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    ztracené heslo?
    ASTRALRMAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies)
    UF0UN --- ---
    ISCD ~ Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs

    David Nutt, cat nebo khat, bába nebo sníh :D
    UF0UN --- ---
    Cannabidiol reduces cigarette consumption in to... [Addict Behav. 2013] - PubMed - NCBI
    LOWRIDER --- ---
    nabízím se slevou ke koupi vstupenku a letenku do londýna (připadně i objednané ubytování)
    na Breaking convention 2013 - velká mezinárodní psychedelická konference se spoustou přednášejících a akcí, včetně např. R. Metznera
    Breaking Convention
    zájemci do pošty
    UF0UN --- ---
    LEOZ: ten článek je dost dynamit.vyšlo to snad ve všech denících, včetně konzervativních fox news :-)
    LEOZ --- ---
    UF0UN: díky za tip, já na to mrknu snad až po státnicách, tedy snad už ve středu =) ale téma akademické cenzury je mi teď blízké: z navržených A a A na diplomku mě přiřkl přední tmář FFMU doc Vašina B =)
    UF0UN --- ---
    dík. moc dobře to hoši napsali.
    UF0UN --- ---
    Drug laws amount to scientific censorship, says David Nutt | Science | guardian.co.uk

    Nutt said: "The decision to outlaw these drugs was based on their perceived dangers, but in many cases the harms have been overstated and are actually less than many legal drugs such as alcohol.

    "The laws have never been updated despite scientific advances and growing evidence that many of these drugs are relatively safe. And there appears to be no way for the international community to make such changes."
    UF0UN --- ---
    D. Nutt: Effects of Schedule I drug laws on neuroscience research and treatment innovation
    Effects of Schedule I drug laws on neuroscience research and treatment innovation : Nature Reviews Neuroscience : Nature Publishing Group

    je to placené, nemáte někdo přístup?
    UF0UN --- ---
    Molecular Cousin To Ketamine Rapidly Lifts Depression Without Side Effects
    LEOZ --- ---
    UF0UN: hodně dobrý, použiju v obhajově DP =)
    UF0UN --- ---
    Psilocybin in the Treatment of Smoking Addiction: Psychological Mechanisms and Participant Account - YouTube

    91.6 % účastníků přestalo kouřit. Tři sezení s psilocybinem.
    UF0UN --- ---

    pěkný článek o tom, jak to v mozku pod vlivem psychedelk funguje
    UF0UN --- ---
    Cigarette Smokers interested in a novel approach to quitting smoking at no cost to you? No money compensation provided.

    Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine is seeking cigarette smokers who would like to quit smoking for participation in a scientific research study. The study involves ingestion of psilocybin in a comfortable, supportive setting. Psilocybin is a psychoactive substance found in psychedelic mushrooms that have been used as a sacrament in various cultures. Some research studies have suggested that psychedelics, when administered under interpersonally supportive and well-prepared conditions, may be effective in helping people overcome addictions. Cognitive behavior therapy and ongoing interpersonal support will be integrated with psilocybin sessions in order to help participants quit smoking. Questionnaires, interviews, and biological measures of smoking will be used to assess the treatment’s effects on consciousness, mood, and smoking. Volunteers enrolled in the research study will receive careful preparation and 3 sessions in which they will receive psilocybin. Structured guidance will be provided during the sessions and afterwards to facilitate integration of the experiences.

    LEOZ --- ---
    CONTINUITY: tož uvidíš. Couchsurfing asi né, vyžaduje to určitý závazek sociální interakce =), který se mi nechce naplňovat. Večer chci sebou třísknout do betle a spát. Prý je ale poblíž kemp a možná bude místo na studentské ubytovně Greenwich University.. info coming soon
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    LEOZ: wow, to je moc pěkný :)
    budu o tom uvažovat, i když se mi to moc nehodí (musela bych už ve čtvrtek večer domů)

    couchsurfing ?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam