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    ztracené heslo?
    MTOChemtrails/Geoinzenyring/Klimaterorismus aneb Jak si objednat slunečný den
    GORG --- ---
    Ultrafine particles in cities

    Nanotoxicology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Shrnuto chybí dostatečný výzkum rizik toxicity nanočástic, jen vědci tvrdí, že tyto částice umí procházet skrz kůži rovnou kamkoliv do těla prakticky, a umí být toxičtější než pokud jsou ve formě velkých částic. "Skeptičtí" vědci přesto ta rizika měří pomocí celkového množství ne velikosti.
    MTO --- ---
    The Chem Trails in your Cereal
    MTO --- ---
    KUKIDE: zrovna to sem nesu. tak uvidime :-)
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Minister pledges probe into chemtrails   - Cyprus Mail Cyprus Mail
    LUKK --- ---
    zna nekdo toho haralda?
    LUKK --- ---
    Chemtrails, Morgellons, and Black Goo | Harald & Cara
    LUKK --- ---
    Nibiru Prepper Posting Harald Kautz Vella, Scientist and Humanitarian- - YouTube
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHYwpnZRpcA zacatek je o chemtrails...
    KUKIDE --- ---
    KUKIDE: a článek k tomu:
    “Conspiracy Theorists” Are Vindicated: U.S. Senate Reports Chemtrails Are Real and Are Killing Us! - DavidWolfe.com
    KUKIDE --- ---
    KUKIDE: tady je to celý:
    Full text of "Weather modification: programs, problems, policy, and potential"
    KUKIDE --- ---

    U.S. Senate,

    Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation,

    Washington, D.C., July 30, 1976.

    Dr. Norman A. Beckman,

    Acting Director, Congressional Research Service,
    Library of Congress, W ashington, D.C.

    Dear Dr. Beckman: Weather modification, although a relatively
    young science, has over the years stimulated great interest within the
    scientific, commercial, governmental, and agricultural communities.
    Such responses are readily understandable. Weather-related disasters
    and hazards affect virtually all Americans and annually cause untold
    human suffering and loss of life and result in billions of dollars of eco-
    nomic loss to crops and other property. While weather modification projects have been operational for nearly 25 years and have been
    shown to have significant potential for preventing, diverting, moderat-
    ing, or ameliorating the adverse effects of such weather related disas-
    ters and hazards, I am greatly concerned regarding the lack of a
    coordinated Federal weather modification policy and a coordinated
    and comprehensive program for weather modification research and
    development. This fact is all the more disturbing in view of the mani-
    fest needs, and benefits, social and economic, that can be associated with
    weather modification activities. These deficiencies in our Federal orga-
    nizational structure have resulted in a less than optimal return on our investments in weather modification activities and a failure, with few
    exceptions, to recognize that much additional research and develop-
    ment needs to be carried out before weather modification becomes a
    truly operational tool.

    Reports and studies conducted by such diverse organizations as the
    National Academy of Sciences, the National Advisory Committee on
    Oceans and Atmosphere, the General Accounting Office, and the
    Domestic Council have highlighted the lack of a comprehensive Federal
    weather modification policy and research and development program.
    Hearings that I chaired in February of this year reinforced my con-
    cerns regarding the wisdom of our continued failure to implement a
    national policy on this very important issue.

    I am therefore requesting the Congressional Research Service to
    prepare a comprehensive report on weather modification. This report
    should include a review of the history and existing status of weather
    modification knowledge and technology; the legislative history of
    existing and proposed domestic legislation concerning weather mod-
    ification; socio-economic and legal problems presented by weather
    modification activities; a review and analysis of the existing local,
    State, Federal, and international weather modification organizational



    structure: international implications of weather modification activi-
    ties: and a review and discussion of alternative U.S. and international
    weather modification policies and research and development programs.

    If you have any questions with respect to this request, please contact
    Mr. Gerry J. Kovach, Minority Staff Counsel of the Senate Commerce
    Committee. He has discussed this study with Mr. Robert E. Morrison
    and Mr. John Justus of the Science Policy Division, Congressional
    Research Service.

    Very truly yours,

    James B. Pearsox,

    U.S. Senator.
    JUDE --- ---
    Are Militant Atheists Using Chemtrails to Poison the Angels in Heaven? | HardDawn.com
    VYHULENY_UFO --- ---
    NASA HACKED! AnonSec tried to Crash $222 Million Drone into Pacific Ocean
    KUKIDE --- ---
    A když už jsme u toho dnes na novinkách :)
    Hackeři dokázali ovládnout drony NASA – Novinky.cz
    Do programů k ovlivnění počasí amerického Národního úřadu pro letectví a vesmír (NASA) pronikla na celé dva roky skupina hackerů, kteří si říkají AnonSec.

    „Jedním z hlavních cílů operace bylo přilákat pozornost k realitě ovlivňování počasí,“ citoval server InfoWars z webového časopisu „zine“ hackerské skupiny. Podle něj má NASA řadu úkolů věnovaných studiu aerosolů a jejich účinků na prostředí a počasí."
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Putin Accuses U.S. Of Spraying Poisonous Chemtrails Over Syria
    Putin Accuses U.S. Of Spraying Poisonous Chemtrails Over Syria | Your News Wire
    MTO --- ---
    here we go :-)

    PressReader.com - Connecting People Through News
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    CONTINUITY: pokud by to někdo chtěl hledat (někdo se mě teď ptal v poště) - tím busem jsem jela v pondělí, noviny tedy byly pondělní nebo starší. ale byl to jen jeden odstaveček
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    TeĎ jsem ve studentbusu četla noviny, bohužel si nevybavím jestli lidovky nebo MF

    Byl tam rozhovor s Češkou, která žije v Jemenu, o té válce tam.

    Popisovala, jak je Saúdové bombardují. A že jedna z věcí, co dělají, je, že letadla jen krouží nad městem, nepadají bomby, zústávají po nich nerozpouštějící se čáry, a za chvíli je černá tma, černý mraky, žádný slunce.... Že prý tam rozprašují směs kovů, hliník a ještě něco, místní média o tom normálně píší.

    Český novinář to nekomentoval a v další otázce změnil téma..., ale otiskli to :)
    REZENKISUN --- ---
    jak je to teda s tym dokumentom z US amabasady?
    KUKIDE --- ---
    C-130 aircraft caught dropping massive 'raindrop shaped fibers' onto populace, lab tests confirm "metals" » Intellihub
    MTO --- ---
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam