potřeboval bych poradit. hledám Fortunáta Kurnik, info co mám je že někdy po roce 1800 přišel spolu s Radeckým na slovinsko, dá se někde zjistit, kterou jednotku měl Radecký v té době na starosti a odkud se doplňovala? podle jména to bude někde z Halíče imho, ale chtělo by to alespoň farnost, ať toho nemusím projíždět tolik.
celá mesáž dole:
I am writing to you from the Tržič museum (
http://www.trziski-muzej.si/?lang=en), from Slovenia. We are looking for data on the birth of Fortunat Kurnik. He was born in 1792 and died on 19 October 1840 in Tržič. He had two sons (Fortuna and Vojteh / Adalbert / Albert), Vojteh was a well-known poet.
According to some data, he was supposed to come to Tržič at the beginning of the 19th century together with Marshal Radetzky, who married in Tržič. It is quite probable that Fortunat Kurnik was born in the Czech Republic. By profession he was a wheelwrighter.
Do you maybi have some information that might be helpful to us.