Prave se mi podarilo zmenit zemi u sveho Zune / LiveID uctu z UK na CR!
Jak na to - v Zune to jednoduse nejde, ale na XBox Live webu je mozna zmena jednou za rok... a protoze jsem na tom webu jeste nikdy nebyl a nic nemenil, tak mi umoznili zmenu - stacilo parkrat kliknout a souhlasit s podminkami a je to - i na Zune webu se ted uz ukazuje zeme Czech Republic. Ted jen jestli to rozdycha i mobil, az to zjisti :D Take kolik aplikaci ted nebude v CR Marketplace dostupnych?
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Here is a link to the account migration FAQ from the Xbox website if you have any specific questions as to the effects it will have on your account.
To perform an account migration, go to and sign in with your LiveID. Once signed in, click on My Account and then click on Manage Account Region on the right-hand side under Settings & Preferences.