EFESH: hodiny spanelstiny s "El Tigre Chino" mi dost chybi! :)
Ken Jeong je dobrej, hodne bavil uz v hangoveru.... :)
hehe :)
Ben Chang - Community Wiki
Señor Ben Chang is a Spanish professor at Greendale Community College. He is a Spanish genius and has earned the nickname "El Tigre Chino".
Ben Chang has been teaching at Greendale for six years, and is a very passionate Spanish teacher. He teaches Spanish 101, and presumably higher level courses as well. He is a very outgoing teacher, and often gets in the face of his students. He also grades very rigorously, and does not like when students use presentation time inappropriately. ("Spanish 101")
Ben had a previous romantic relationship with a woman of Latin descent. He learned Spanish from her, thus why he is a Spanish teacher. Ben can be seen wearing a wedding ring in "Spanish 101."
* Ben loves Latin culture, especially Colombian timba and spicy mango. (GreendaleCommunityCollege.com)