Tady je trochu homofobní popis situace:)
Just be patient, its coming and its very underwhelming anyway as most everything is broken and freezing up, and the new additions are pretty minimal at best. I see a lot of optimizations but as far as new features.... meh. DX11 is nice and all but nothing I need or want, and the animation system is completely fucked. The biggest fuck in the ass is no samples or demo project, it ships yet again with Angry Bots, but this time updated with DX11 features. The Animation Preview is broken and worthless, state machine editor constantly locks up unity at random, total garbage. You'll all have your chance to be pissed off at the world and frustrated soon enough young padawans! The stupid asset browser actually makes browsing your project a fucking pain in the ass. Sure you can go back to the classic tree view but it still functions differently then it has for the last 3 versions of Unity..