JUNIPETRUS: Takže jedeme.
Je to studie.
Je to hypotetický plán na snížení globálního oteplování - měl bys řičet radostí.
Hypotetická studie předpokládá využití komerčních aerolinek za účelem snížení nákladů, což se trochu tluče s nedávnými výkřiky o NATO vzdušném prostoru a velkoplošném jednoúčelovém sprejování.
6. Recapitulation
Recent GCM studies (Sanderson et al 2008, Mitchell et al 2008) suggest that climate sensitivity is very sensitive to upper tropospheric cloud cover and humidity, making cirrus clouds a logical candidate for climate modification efforts. Cirrus clouds also affect OLR more than other cloud types, with their modification directly addressing the radiation imbalance imposed by greenhouse gases. Due to the expected dominance of homogeneous freezing nucleation at temperatures below –40 °C, it may be possible to decrease cirrus cloud coverage by introducing efficient heterogeneous ice nuclei at these temperatures where the cirrus greenhouse effect is strongest. Due to vapor competition effects, this may result in larger ice crystals with higher fall velocities, which should decrease cirrus coverage and increase OLR, thus cooling surface temperatures. While there may be an initial increase in cirrus coverage due to ice supersaturation in clear skies, over time the increase in net downward transport of water substance (due to higher ice fall speeds) should reduce the relative humidity and cirrus coverage of the upper troposphere. Based on one GCM study, it appears that seeding cirrus clouds on a global scale could cool the planet by well more than 2.8 W m–2, perhaps enough to cancel the radiative forcing due to a doubling of CO2 (3.7 W m–2). The distribution of seeding material could be done relatively inexpensively through the airline industry. Seeding along conventional flight corridors should increase OLR preferentially over the northern high latitudes where global warming is most severe. But this may also slightly intensify the global temperature gradients, the jet streams and the frequency and strength of frontal systems. Studies employing a variety of GCMs might be needed to understand the feedbacks involved. On the other hand, this geoengineering option does not have many of the drawbacks that the most studied geoengineering option has, that option being the stratospheric injection of sulfur compounds.
Opět, samé suggest, may, would, could.
Tyhle studie už tu byly dávno a jejich existence nijak nedokazuje reálné převádění geoingeneeringu do praxe. Alespoň ve velkoplošném měřítku. Že jisté pokusy byly provedeny je taktéž všeobecně známá věc, s níž se nikdo netají.