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    ztracené heslo?
    MOPIKWorld of Tanks
    WAR_TIN --- ---
    ja na nej taky kaslu dokud tam nebude WT E100 tak nic jinyho nechci
    _HUNT3R_ --- ---
    REPA: Přesně tak, tohle maji kluci z WG zmaknute dobre
    REPA --- ---
    lidi maji goldy z vanocnich beden a WG si je proste bere zpet:)))
    TIGERLOVER --- ---
    Ti hráči jsou cvoci, nebo neví co s penězi. :D
    KUTHNERSSON --- ---
    REPA: pouhých 41k goldů prej stačilo na zlatýho Typa 59 :-))) no nekup to :-))
    TIGERLOVER --- ---
    REPA --- ---
    ted tam byl tier II za 9500 goldu a behem 30 vterin vyprodano:))))
    REPA --- ---
    tak prej borci tam davali do aukce kolem 100 000 goldu. olol
    REPA --- ---
    PRAASHEK: to byla drazba za goldy a minimalni castka 20 000 goldu:)
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    to bude dražba za goldy?
    REPA --- ---
    SICKBOY4000: chce se ti utratit 20 000 a vice tisic goldu za blby skin?:)
    PAVEL1989 --- ---
    VOMETAK: kua vašiku to nemužeš na mě počkat člověk si zajde do hospody a ty máš takové paradní bitvy neser :-)
    VOMETAK --- ---
    VOMETAK --- ---
    00KUBAT --- ---
    Mně se nepodařilo přihlásit...Zkoušel jsem to asi 10krát a vždycky mi to hodilo něco jako: "kvůli technickým potížím se momentálně nelze přihlásit, zkuste to později!... Takže ještě větší fuck up :-)
    FRK_R23 --- ---
    REPA: Jednoznacne nejvic. Jestli muze bejt nejaky meritko twitch, tak Skilla sleduje nejvic lidi
    REPA --- ---
    FRK_R23: me by prave zajimalo, kolik hracu ma pod sebou kazdy velitel. Ja si vybral Skilla pac ho dost sleduju a je fakt, ze kdybych to pocital, tak si myslim, ze WR bych mel kolem 80%. To pak uplne chapu tu frustraci toho borce co hraje za AEG
    FRK_R23 --- ---
    LOL :))

    FRK_R23 --- ---
    Nevim jestli hrajete ten Team clash event, ale Skill jasne vitezi a ukazuje se, ze rental tier X neni dobrej napad :)

    před 59 minutami (upraveno)
    To be honest, you are talking from the perspective of the best team in the game. I joined AEG (for the memes, still love you skill) and in every single game we have atleast 3 BB tanks, most of them don't even own a standard tier 10, they have no idea what to do, get rekt and then spam the chat. Out of 127 games I played, 117 was against Skill4ltu team and in most cases your teams are filled with very good players in their own tech tree tanks or clan rewards monsters. I might sound salty, but how can my team, with 2 obj. 140 BBs with under 5k games and 2 WZ BBs stand against your team with 279, chief and 907, all premade? After you lose 9/10 like this, it starts to get salty and after that toxic. I enjoyed that gamemode when we were premade, but otherwise, it really was a toxic experience for me. It was basically: Get to lvl 10 by losing to Skill team and never play it again. :(

    Edit: You can see it in the video, battle in AMX-50B against AEG team, 7:0, 4 BB tanks, 3 of them below or around 5k games, without bigger experience in tier 10 combat. Now imagine that game from their perspective and multiply the number of battles by 100, to get to lvl 10 by losing. It still sounds as fun right?

    Most Toxic Gamemode Ever!
    PAVEL1989 --- ---
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam