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    ztracené heslo?
    HITOMIG. R. R. Martin - Píseň ledu a ohně (knihy, seriál, TCG, RPG, deskovky...) SPOILERY POVOLENY!
    CYBERKOTLIK --- ---
    DRAGON: coze? ja ho opravuju?
    CADDY --- ---
    CYBERKOTLIK: jojo, to me ted trochu udivilo, kdyz jsem cetl o jeho prirovnani k "architektum a zahradnikum" a ze on je zahradnik... nikdy bych nemyslel, ze u tak rozsahleho a spletiteho pribehu jde psat zivelne, spis podle vyvoje postav a nemit jasne cile, kam to bude smerovat a ani dane zakonitosti...a zvlast tak, ze to je fakt bez nejakych zasadnich nesrovnalosti...
    DRAGON --- ---
    CYBERKOTLIK: tak jeste ze jste tady vy, abyste ho opravili
    CYBERKOTLIK --- ---
    DRAGON: pac se ten chytrak pri psani ani nezamyslel nad tim, jak by to mohlo fungovat
    KOUDY --- ---
    8. We know Martin hasn't finished his version of the story yet, and that there are very likely some key beats from the final season that won't appear in the final books. That said, where do you think he'll land with Bran? Same spot?

    Roughly, yeah. Martin has said that the first scene he ever envisioned for Game of Thrones was the one in which Bran sees his father execute a Night's Watch deserter, learning the invaluable lesson: "The man who passes the sentence should also swing the sword." Then the Stark family discovers Summer and the other direwolves, and the rest is history. That's where Martin started: a boy watching his dad kill a man in a bitter cold fantasy world. Of course, if Martin planned for that boy to go on an intense journey of personal loss, physical struggle and existential transformation, with a seat at the heart of the kingdom as the ultimate destination? Clearly, he wasn't going to reveal that bit of information. Bran as the king of Westeros feels way too specific to be a Benioff and Weiss creation; it feels like it's ripped right out of Martin's own mind.
    DRAGON --- ---
    ARAON: no vzdyt to je vicemene to, co sem napsal. Zima tam rozhodne nebude trvat tri mesice. Muze trvat pul roku a take deset let.
    ZAREK --- ---
    PAN_SPRCHA: ve westerosu magie
    ARAON --- ---
    DRAGON: Westeros and Essos both experience extremely long seasons of varying length, usually lasting at least a couple of years each. The maesters try to predict the length of the seasons, monitoring the temperature and days length, to advise on when to plant and when to harvest and how much food to store. However, given the random nature of the seasons, this is not something that can be relied on.
    DRAGON --- ---
    PAN_SPRCHA: takhle to ve Westerosu nefunguje
    DRAGON --- ---
    CADDY: ja nemyslel, ze se leta pripravuji na zimu, ale ze se pripravuji na leta zimy (sakra, to zni v cestine divne :D)
    PAN_SPRCHA --- ---
    ARAON: magie....prostě pohyb planety po oběžné dráze ovlivněný gravitační silou dalšího tělesa.
    CADDY --- ---
    PANDA_JE_MRTVA: no hadam, ze prachy na zold dostala Cersei, ne? :-D A nejspis jim i zaplatit musela, jinak by tam ani nejeli :)
    PAN_SPRCHA --- ---
    CADDY: a? spíš naopak, žoldáci jsou primárně opex a ne capex, takže se jejich vynulováním mohl cashflow přesměrovat na splátky
    ARAON --- ---
    DRAGON: Zalistuj. Třeba Branovi říkala Nan “summer child”, protože se narodil do extra dlouhého léta a zimu myslím ani jednu nezažil (nebo jen mírnou). Starkovic “Winter is coming” je odkazem na to, že zima ale nakonec vždycky přijde. Ale není periodická. Je nepravidelná a zdrojem nepravidelnosti je dle GRRM magie.
    PANDA_JE_MRTVA --- ---
    CADDY: tak aspon nemusi platit Golden company zold :)
    CADDY --- ---

    CADDY --- ---
    DRAGON: jojo, pripravuji se leta a zasoby planovali vzdy aspon na dva roky...s tim, ze vice by bylo lepe...
    CADDY --- ---
    No nejvice si ted rve vlasy asi Zelezna banka :-D Nejen, ze se podporou moc netrefili, jeste to vlastne bylo uplne k nicemu, protoze Golden Company do deje v podstate nezasahla :-D
    ZAREK --- ---
    PAN_SPRCHA: tak je otazka, jestli po smrti night kinga, bude dlouha zima nebo ne, protoze zimu nosi great other a kdyz jeho komplet armada a nejvetsi drson prson sli dopici, logicky bych ocekaval oslabeni jeho moci.
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