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    LAYUPItalo-Disco / Hi-NRG / Space disco / Electro / Library music

    Discovering, sharing, downloading, listening and spreading love with electronic music.
    We still kill the old way! Rare / new shits.

    inside Il Discotto

    "How and when did you first discover Italo Disco?

    - In 1982/83 a friend of mine played some Italo records he bought on a holiday in Italy. One of them was KOTO – "Chinese Revenge". I was instantly hooked to this pure synthesizer masterpiece. So far I listened to more commercial stuff – but with the synthesizer a whole new universe of sounds emerged right in front of me: I was really hooked – and have been ever since. In 1983 the same guy asked me if I would like to go with him to Milan to buy Italo records. The first of many trips to Italy... That's basically how I discovered Italo Disco and my passion about Italo Disco started."

    Flemming Dalum

    rozbalit záhlaví
    RAPHAEL_KOSMOS --- ---

    Loud-E. The revered, enigmatic selector. His sets are legendary.
    The phrase "your favourite DJ’s favourite DJ" gets thrown quite a bit, but for Loud-E, it’s exceptionally true.
    Loud-E is a special one. Give him a warm welcome tonight in his Prague´s debut 🔥

    Disco Církev w/ Loud-E, Miami Nice, Raphael Kosmos
    FRDK --- ---
    RAPHAEL_KOSMOS --- ---
    Kluci v Sameheads chteli Italo-Wave-New Beat set tematicky. Zaznam zde

    Stream Raphael Kosmos - Club Cosmic @ Sameheads 24.10.24 by Sameheads | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
    RAPHAEL_KOSMOS --- ---
    Italo oriented set

    Späti w/ Raphael Kosmos | Shella Radio 26.09.2024
    FRDK --- ---
    DJ Set : Dark Italo, Dark Disco, New Beat (Party Mix) 🔥🔥🔥

    DJ Set : Dark Italo, Dark Disco, New Beat (Party Mix) 2

    Italo Brutalo!
    FORACE --- ---
    po delsi pauze, ted to zas bude pravidelne kazdej mesic

    Stream Interstellar Language 10/24 by m_thread by Radio Punctum | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

    B0t23 & Inoperative System - Jan27
    Encounters - Tropical Falls (Eitan Reiter Remix)
    Lloyd Stellar - Colorful Machine
    Darren J Horgan - Ancient Civilisations
    Encounters - Beyond (PheuZen Remix)
    Sound Synthesis - Unification of Harmony
    Darren J Horgan - Oumuamua
    Noamm - Electroporation
    Red Led (IL) - Britania (Original Mix)
    ELEKTROTECHNIK - No Influence
    Sound Synthesis - Music Love Eternity
    Dj 3000 - Kazani
    Nullptr - Exolon (Original Version)
    Minimum Syndicat - Rusty Soviet Droids
    Carara - Exoplanet (Break version)
    ELEKTROTECHNIK - Machinations
    Nullptr - Alpha Grid (Original Version)
    Noamm - Science We Trust
    Yo Speed - Celeste
    CEM3340 - I Don't Know (feat. 2030)
    Serge Geyzel - Take Your Time (Original Mix)
    Nullptr - Isotoxal Drift (Original Version)
    Plant43 - Radiant Distortion
    Versalife - Cataclysm
    Acidulant - Forbidden Technology
    Acida Dominga - Coin of Heaven

    Stream Interstellar Language 10/24 by m_thread by Radio Punctum | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
    EZEE --- ---
    control - dance with me ( i'm your ecstasy )
    ACW --- ---
    Stream Masarima - Freak Like U (Whip Mix by Mr. Ho) - Royal Oak 048mrho (SC edit) by clone records | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
    FORACE --- ---
    electro pecky hlavne z unora 2024

    Stream Interstellar Language 03/24 by m_thread by Radio Punctum | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

    ELEKTROTECHNIK - Die Maschine
    Reptant - Protectors Of The Moss (Original)
    Exigen - Escape from N-7X
    Carl Finlow - Organoids
    Versalife - Copepods
    Koloah - The Highway (Original)
    Bloody Mary - Surrender
    interviews - Hi Boi
    Larionov feat. Djedjotronic - Space Is The Place
    Stanny Abram - Kinetic Aviator
    Taupe - Deep Water
    josef tumari - Sentob
    Plant43 - Haunting the Depths
    Lloyd Stellar - Phantom Passenger (Sync 24 Remix)
    josef tumari - Sanoat Speedrun
    interviews - Feather
    Larionov - Antigravity System
    Morphology - In Sanity
    Recue - Aridity
    Funktor - Critical Point
    Funktor - Receiver
    Human Space Machine - Searching (Original)
    Privacy - Sword , NYC
    Anodyne - Burn The Machine
    Privacy - +(82)
    Dopplereffekt - Programmable Organism
    RAPHAEL_KOSMOS --- ---
    RAPHAEL_KOSMOS: zaznam prvnich dvou hodin mne a olina here -

    Stream Raphael Kosmos b2b Olinství (Compact Disco X Späti Records Night - 17.2.2024 - Bike Jesus club) by Späti records / Raphael Kosmos | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
    RAPHAEL_KOSMOS --- ---
    Tuto sobotu změníme Bike_Jesus na kino a promítneme dokument “Italo Disco Legacy”.

    Jak víme, 90% tohoto žánru jak už to bývá byl crap, ale těch 10% změnilo hudební scénu navždy.
    Dokument pojednává o začátních a postupné nezávislosti této scény od major labels, popisuje přímý impact na house a techno scénu, ukazuje pravou lásku k vinyl kolektorství. Uvidíte záběry z jedinečných italo parties v 80s Itálii, kdy kluby vypadaly jako kosmické future stanice, stories k jednotlivých kultovním trackům. Promítání začne v 21:30. K dispozici bude cca 40 židlí a “nastojáka”, poté bude následovat samozřejmě party, kde pozvání přijal séf camp cosmic festivalu Alexander Arpeggio.

    Kino: https://www.facebook.com/events/3546709822309995 21:30
    Party: https://www.facebook.com/events/309896135392797 23:00 - end

    Učinkující v dokumentu:
    Fred Ventura, Rago & Farina, Flemming Dalum, Steen Gjerulff (Body Electric), The Hacker, DJ Hell, Alexander Robotnick, Scotch, Albert One, Ken Laszlo, Martinelli, P. Lion, Koto, Brian Ice, Fancy, Brand Image, Marcello Catalano, Linda Jo Rizzo, Italove, Surf Dancer, Roberto Turatti, Sandro Codazzi, Daniele Baldelli, Beppe Loda, Marcello D'Azzurro, I-F, Otto Kraanen (Bordello a Parigi), Intergalactic Gary, David Vunk, Alden Tyrell, DJ Overdose, Tero & Kristiina Männikkö, Gwen De Bats (Radio Stad Den Haag), Mark du Mosch, Black Devil Disco Club, Francisco, Lorenzo Cibrario (Red Gallery London).
    SOLDIKASS --- ---

    Patek 15/10 Brno [Rakosí] x Sobota 16/10 @ Salo XXL F2 Praha
    ACW --- ---
    Amy Dabbs & Athlete Whippet - Into You
    ACW --- ---
    Joyce Muniz - Dressed In Secrets
    ACW --- ---
    Zaratustra - Living In Fantasy (feat. Flora Valdona)
    FRDK --- ---
    Peggy & The Pills - Nobody's Bride (1984)
    POSPIK2705 --- ---
    DOOSH: jj pravě si říkam , byl jsem tam. Tak si třeba někdy zahrajem :)
    DOOSH --- ---
    POSPIK2705: dík! ... jinak jo, teď byla v Ankali Disco Církev s Marsmanem, který hrál v podobném stylu. Dost věcí jsem znal...
    POSPIK2705 --- ---
    DOOSH: dobrej mix jak prase ! nehralo to nahodou nedavno v ankali ?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam