Další šokující čísla z nelegálního obchodu s CITES exempláři.
Based on legal trade and seizure data, the largest flow of illicitly harvested rosewood in the past four years is coming out of Africa. The rosewood species featured in the last Report,
Pterocarpus erinaceus (known in Nigeria as "kosso"), was listed on CITES Appendix II effective at the start of 2017. Remarkably, after this listing, more rosewood was exported from Africa than ever before, but this time with CITES documentation.
Nigeria alone exported some 750,000 cubic meters of rosewood in 2017, which is equivavalent to about four million trees, or over 30,000 shipping containers, an average of almost 100 container loads exported per day. This continued apace in 2018. Beacuse Nigeria was unable to produce a scientific non-detriment finding, a recommendation to suspend trade from the country was issued by CITES in October 2018.
- World Wildlife Crime Report 2020