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    KOZMA --- ---
    XYNDLL_2Q3F: té hře se vyrovná její update na další verzi co se připravuje. Yep.
    XYNDLL_2Q3F --- ---
    Ještě než to zkusím, tak to prubnu tady se zeptat. Jede vám FL na Win7?
    A kdy konečně bude něco co se této hře vyrovná v r. 2011? :D
    CY_TR0N --- ---
    OZMAR: voda? na wiki jsou cesty kde a jak dobre prodat
    CY_TR0N --- ---
    koupis is spesl lodku a litas do tech poli kde najdes kusy ze kterych se da tezit vypadaj trochu jinak nez ostatni
    KRUPAN --- ---
    jak se těží? já jen vraždim.... .)))
    OZMAR --- ---
    Neviete, co sa momentalne da tazit za surovinu na v prvom systeme, hned po starte hry?
    Kedysi sa dalo v mraku tazit helium, ale teraz tam nic nie je..
    CY_TR0N --- ---
    Cytron:trust me it is the only way!

    ja taky necheatuju... chápu ale tak zkus online az dojedes single
    KRUPAN --- ---
    já nechci cheat
    CY_TR0N --- ---
    na lode? nevim jestli to de
    KRUPAN --- ---
    na co cheat?
    CY_TR0N --- ---
    cheat? ja uz hraju jenom online single nikam nevede .)
    KRUPAN --- ---
    hmmm....... :)))
    CY_TR0N --- ---
    ja mam mastodonta a claymora (discovery fl reunion)
    Claymore - Gaian Gunboat - Discovery Wiki
    Mastodon - Libertonian Transport - Discovery Wiki
    KRUPAN --- ---
    a tyhle velký potvory si v singlu asi nepořídíš, co....nebo jak se k nim člověk dostane?
    CY_TR0N --- ---
    muzes se vsim dokonce sem slysel ze na nejaky jinym serveru nez discovery nekdo mel toho obriho traina co ma asi 40 000 cargo space a je dlouhy jak 3 vesmirny zakladny
    KRUPAN --- ---
    jinak jsem si pořídil lodičku jménem Nepthys, bo jak se to píše....už nechci titana :D
    KRUPAN --- ---
    CY_TR0N: nojono...ale těmahle velkejma krávama nemůžeš do červí díry, ne?
    CY_TR0N --- ---
    KRUPAN: to je jeste slaby
    KRUPAN --- ---
    Discovery 4.86 Storyline: Liberty in 818 A.S.

    by Igiss on Jan.07, 2011, under Discovery Blog

    Merry (belated) Christmas and Happy (belated) New Year to all Discovery players!

    The lack of traditional Christmas announcement will be compensated by some more news in the new year. Yes, we surely promise to get more updates to you. Both about Discovery Freelancer 4.86 development and about 4.86 storyline. And yes, we are planning to release the mod this year, most definitely we are. But exact release time will remain unspecified until everything is done and ready for you to test out.

    This post is dedicated to the events happening in Liberty in 818 A.S. (prior to the 4.86 release). Previous story posts can be found here:

    Discovery 4.86 Storyline: Factions of Gallia
    Discovery 4.86 Storyline: Tau Conquest
    Discovery 4.86 Storyline: Kusari in 818 A.S.
    Discovery 4.86 Storyline: Bretonia in 818 A.S.

    The war between Liberty and Rheinland is moving towards its logical conclusion, since both nations are interested in peace. Rheinland ended up in a tough economical situation and cannot allow itself to lose the whole warship fleet needed to defend its boundaries. At the same time, Liberty faces the threat of a future attack from Gallia. To prepare for the war with Gallia which seems to be inevitable, the war with Rheinland has to end, one way or another.

    The carefully planned attack against Munster could be one of the final blows of Liberty in this war, and also reveal some of Liberty’s true goals and intentions for the attack against its neighbor…

    To access the story post from the forum’s front page or from the website, use the following link:

    Discovery 4.86: Liberty in 818 A.S.
    XYNDLL_2Q3F --- ---
    XYNDLL_2Q3F: Nuclear Mine??? wtf...
    to je nějakej mod ne? O tom tu nic není.

    Freelancer Guide - Equipment - Mines
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