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    ztracené heslo?
    MTOWilhelm Reich - Orgon Power Organisation
    Wilhelm Reich
    March 24, 1897 - November 3, 1957

    “I am well aware of the fact that the human race has known about the existence of a universal energy related to life for many ages. However, the basic task of natural science consisted of making this energy usable. This is the sole difference between my work and all preceding knowledge.”
    rozbalit záhlaví
    XAB --- ---
    MTO: ja ji mam taky, a je to prave vysledek toho armoringu. vyvaris si krunyr/strupy proti svetu. ja se toho dokazu zbavit, staci aby energie proudila dokonale volne, abych se dokonale miloval. :) mam to jako takovej ukazatel kterej mi perfektne ukazuje jak na tom jsem.
    MTO --- ---
    no tak ja mam ve svem okoli dva lupenkare, a vim jaky prozivaji trapeni, ale nenadelas nic :-/

    Lupénka a její léčba, příznaky, fotografie ...

    Lupénka nebo-li psoriáza je chronické kožní onemocnění. Probíhá s velkým sklonem k recidivám. Latinský název psoriáza se odvozuje od slova „psora“, neboli odlupování, škrábání. Částečně se dědí, určitě se dá u některých jedinců vystopovat rodinná disposice k chorobě.
    Co je to lupénka?

    Je to viditelná porucha kůže, která se bohužel nedá úplně vyléčit. Psoriáza je tedy přesněji řečeno časté, neinfekční, zánětlivé, autoimunitní onemocnění. Toto slovo zná v dnešní době mnoho lidí, neboť lupénka se stává civilizační chorobou.

    Odlupování pokožky, které je 7 krát rychlejší než u zdravé pokožky je častou součástí lupénky. Psoriáza (Lupénka) se objevuje většinou mezi desátým až třicátým rokem života, ale může v podstatě začít kdykoli.
    XAB --- ---
    husty tady ctu na wikipedii ze na gymlpu se mu udelala lupenka a zustala celej zivot...
    MTO --- ---
    Wilhelm Reich

    Recommended Reading

    If you would like to learn more about Reich, start with the short bio available on the Wilhelm Reich Museum website. Then move on to the primary materials. The Function of the Orgasm is an excellent starting point. From there try The Cancer Biopathy, The Mass Psychology of Fascism, Ether, God, and Devil, and Cosmic Superimposition in that general order. Learning about Reich via secondary sources is, of course, important. But coming at him through the primary materials is crucial as many of the secondary sources--especially those available online--are clouded with misinformation and personal vindictiveness. I'm guessing that many are tempted to read Myron Sharaf's biography Fury on Earth first (as this is the most readily available biography), but you should avoid the temptation and read the primary materials. Let Reich tell his own story. If the material piques your interest, then explore what others say. Having a strong understanding of the primary material will help you better evaluate the veracity of the material presented in secondary sources.
    MTO --- ---
    No Nonsense Psychology: Wilhelm Reich - Armoring

    Wilhelm Reich was a student of Freud's who believed that the body plays an important role in an individual's expression. Crucial to his understanding of psychology is the concept of Armoring which is basically the physical component of repression as understood by Freud.

    Armoring occurs when an impulse is halted at the muscular level. For example, it is natural for a child to cry when they are sad. However, a child who is punished for crying will find a way to inhibit this behavior. At first, this inhibition is conscious, and may include tensing the muscles of the eyes and face, holding the breath, or whatever else works that the child is capable of doing. Reich said that normally a child will cease the inhibition once the threat passes, but when a child is repeatedly subjected to the same kind of treatment, the inhibiting behavior becomes learned and integrated into the child's way of being, along with the accompanying muscular armoring. It becomes habitual and unconscious, and the person no longer notices they are "doing" anything at all.

    Reich viewed the purpose of this armoring as protecting the child from perceived threats, but the cost is the diminished freedom that comes fighting against constant muscular contraction as well the energy that is required to maintain this state of contraction.

    You may be able to fight and win battles in a suit of armor, but when you're wearing one all of the time without knowing it, it becomes impossible to dance.
    MTO --- ---
    James DeMeo's Research Website
    MTO --- ---
    Wilhelm Reich (Wilhelm Reich) on Myspace

    ja nikdy nemel majspejz v lasce, tohle je ale dobry. hodne citatu, filmy a fotky...
    MTO --- ---
    MTO: tady nejaky review a odkaz na torrent. mel by byt funkcni pak ho dam na uloz.to

    Greylodge Podcasting Company and Occult Review
    MTO --- ---
    to bude asi pekna freakshow :-D

    kdyby nekdo vedel o dvd ripu se s nim :-)

    YouTube - Wilhelm Reich in Hell Trailer

    The Robert Anton Wilson Website - Wilhelm Reich in Hell
    MTO --- ---
    Wilhelm Reich
    CORE (Cosmic Orgone Engineering)
    OROP Desert
    MTO --- ---
    MTO --- ---
    no asi jo. kdo nekouril, zejo? :-)))))

    XAB --- ---
    to je cigo, on kouril?
    MTO --- ---
    YouTube - Wilhelm Reich - Private Recording (rare)

    - kouknout na related...
    MTO --- ---
    Peter Robbins - Orgone Energy, Wilhelm Reich and UFOs
    MTO --- ---

    A short bi­og­ra­phy on leg­endary sci­en­tist Wil­helm Re­ich
    KOZMA --- ---
    Jinak s panem Welzem je taky problém trošku v jeho blábolení o tom, že jedině JEHO zařízení produkuji POR. Vlastně je tam toho víc trošku problematického. Třeba tvrzení že jedině ,,pulzovaný" orgonit produkuje POR. Přitom je to krapet jinak. Jakýkoliv orgonit s krystalem uvnitř pulzuje na hodně vysoké frekvenci v závislosti od typu krystalu a pulzní hodnotě DOR která skrze něj prochází...
    Dovolil bych si pana Welza označit v tomto a mnoha dalších směrech jako dezinformátora.
    KOZMA --- ---
    MTO: Jo Welz... je tak trochu přeplněnej sám sebou :))
    MTO --- ---
    Orgone Technology - How to Make Orgonite - Instructions from the inventor of Orgonite, Karl Hans Welz
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