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    SAAYURIFood styling/food photography - profesionální obrázky krásných a chutných jídel
    SCHEJBITCH --- ---

    Byly by receptíky k těmto jídlům? Klidně do pošty... Díky! :)
    MAR_TINA --- ---
    JANICA: možná ten minicheesecake do silikonových formiček na muffiny. Půjdou dobře ven a udělá to právě to žebrování na povrchu, které je na fotce.
    JANICA --- ---
    MAR_TINA: Ty jo, me to prave spis pripada jako piskotovy kosicek....tak nevim...kazdopadne i ten cheescake od tebe vypada bozsky, tak dekuju! :)
    MAR_TINA --- ---
    JANICA: podle mě to je cheesecake ve formičkách na suflé. už jsem to dělala, fotku asi nemám. Jen se to špatně vyklápí, chce to hodně másla na dno, objet okraj nožem, otočit a plácnout horkou mokrou utěrku na dno formičky. Popraskané vršky schováš pod tu omáčku :) http://www.apetitonline.cz/recepty/1166-trojity-cheesecake.html
    i v apetitu byl

    MALVINA --- ---
    Ne, vubec, je ti buhvi odkud a pravdepodobne ta stranka s receptama nemela nic spolecnyho :( ale zkus treba Apetit, tam maji hooodne dobrych receptu, neco takovyho by se tam i naslo ;)
    JANICA --- ---
    MALVINA: Prosim te, nemela bys k tomuhle i recept?
    MALVINA --- ---
    MALVINA --- ---
    MALVINA --- ---
    _LUCI --- ---
    L' Atelier Vi: Macarons à la rose et crème à la rose ~ 雅致柔美玫瑰風味馬卡龍

    _LUCI --- ---
    LA_BETE --- ---
    MARWIN --- ---


    Spezzatino with baguette (homemade)
    PINK_CICINKA --- ---
    PINK_CICINKA --- ---
    _LUCI --- ---

    ~ chocolate pudding ~

    1 1/2 cup milk

    100 g dark chocolate

    2 tablespoons cornstarch

    2 tablespoons cocoa powder

    2 tablespoons sugar

    14 g unsalted butter

    1 tablespoon vanilla sugar

    Bring the milk to boil in a saucepan.
    Mix together the cornstarch, cocoa powder and sugar.
    Once the milk begins to boil, turn the heat down and add the cocoa mixture. Whisk it continuously until it
    starts to thicken - it take about 2 minutes. Keep whisking and whisking until it looks pudding-y enough.
    Remove from the heat and add the butter, the vanilla sugar and mix to blend.
    Pour into a serving dish. To prevent a skin from forming, layer plastic wrap directly on top of the pudding.
    Refrigerate until cold or try it while it's still warm.
    ANGELFREE --- ---

    Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Parsnips with Nutmeg, Garlic and Honey

    - - - - - - - -

    8-10 baby sweet potatoes, halved length-ways
    6-8 small parsnips
    3 cloves garlic, minced
    3-4 sprigs fresh thyme leaves
    1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
    1 tablespoon runny Beechwood (or similar) honey
    Salt and freshly ground black pepper
    Olive oil

    - - - - - - - -

    Preheat oven to 180˚C/350˚F.

    Half-fill a large pot with salted water and par boil the sweet potatoes, drain and add to a roasting tray.

    Add minced garlic, 2 tablespoons olive oil and ground nutmeg to a jug and whisk together.

    Top and tail and peel the parsnips, then cut lengthways into quarters and add to the roasting tray along with the sweet potatoes.

    Scatter with fresh thyme leaves and season with a little salt, and lots of freshly ground black pepper then drizzle over the garlic/nutmeg oil, toss all together then add a final drizzle of honey. Roast in the oven for 50-60 minutes until golden and caramelized.

    Serve with a little sea salt and a few extra fresh thyme leaves.

    Serves 6
    ANGELFREE --- ---

    Creamy Pecorino and Parmesan Macaroni Bake with Salami, Roasted Tomatoes and Chilli

    - - - - - - - -
    1 punnet cherry tomatoes
    500g macaroni
    250g salami, torn or cut into bite-sized pieces
    60g butter
    1/3 cup flour
    4 cups milk
    Large handful Parmesan cheese, grated plus extra for topping
    Large handful Pecorino cheese, grated plus extra for topping
    Fresh nutmeg, grated
    ½ - 1 teaspoon chilli flakes (amount depending on personal taste)
    1 teaspoon white truffle oil (optional)
    1/3 cup white wine
    ¼ cup cream
    Handful basil
    Olive oil
    Salt and freshly ground black pepper
    - - - - - - - -

    Preheat oven to 160˚C/320˚F

    Slice baby tomatoes in half and place on a baking tray, cut-side up, drizzle with a little olive oil, season with salt and freshly ground black pepper, and roast in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Turn oven temperature up to 180˚C/350˚F

    Half fill a large French-oven style casserole pot with salted water, add in a glug of olive oil and bring to a rolling boil over high heat. Add the macaroni and cook for 8 minutes until almost al dente. The pasta will have further cooking in the oven so make sure you don’t over cook the past in the water at this stage. Drain, rinse in cold water return pasta to the casserole dish. Add another glug of olive oil, stir and coat the macaroni evenly, add the salami, roasted tomatoes and season everything with a little salt and a generous amount of freshly ground black pepper. Set aside.

    Add the butter to a medium-sized saucepan and melt over medium heat. Add the flour and whisk until smooth, cook for 2 minutes stirring constantly. Reduce heat a little, add the milk in stages stirring/beating thoroughly with a wooden spoon as you go, keep stirring until the sauce has thickened and is smooth and creamy.

    Remove from the heat add the 2 handfuls of cheeses, a decent grating of fresh nutmeg, dried chilli flakes, cream, truffle oil and season with a little more black pepper. Combine all together then pour over the macaroni along with the white wine, coating pasta well. Add in a handful of torn basil leaves and sprinkle the top of the pasta liberally with some more grated Parmesan and Pecorino.

    Cook casserole in the pre-heated oven for 30-40 minutes until golden brown and top is bubbling and crispy. If you like you can stick the dish (lid off obviously!) under a hot grill to get the topping even crispier.

    Serve piping hot with extra grated Parmesan and fresh crusty bread rolls.

    Serves 6

    What Katie Ate
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