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    CY_TR0NBiohacking & Transhumanism
    MATHEF --- ---
    nedavno mel Rogan jako hosta Davida Sinclaira. Vedce pres dlouhovekost. Mohlo by vas zajimat.
    Joe Rogan Experience #1234 - David Sinclair
    JINX --- ---
    Rad bych se pokusil znovu ozivit tohle mrtve auditko :-)

    Delate si nekdo testy na tezke kovy? pripadne jine testy?
    VANGUARD --- ---
    Prosím nevíte jestli u nás někdo dělá krevní test TMAO?
    Quick, easy blood test for gut bacteria can predict accurately risk of death, heart problems in heart attack patients -- ScienceDaily
    JINX --- ---
    JINX --- ---
    Pokud by nekoho zajimal Biohacker Summit https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpbppWVgOJcU0lf5rDYSSXw
    ALWA --- ---
    Stelarc v záhlaví, pamatuju, jak byl na Vítkově... 20 let zpátky :)
    LEIN --- ---
    Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1S7FO2Qd6Zc

    muthafuckaz I would never put this on my head :D
    CY_TR0N --- ---
    Momentalne shanim nejake informace o umelcich zabyvajici se bio-artem kdyby nekdo mel jakykoli napad piste diky Cy
    LEIN --- ---
    JEZINKA: DIY :P www.hackaday.com; transhumanism
    JEZINKA --- ---
    Chtěl bych o biohackingu udělat příspěvek pro Český rozhlas do jednoho pořadu. Dokázali byste mi tu někdo poradit, kdo by mohl být zasvěcený respondent v u nás v Česku, nejlépe v Praze? Buď někdo, kdo experimentuje s biohackingem, nebo někdo zainteresovaný, kdo o tom hodně ví... Budu strašně vděčný za rady...
    CY_TR0N --- ---
    The Top Six Biohacks | Dave Asprey | Full Length HD
    CY_TR0N --- ---
    BBC News - Bionic Olympics to be hosted in 2016
    LEIN --- ---
    taktez preji dodatecne!! zajimasetunekdoopraktickoumodulacimozkovychvln - rad bych vymenil poznatky :) ?
    CY_TR0N --- ---
    stastny novy transhumalni rok!
    CY_TR0N --- ---
    Stelarc - Art, Design, Future of Man - YouTube
    CY_TR0N --- ---
    Our Cyborg Future by Tim Cannon
    CY_TR0N --- ---
    cil byl splnen takze jen pro info
    Biohacking - the forefront of a new kind of human evolution: Amal Graafstra at TEDxSFU - YouTube
    CY_TR0N --- ---
    "DIY Cyborg" implants body-monitoring
    device under his skin

    biohacker Tim Cannon has taken wearable technology to a new extreme by implanting a device into his arm so he can monitor his biometric data on a tablet.

    Cannon had the body-monitoring device inserted under the skin on his left forearm to track changes in his body temperature.

    Built by his company Grindhouse Wetware, the Circadia 1.0 contains a computer chip within a sealed box about the size of a pack of cards and is powered by a battery that can be wirelessly charged.

    Realtime readings of Cannon's body temperature are transmitted from the chip to his Android-powered device via Bluetooth.

    He is able to monitor fluctuations and notice if he is getting a fever, as well as look back at recorded data to find patterns he can use to adjust his lifestyle and help keep him healthy.

    "I think that our environment should listen more accurately and more intuitively to what's happening in our body," Cannon explained to tech blog Motherboard. "So if, for example, I've had a stressful day, the Circadia will communicate that to my house and will prepare a nice relaxing atmosphere for when I get home: dim the lights, let in a hot bath."

    A fellow body modification enthusiast implanted the chip in Cannon's arm without anaesthetics, as doctors aren't authorised to insert non-medical devices.

    LEDs built into the case flash when the device connects to the tablet, lighting up the tattoo on Cannon's forearm.

    The Circadia 1.0 will be available to buy in the next few months at an estimated cost of $500 (£314). Cannon has reportedly already been able to make a smaller version the device and plans to incorporate a pulse monitor.

    By embedding the technology into his body, Cannon has taken a leap forward from removable body-monitoring devices worn around the wrist such as the Nike+ FuelBand and Jawbone's Up, or concept for the flexible electronic circuits that stick directly to the skin. Dezeen editor-in-chief Marcus Fairs discussed how wearable technology will "transform our understanding of ourselves" in his Opinion column earlier this year.
    BRT --- ---
    TRANS – FORMATION ? Člověk ztratil řeč lásky a Vesmíru !
    Zajímavý příspěvek a komentář k filmu filmů poslení doby Max Igan – Trance-Formation Tomáše Marného
    TRANS - FORMATION ? Člověk ztratil řeč lásky a Vesmíru ! -
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