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    prvních 25 cloud seeding

    Cloud microphysical background for the Israel-4 cloud seeding experimentOriginal Research Article
    Atmospheric Research, Volumes 158–159, 1–15 May 2015, Pages 122-138
    Eyal Freud, Hagai Koussevitzky, Tom Goren, Daniel Rosenfeld
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    The impact of ground-based glaciogenic seeding on clouds and precipitation over mountains: A multi-sensor case study of shallow precipitating orographic cumuliOriginal Research Article
    Atmospheric Research, Volumes 147–148, 1–15 October 2014, Pages 162-182
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    Extra area effects of cloud seeding — An updated assessmentReview Article
    Atmospheric Research, Volumes 135–136, January 2014, Pages 193-203
    T.P. DeFelice, J. Golden, D. Griffith, W. Woodley, D. Rosenfeld, D. Breed, M. Solak, B. Boe
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    Targeting and impacts of AgI cloud seeding based on rain chemical composition and cloud top phase characterizationOriginal Research Article
    Atmospheric Research, Volumes 114–115, 1 October 2012, Pages 119-130
    Assaf Zipori, Daniel Rosenfeld, Jacob Shpund, David M. Steinberg, Yigal Erel
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    Atmospheric Environment, Volume 46, January 2012, Pages 441-448
    James R. Campbell, Ellsworth J. Welton, Nickolay A. Krotkov, Kai Yang, Sebastian A. Stewart, Michael D. Fromm
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    Silver iodide seeding impact on the microphysics and dynamics of convective clouds in the high plainsOriginal Research Article
    Atmospheric Research, Volume 96, Issues 2–3, May 2010, Pages 186-207
    Baojun Chen, Hui Xiao
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    Fuzzy C-means++: Fuzzy C-means with effective seeding initializationOriginal Research Article
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    Adrian Stetco, Xiao-Jun Zeng, John Keane
    AbstractResearch highlights PDF (1547 K)
    Open Access Open Access Article

    A numerical comparison study of cloud seeding by silver iodide and liquid carbon dioxideOriginal Research Article
    Atmospheric Research, Volume 79, Issues 3–4, March 2006, Pages 183-226
    Xueliang Guo, Guoguang Zheng, Dezhen Jin
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    Numerical simulation of hail formation in the 28 June 1989 Bismarck thunderstorm: Part II, cloud seeding resultsOriginal Research Article
    Atmospheric Research, Volume 71, Issues 1–2, July 2004, Pages 81-113
    Richard D Farley, Hui Chen, Harold D Orville, Mark R Hjelmfelt
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    Modeled streamflow response under cloud seeding in the North Platte River watershedOriginal Research Article
    Journal of Hydrology, Volume 409, Issues 1–2, 28 October 2011, Pages 305-314
    Anil Acharya, Thomas C. Piechota, Haroon Stephen, Glenn Tootle
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    Effects of hygroscopic seeding on raindrop formation as seen from simulations using a 2000-bin spectral cloud parcel modelOriginal Research Article
    Atmospheric Research, Volume 71, Issues 1–2, July 2004, Pages 3-34
    Y Segal, A Khain, M Pinsky, D Rosenfeld
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    Modelling of ions for seeding technique to electrify the atmosphereOriginal Research Article
    Journal of Electrostatics, Volume 75, June 2015, Pages 19-26
    N.A. Doshi, S.D. Agashe
    AbstractResearch highlights PDF (767 K)

    An evaluation of eleven operational cloud seeding programs in the watersheds of the Sierra Nevada MountainsOriginal Research Article
    Atmospheric Research, Volume 97, Issue 4, September 2010, Pages 526-539
    Bernard A. Silverman
    Abstract PDF (765 K)

    Feasibility study of artificial rainfall system using ion seeding with high voltage sourceOriginal Research Article
    Journal of Electrostatics, Volume 74, April 2015, Pages 115-127
    Neeta Doshi, Sudhir Agashe
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    Etherospermia: Conceptual art, science and allegory in the sky-seeding projectOriginal Research Article
    Acta Astronautica, Volume 104, Issue 1, November 2014, Pages 61-70
    Ioannis Michaloudis, Michael Seats
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    Direct seeding to restore rainforest species: Microsite effects on the early establishment and growth of rainforest tree seedlings on degraded land in the wet tropics of AustraliaOriginal Research Article
    Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 234, Issues 1–3, 1 October 2006, Pages 333-343
    Susan J. Doust, Peter D. Erskine, David Lamb
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    Nucleation and scattering properties of ice cloud due to seeding of sodium chloride as aqueous solution and dustOriginal Research Article
    Atmospheric Environment, Volume 39, Issue 33, October 2005, Pages 6213-6222
    Sahana Paul, L.N. Biswas, U.K De, K. Goswami
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    Production of hydrogen and carbon by solar thermal methane splitting. III. Fluidization, entrainment and seeding powder particles into a volumetric solar receiverOriginal Research Article
    International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 30, Issue 1, January 2005, Pages 35-43
    Abraham Kogan, Meir Kogan, Shmuel Barak
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    Effect of seeding on hydrogen and carbon particle production in a 10 MW solar thermal reactor for methane decompositionOriginal Research Article
    International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 37, Issue 21, November 2012, Pages 16570-16580
    Giorgos Patrianakos, Margaritis Kostoglou, Athanasios G. Konstandopoulos
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    Towards secure and reliable cloud storage against data re-outsourcingOriginal Research Article
    Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 52, November 2015, Pages 86-94
    Tao Jiang, Xiaofeng Chen, Jin Li, Duncan S. Wong, Jianfeng Ma, Joseph K. Liu
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    The Cloud Ice Mountain Experiment (CIME) 1998: experiment overview and modelling of the microphysical processes during the seeding by isentropic gas expansionOriginal Research Article
    Atmospheric Research, Volume 58, Issue 4, September 2001, Pages 231-265
    Wolfram Wobrock, Andrea I Flossmann, Marie Monier, Jean-Marc Pichon, Laurent Cortez, Jean-François Fournol, Alfons Schwarzenböck, Stephan Mertes, Jost Heintzenberg, Paolo Laj, Giordano Orsi, Loretta Ricci, Sandro Fuzzi, Harry Ten Brink, Piet Jongejan, René Otjes
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    Large, unique radar echoes in a new, self-enhancing cloud seeding
    Atmospheric Research, Volume 55, Issues 3–4, December 2000, Pages 271-273
    N Fukuta, K Wakimizu, K Nishiyama, Y Suzuki, H Yoshikoshi
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    Glaciopanspermia: Seeding the terrestrial planets with life?Original Research Article
    Planetary and Space Science, Volume 59, Issue 10, August 2011, Pages 1107-1111
    Joop M. Houtkooper
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    Impact of nitrogen seeding on carbon erosion in the JET divertorOriginal Research Article
    Journal of Nuclear Materials, Volume 417, Issues 1–3, 1 October 2011, Pages 624-628
    S. Brezinsek, S. Jachmich, J. Rapp, A.G. Meigs, C. Nicholas, M. O’Mullane, A. Pospieszczyk, G. van Rooij, JET-EFDA contributors
    Abstract PDF (902 K)

    An independent evaluation of a South African hygroscopic cloud seeding experiment, 1991–1995Original Research Article
    Atmospheric Research, Volume 43, Issue 2, January 1997, Pages 111-127
    E.K. Bigg
    MATT --- ---
    a cloud seeding

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    MATT --- ---
    KUKIDE, VYHULENY_UFO: mam pocit, ze zrovna o DDT se nedavno ukazalo, ze tak toxicky neni..

    VYHULENY_UFO: docela stary, navic cesky, coz jak jsem poznal, jsme tu tak 20 let pozpatku...

    jsem si dal vyhledat "geoengineering" na sciencedirect a tady mas vysledky, cislo v zavorce je pocet clanku

    2016 (1)
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    KUKIDE --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO: jej co mi tady odpovídáš se starejma zprávama já ti tu linkuju pár dnů starou a ty stím že harp byl zavřenej loni :D
    KUKIDE --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO: to je vidět že nerzklikneš ani link :D
    [ KUKIDE @ Chemtrails/Geoinzenyring/Klimaterorismus ]
    KUKIDE --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO: btw a to se tu celou dobu bavíme jen o cloudseedingu....
    a na každém šprochu pravdy trochu... tak ono se to má stím HAARPem tak že taky umí ovlivňovat počasí... ale fakt už se mi nechce hledat linky na vědecký články a patenty který k tomu tématu jsou... prostě musím makat :P najdi si je kdyžtak sám

    Co mě osobně vadí, je že prostě vědeckejch studií na to jak ovlivňovat počasí jsou tři prdele, ale žádná na to jak ovlivňování počasí bude mít vliv na přírodu...

    a to že se lobuje za to aby se to používalo na celé planetě: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2012/feb/06/bill-gates-climate-scientists-geoengineering je každýmu šumák

    KUKIDE --- ---
    a já zas místo abych pracoval tu stebou lelkuju, doufám že aspoň trochu už chápeš že modifikace počasí existuje už docela pár desetiletí dokonce se začala studovat i na oxfordu http://www.geoengineering.ox.ac.uk a používá se všude možně celkem běžně bych řekl... a konspirace ty už mají snad jen živnou půdu ve vojenských projektech, který prostě nejsou veřejný :P protože chemtrail zkrátka existují :P
    KUKIDE --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO: jasně že je a odpověď je jasně že funguje :D
    link z washingtonpost
    "Cloud seeding — infusing clouds with chemicals that help water vapor coalesce into rain droplets — was invented in 1946 by atmospheric scientist Bernard Vonnegut (brother of novelist Kurt). Its success has been mixed. But Baum reports that “a fleet of new NASA weather satellites, advances in radar and . . . growth of computing power have combined to let scientists say with considerable certainty — for the first time — that yes, under the right circumstances and in limited ways, cloud seeding works.”
    KUKIDE --- ---
    a když už jsme u toho:
    The Weather Modification Association (WMA) was organized in 1950 to cultivate a better understanding of weather modification techniques, impacts, and expectations among program sponsors, program operators, and the scientific community, and to promote ethical professional conduct and a free exchange of information."
    Weather Modification Association
    KUKIDE --- ---
    KUKIDE --- ---
    btw stačí ten uvodní odstavec na téhle stránce: http://www.weathermodification.com/index.php
    KUKIDE --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO: už trolíš prostě si nechceš připustit že by jsme to používali co? :P
    KUKIDE --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO: usa běžně http://www.usnews.com/...ence/articles/2009/12/11/governments-turn-to-cloud-seeding-to-fight-drought

    a tenhle článek byl převzatej a uveřejněnej i letos v reflexu: https://www.oliverstravels.com/blog/guarantee-perfect-wedding-weather-olivers-travels/
    a taky je někde článek z novinek o francouzkejch vinařích a tradici tvorby a rozhánění mraků ale ten nemůžu najít
    KUKIDE --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO: :P já jen na přehled že se ta technologie opravdu používá a ne v malém měřítku... přece jen proč asi čína mám ministerstvo počasí???? :P
    KUKIDE --- ---
    KUKIDE --- ---
    je to asi 330000 doláčů ale to vtom článku taky máš :P
    KUKIDE --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO: 15milionů pesos jen letos na filipínách to ti je málo?
    As El Nino looms, cloud seeding gets tailwind| Energy & Oil| Reuters
    KUKIDE --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO: ty vole ty jsi pako já to odkazuju protože tam je o tom jak loni práškovali nad celou malajsií kvůli suchu... to jen na okraj jak ta technologie s tvorbou mraků je v dnešní době používaná...
    KUKIDE --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO: jen tak na ukázku vyhledej si zprávy ohledně toho z minulého roku v malaysii :P
    Malaysia starts cloud seeding to induce rainfall
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