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    ztracené heslo?
    ESYgr1d - A persistent multiplayer online programming game
    GOSHEWAN --- ---
    Ja se ted take branim, mel by to byt rychly proces. Pak bychom mohli konecne trochu zkoordinovat ty raidy.
    Tak Covert-Apps jde zase na me :P. Tentokrat jde na me vsim. Prijde v ticku 42594.

    Mel bych to ubranit, ale kdybyste mi nekdo chtel pomoct, tak se zlobit nebudu :). A nebo muzete vyrazit rovnou na nej, at z toho taky neco mate :).
    Attacking agents - Incoming - (21 agents, 1232/1232 bytes)
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentMurphey(1,1) 22/22 bytes 	239 ticks
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentMurphey(1,2) 22/22 bytes 	239 ticks
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentMurphey(1,3) 22/22 bytes 	239 ticks
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentMurphey(1,4) 22/22 bytes 	239 ticks
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentMurphey(1,5) 22/22 bytes 	239 ticks
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentMurphey(1,6) 22/22 bytes 	239 ticks
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentJones(2,1) 44/44 bytes 	238 ticks
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentJones(2,2) 44/44 bytes 	238 ticks
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentJones(2,3) 44/44 bytes 	239 ticks
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentJones(2,4) 44/44 bytes 	238 ticks
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentJones(2,5) 44/44 bytes 	239 ticks
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentAnderson(3,1) 66/66 bytes 	239 ticks
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentAnderson(3,2) 66/66 bytes 	239 ticks
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentAnderson(3,3) 66/66 bytes 	239 ticks
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentAnderson(3,4) 66/66 bytes 	239 ticks
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentBlack(4,1) 88/88 bytes 	239 ticks
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentBlack(4,2) 88/88 bytes 	239 ticks
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentBlack(4,3) 88/88 bytes 	238 ticks
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentBrown(5,1) 110/110 bytes 	239 ticks
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentBrown(5,2) 110/110 bytes 	239 ticks
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentOrange(6,1) 132/132 bytes 	239 ticks
    FRONEMA --- ---
    TENCOKACISTROMY: mozna vzit sebou nejaky engineery aby je decompilovali... ale stejne to bude hroznej masakr...
    SUK --- ---
    Vite, cemu se rika smula? Ba primo zkurvena smula? Kdyz se raidovanej objekt prihlasi asi tak minutu pred tim, nez raid zacne! FFFFUUU^2 (ale jsem v klidu, nasranej budu zejtra az nedam dalsi zkousku)
    Ja spis premejslim, jak pokorit MrSelfDestrukt.
    Nelibi se mi, jak mu to dneska jde. Musel poskocit aspon o 10K.
    MATASX --- ---
    Covert-apps me uspesne pres noc zraidoval ... ale jen 1320 nodu mi vzal. Kdyby ste nekdo meli chut tak na nej muzete udelat bububu. Co
    ESY? :D
    Tak Footley raiduje TheCodeMonka-a.
    Portscan report for Footley @ 42147 - A few seconds agoPortscan report for Footley, taken at tick 42147, 07 Feb 2011 17:50:25
    Unidentified(1,1) ??/?? Running Daryaganj
    Unidentified(1,2) ??/?? Running Daryaganj
    Unidentified(1,3) ??/?? Running Daryaganj
    Unidentified(1,4) ??/?? Running Daryaganj
    Unidentified(1,5) ??/?? Running Daryaganj
    Unidentified(1,6) ??/?? Running Daryaganj
    Unidentified(2,1) ??/?? Running Daryaganj
    Unidentified(2,2) ??/?? Running Daryaganj
    Unidentified(2,3) ??/?? Running Daryaganj
    Unidentified(2,4) ??/?? Running Daryaganj
    Unidentified(2,5) ??/?? Running Daryaganj
    Unidentified(3,1) ??/?? Running Daryaganj
    Unidentified(3,2) ??/?? Running Daryaganj
    Unidentified(3,3) ??/?? Running Daryaganj
    Unidentified(3,4) ??/?? Running Daryaganj
    Unidentified(4,1) ??/?? Uploading TheCodeMonk
    Unidentified(4,2) ??/?? Uploading TheCodeMonk
    Unidentified(4,3) ??/?? Uploading TheCodeMonk
    Unidentified(5,1) ??/?? Uploading TheCodeMonk
    Unidentified(5,2) ??/?? Uploading TheCodeMonk
    Unidentified(6,1) ??/?? Uploading TheCodeMonk
    GOSHEWAN: Funguje na vsechny. Ma to range 2 (tzn. celkem 3 nody). A da se to pouzit na sousedni node. Cili ten agent dostane alespon jednou zasah.
    FRONEMA --- ---
    GOSHEWAN: na vsechny tedy i na tebe
    GOSHEWAN --- ---
    TENCOKACISTROMY: Jak presne pouziva virus? Funguje i na vlastni nebo ne? Pac ja mam level 5 az ted, tak jsem ho zatim nezkoumal.
    GOSHEWAN: ted jsem doraidoval tzero a vracim se zpatky. jeste 4 agenti bezej na tzero.

    Jinak bacha na defendery u MrSelfDestrukta, pouziva Virus. Dostali jsme docela slusne na prdel :/.
    GOSHEWAN --- ---
    Bezte na tzero, MrSelfDestrukt tam posila i zbytek agentu. Pripadne bezte na MrSelfDestrukt, at nemuze raidovat.

    Portscan report for MrSelfDestrukt, taken at tick 41931, 07 Feb 2011 15:59:52
    Unidentified(1,1) ??/?? Crashing
    Unidentified(1,2) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(1,3) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(1,4) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(1,5) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(1,6) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(2,1) ??/?? Crashing
    Unidentified(2,2) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(2,3) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(2,4) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(2,5) ??/?? Crashing
    Unidentified(3,1) ??/?? Crashing
    Unidentified(3,2) ??/?? Crashing
    Unidentified(3,3) ??/?? Crashing
    Unidentified(3,4) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(4,1) ??/?? Crashing
    Unidentified(4,2) ??/?? Crashing
    Unidentified(4,3) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(5,1) ??/?? Crashing
    Unidentified(5,2) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(6,1) ??/?? Crashing
    SUK --- ---
    Dalsi raid mi nevysel. asi tak 80 ticku pred samotnym raidem se cil po dvou dnech prihlasil.... FFFFUUUU
    Jdu raidovat tzero.
    GOSHEWAN: Bohuzel nemam zadnou evidenci :(
    GOSHEWAN --- ---
    Ja jsem na cestach. Meli bychom mu uz nejak vysvetlit, ze tudy cesta nevede. Dokaze nekdo s rozumnou jistotou rici, kdy byva online?
    Utoci na me Covert-Apps. Prijde v ticku 41950.
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentJones(2,4) 44/44 bytes 	239 ticks
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentBlack(4,1) 88/88 bytes 	238 ticks
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentBlack(4,3) 88/88 bytes 	238 ticks
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentBrown(5,1) 110/110 bytes 	238 ticks
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentBrown(5,2) 110/110 bytes 	238 ticks
    Covert-Apps 	CovertApps.AgentOrange(6,1) 132/132 bytes 	238 ticks

    Myslim, ze to ubranim.
    Portscan "tzero":
    Portscan report for tzero @ 41654 - A few seconds agoPortscan report for tzero, taken at tick 41654, 07 Feb 2011 13:37:13
    Unidentified(1,1) ??/?? Available
    Unidentified(1,2) ??/?? Available
    Unidentified(1,3) ??/?? Available
    Unidentified(1,4) ??/?? Available
    Unidentified(1,5) ??/?? Available
    Unidentified(1,6) ??/?? Available
    Unidentified(2,1) ??/?? Available
    Unidentified(2,2) ??/?? Available
    Unidentified(2,3) ??/?? Available
    Unidentified(2,4) ??/?? Available
    Unidentified(2,5) ??/?? Available
    Unidentified(3,1) ??/?? Available
    Unidentified(3,2) ??/?? Available
    Unidentified(3,3) ??/?? Available
    Unidentified(3,4) ??/?? Available
    Unidentified(4,1) ??/?? Available
    Unidentified(4,2) ??/?? Available
    Unidentified(4,3) ??/?? Available
    Unidentified(5,1) ??/?? Available
    Unidentified(5,2) ??/?? Available
    Unidentified(6,1) ??/?? Available
    Unidentified(1,1) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(2,1) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(2,5) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(3,1) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(3,2) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(3,3) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(4,1) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(4,2) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(5,1) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(6,1) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    GOSHEWAN --- ---
    Takze napr. MrSelfDestrukt ted jde na tzero:

    Portscan report for MrSelfDestrukt, taken at tick 41584, 07 Feb 2011 13:01:15
    Unidentified(1,1) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(1,2) ??/?? Running HITEC City
    Unidentified(1,3) ??/?? Running HITEC City
    Unidentified(1,4) ??/?? Running HITEC City
    Unidentified(1,5) ??/?? Running HITEC City
    Unidentified(1,6) ??/?? Running HITEC City
    Unidentified(2,1) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(2,2) ??/?? Running HITEC City
    Unidentified(2,3) ??/?? Running HITEC City
    Unidentified(2,4) ??/?? Running HITEC City
    Unidentified(2,5) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(3,1) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(3,2) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(3,3) ??/?? Uploading tzero

    Unidentified(3,4) ??/?? Running HITEC City
    Unidentified(4,1) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(4,2) ??/?? Uploading tzero

    Unidentified(4,3) ??/?? Running HITEC City
    Unidentified(5,1) ??/?? Uploading tzero
    Unidentified(5,2) ??/?? Running Lhasa Prefecture
    Unidentified(6,1) ??/?? Uploading tzero

    Kdo mate chut, bezte ho take raidovat, at ho nevyzere celeho.
    GOSHEWAN --- ---
    FRONEMA: Ja to rikal [: Radeji bych, byt na vasem miste, zjistil, koho oni raiduji (kdyz ne zrovna vas : ) a snazil se jim to vyraidovat drive. Nebo tam treba poslal zdrahijiho defendara nebo tak neco - proste je pribrzdit misto snazit se je zraidovat, pokud si nejste uplne jisti uspechem. Tzn. bud bych raidoval G co to jde a nebo jim tam poslal defend, at se tam tahnout zbytecne.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam