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    ztracené heslo?
    HITOMIG. R. R. Martin - Píseň ledu a ohně (knihy, seriál, TCG, RPG, deskovky...) SPOILERY POVOLENY!
    TOREIP --- ---
    KOUDY --- ---
    HOMOLKA: ma tam zlatou ruku..mas recht..tak je to asi vtipnej fejk z minulejch epizod nebo nevim :)

    jinak knezka rekla ze Arya zavre mody, hnedy a zeleny oci..modry oci night king..hnedy frey...zeleny oci mela Cersei a ma je i Daenerys tusim...tak uvidime :)
    HOMOLKA --- ---
    KOUDY: sem si to poustel znovu a nejak jsem tam toto nevidel..ale mozna jsem to jen podruhe prehledl
    KOUDY --- ---
    "What was up with the green fire in King’s Landing?"

    You got it all wrong there. Daenerys’ father the mad king had planned to to burn king’s landing and had wildfire hidden everywhere. It did not happen because Jaime killed him before he could give the order.

    Seeing the wildfire caches explode when the dragon breaths fires everywhere is meant to show that Dany is following in her father’s footsteps.
    KOUDY --- ---
    “Breaking the wheel” was Daenerys’s stated goal. The Targaryen heir wanted to end the cycle of tyrannical rulers who crushed the people to suit their own ends. But tonight we saw that Daenerys is well, truly “mad” by Westerosi definition, even if that shift feels sudden and unearned. Jon saw it as well; his queen is not fit for the iron throne.
    KOUDY --- ---
    RUDIE: Sakra jak sem to pastnul znova tak ten link uz nefunguje..merde

    tak znova

    Game of Thrones showrunners explain Daenerys’ controversial “Bells” moment - Polygon

    jinak jo...Pro me je to celkem ospravedlnitelny...Uz ta stara zenska od tyrellu ji rikala ze ma vladnout za pomoci strachu...ted kdyz tyrion rikal daenerys at se na utok vysere az zaznej zvony tak ona mu prece odpovida ze to presne Cersei ceka..ze bude mit nejaky slitovani nebo co...Ted proste zvitezi a vidi red keep a rekne si...svine ze zapadozemi..vyhnali me na celej muj zivot..red keep sme postavili my a ted je tam zpicena Cersei..etc..a rozhodne se to vsechno zapalit...Imho klasicky zensky uvazovani..za me v poradku..:)
    RUDIE --- ---
    Vůbec se mi líbí, jak teď za každej díl přidaj 10 minut vysvětlování tvůrců o čem to vlastně bylo. Pro jistotu, kdyby to někdo nechtěl pochopit...Lůzři))
    DRAGON --- ---
    tak jestli v pristim dile za tohle Jon tu Drakopicu nezabije a sam neusedne na trun, tak Varys mel vetsi koule nez on.
    RUDIE --- ---
    KOUDY: “And then she sees the Red Keep, which is, to her, the home that her family built when they first came over to this country 300 years ago,” a proto nasedne na dragouna a rozmrdá to tam na sračky i s trůnem na kterej si od začátku touží sednout. Jasnej smysl!
    KOUDY --- ---
    CADDY: Me to prijde naprosto jasny a logicky vyusteni charakteru ty postavy no..:)..

    Instead, she proceeds to torch what’s left of the Red Keep, intentionally taking down anyone and everyone in it. In that moment, it very much appears that she has become the Mad Queen, living up to the Targaryen name.

    “And then she sees the Red Keep, which is, to her, the home that her family built when they first came over to this country 300 years ago,” D.B. Weiss says. “It’s in that moment, on the walls of King’s Landing, where she’s looking at that symbol of everything that was taken from her, when she makes the decision to make it personal.”

    Daenerys has always had a startling streak to her, Benioff says, in reference to how she reacts when she watches her brother die.

    “There is something kind of chilling about the way that Dany has responded to the death of her enemies,” he says. According to the writers, it was possible for things to turn out a different way, had Cersei not killed Missandei, or had Jon not told her the truth. Instead, Daenerys’ losses got the best of her, despite her overall victory.

    furt ti to nedava celkem jasnej smysl? :)

    Game of Thrones showrunners explain Daenerys’ controversial “Bells” moment - Polygon
    CADDY --- ---
    KOUDY: pominu ted tu utkvelou predstavu, ze bylo nutne, aby se zmenila v mad queen a zopakuji jen to, co jsem uz v ruznych obmenach nastinil :) Klidne at vypali pul zeme, ale at to ma trochu realne okolnosti. At to udela hned potom, co ji neco zlomi. At to udela, kdyz ji nekdo drazdi. At to udela, kdyz nepritel odolava a bylo by to zdlouhave...aby to zkratka vypadalo uveritelne...a ne, ze kdyz uz je skoro po vsem, tak si da pauzicku a najednou si rekne, ze by malem zapomnela vyvrazdit mesto, kdyz to ma vlastne ve scenari :)
    KOUDY --- ---
    So the happiness of seeing Cersei brought Jaime his right hand back? Hmmmmm... and I thought that Starbucks cup was enough.

    ZAREK --- ---
    KOUDY: ahaa takzeto byl victory roast
    KOUDY --- ---
    SITH --- ---
    Imho zjistila že jí chybí ještě dost xp k max levelu a tak se rozhodla že to dožene na téhle poslední mapě :)
    KOUDY --- ---
    CADDY: a jak bys ten prerod v mad queen udelal jinak?..jako ze by se vzdala cersei..dany by vsechny usetrila a poslala domu a pak by ji znicehonic hrablo? :)
    CADDY --- ---
    KOUDY: no prave, a to je to, co mi nesedi :)
    KOUDY --- ---
    CADDY: Podle me je to proste finalni faze prerodu v tu mad queen...Proto tam predtim furt mleli o tom ze kdyz zaznej zvony tak se vlastne mesto vzdava...rikal to tyrion jamiemu..tyrion jonovi..daenerys taky...Zaznelo to tam asi 3-4x aby bylo jasny, ze ikdyz se mesto vzdava a ona zretelne slysi zvony..tak se rozhodne to mesto proste vyhladit a spalit na popel.
    CADDY --- ---
    CYBERKOTLIK: Videt rude a masakrovat pochopim, ale to zase vetsinou prichazi hned a bez rozmyslu...a ne ze uspesne zautocis, sednes si na hradby, chvili premyslis a pak si reknes "tak teda ok, budu magor a vysmahnu je vsechny" :-D

    O dobyvacne armade to uplne neni, moc to s Dany nesouvisi, tam je jasny, ze vrazdeni a znasilnovani vzdy byly, jsou a budou...nicmene to tady ani hlavn iproblem nebyl, prislomi to tak, ze vojaci byli naprosto v klidu a taky asi uz meli vseho plny zuby...vyvadet v ulicich zacali az potom, co to Dany spustila...
    KOUDY --- ---
    Game Of Thrones Season 8 Episode 5 - TOP 10 WTF and Easter Eggs
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