece 1905-1956 (2013)

    GreekRhapsody2013.rar (238,10 MB) - uploaded.net
    FLU --- ---
    VA - Five Days Married & Other Laments:
    Song and Dance from Northern Greece, 1928-1958

    Five_Days.rar (105,50 MB) - uploaded.net


    Following up on his 2011 compilation "Don't Trust Your Neighbors: Early Albanian Traditional Songs & Improvisations, 1920-1930s," 78 record collector/producer Christopher King ("Aimer et Perdre", 2012's Grammy-nominated "He is My Story: The Sanctified Soul of Arizona Dranes") continues southward on his sonic journey from Albania into the bordering region known as Epirus with his most recent collection, "Five Days Married & Other Laments". This new CD version of "Five Days Married" contains four tracks not previously available on the LP version (also released by Angry Mom Records). These tracks, by the Harisis group, are strange and dark and arguably more dronelike than some of the other material on the album. Many collectors and lovers of 78 music will probably want to buy this CD for these tracks alone, along with the Robert Crumb cover artwork now almost customary with each King release, original photographs, extensive notes by King, and handsome graphic design.

    Located between Southern Albania and Northern Greece, Epirus is something of a cultural anomaly, an isolated, rural country that has long resisted assimilation from the outside world. Sandwiched between the Pindus Mountains on one side and the Ionia Sea on the other, the music of Epirus is a strange, cloistered hybrid of its surrounding countries, a place where Albanian Muslims and Greek Orthodox Christians mixed freely together, producing an exotic alchemy of sounds characterized by bizarre asymmetric duets (two voices singing at once, one an octave lower than the lead, best evidenced on the track "Kyragiorgena" or Missus George-wife by Halkias Brothers Folk Orchestra), iso-polyphonic vocals (three to five voices combined at once in different registers to produce an odd droning effect, a fine example being "Stis Deropolis" or On the Deropolis Plain by Ton Kampo Group From Northern Epirus) and traditional instruments such as bone flutes, pipes, and lutes favored by the semi-nomadic sheepherders of the region (and heard to best effect on "Skaros," or Shepherd's Song, by Elias Litos & Lazaros Rouvas).

    While usually labeled as demotic music, or song and dance music of the Greek village, the songs on "Five Days Married" offer something far rarer than a typical musical travelogue. What you're hearing is an actual cross-pollination of musical traditions captured on record, music so refreshingly alive and as acutely attuned to its strange mélange of cultural influences as to be nearly impenetrable. This is largely due to the shepherds who roamed the countryside of Epirus and originated this uniquely transient sound, a music unbound by any territorial or linguistic tradition, completely organic and in constant flux.

    Many of the songs have a strong gypsy flavor, not surprising considering that much of the music was recorded by Roma musicians, gypsies who had played in Epirus for many generations. This is strongly felt on the title track ("Pente Meres Pantremeni" or "Five Days Married" by Halkias Brothers Folk Orchestra), a tragic ode to a bright marriage cut short by the husband's untimely death. This song is a rare example of a mirologi, or a song of lament for the departed, traditionally an instrumental but here presented as a vocal with truly heartbreaking lyrics:"For five days only was she a married woman--/ Then she made her way to her mother's. / With her golden bridal thread in her hair/ She mourned her husband./ On Friday evening she bathed,/ Changed clothes, and went away./ Saturday dawn found her/ By her husband's grave."

    Other songs provide more lighthearted fare. Lively clarinet dominates some of the dance numbers, particularly "Stroto Pogonisio" (Smooth Dance From Pogoni), featuring the great Greek clarinetist Kitsos Harisiadis. The fiddle interplay on "Merko Moirologi" (A Lament for More Time by Manthos Halkias & Folk Orchestra) is truly sublime, playful, almost joyous, seemingly ironic for a piece about a plea for more time to live. Yet all the songs on this collection walk that thin line between the celebration of life and the mourning of death, what the Greeks refer to as chthonios (literally "of the earth or underworld"). These songs stare death in the face while merrily whistling past the graveyard. Each song on "Five Days Married & Other Laments" is a memento mori colored in bright pastoral hues, a reminder of death and a joyous celebration of life at the same time.
    SUBHAM --- ---
    mirne ot,
    ale cigosi adaptovali a obohacovali kde co mohli, zejmena v muzice.
    Stefan Dymiter – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
    Stefan skrzypek - YouTube

    nebo montyho cardas tady:
    SUBHAM --- ---
    [ Concert Qaraba / koncertconcert / 15.9.2013 / CR - Praha - Prostor Husitská 23, Praha Žižkov ]
    Songs from Minor Asia,the Middle East and the Mediterranean.
    REBETIKO*songs of the Greek underground.
    TAXIMS (improvisations) on Greek and Turkish traditional instruments.

    hudebníci / musicians:

    Johny Qaraba (Gr) - Lavta, Saz baglama, Tzuras, Baglamas, vocals
    Milan Jakes (Cz) - Violin
    Thomas Opata (Cz/Gr) - Guitar

    FLU --- ---
    VA - Stand Up, People / Gypsy Pop Songs From Tito's Yugoslavia 1964-1980

    Stand Up, People Gypsy Pop Songs From Tito\'s Yugoslavia 1964-1980.rar | Ulož.to


    SUBHAM --- ---
    it is called 'the hour of death'
    and says:
    'man has to think of the hour of the death sometimes,when he enters the black earth and his name vanishes

    SUBHAM --- ---
    Ρίτα Αμπατζή - Η ώρα του θανάτου 1934 - YouTube
    MILHAUZ --- ---
    SUBHAM: bezva, urcite doraz a vem vsechny kamarady! budeme se tesit!
    SUBHAM --- ---
    pecka dik, naposledy jsem se to dozvedel den pote,...
    MILHAUZ --- ---
    Indie v Praze a Brne aneb koncerty indicke hudby Raga Bansal:
    dokoncertu.cz - kalendář koncertů a jiných kulturních akcí - KONCERT INDICKE HUDBY - RAGA BANSAL
    dokoncertu.cz - kalendář koncertů a jiných kulturních akcí - KONCERT INDICKÉ HUDBY - RAGA BANSAL

    17.6. od 19h v praze v kostele sv.vavrince pod petrinem
    18.6. od 19h v brne v dome panu z kunstatu

    harpreet bansal (norsko/indie) - housle
    andreas bratlie (norsko) - tabla
    vojtech prochazka - piano

    ukazky: http://soundcloud.com/harpreetbansal
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