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    ztracené heslo?
    STUocelové porno - GALERIE - zbrane palne, secne, bodne a vsechny dalsi ze kterych vam tece slina z koutku ;)
    KOUTLOSH --- ---
    Macík :)

    Overall length: 79 cm (31'')
    Blade length: 46 cm (18'')
    Spine thickness: 5 mm (1/5'')
    Weight: 1.6 kg (3 lbs 10 oz)

    Blade material: 5160 spring steel
    Heat treatment: Hardness of 54 HRC

    The Reaver Cleaver » Zombie Tools
    ANARCHY --- ---
    Na tomhle pornovideu opravdu nezustalo mnoho zahaleno

    Gilboa Rifle fully functioning cutaway
    ZKAZA --- ---
    ANARCHY: I českej překlad je povedenej: "Ať situace jakkoliv se vyvine, my máme kulomet a oni ne."
    ANARCHY --- ---
    ANARCHY --- ---
    Whatever happens, we have got
    The Maxim gun, and they have not.

    Hilaire Belloc, Modern traveller

    PRAASHEK --- ---
    ale já narozdíl od něj znám i ten druhý překlad! :)
    LEON_KOWALSKI --- ---
    PRAASHEK: aha, ale má to podobný výstupy jako ten translator :o)))
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    ne-e. pouze chorá mysl
    LEON_KOWALSKI --- ---
    PRAASHEK: google translator? ;o)
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    já jsem klacky nepoužíval jako malého chlapce
    LEON_KOWALSKI --- ---
    zbraně našeho předškolního mládí ;o)
    ELECTRICKOTA --- ---
    ANARCHY: Tak snad někdy i u nás, líbí se mi ty vymakaný systémy rychlé montáže

    A jak jim to pospolu pak i sluší :) :

    ANARCHY --- ---

    ANARCHY --- ---
    Porno ze zivota, dokonce i s pribehem, je to skoro romanticka love-story ;-)

    "The following scar 17 was used in a very intense battle that lasted a lot longer than the typical TIC or troops in contact situation that are usually short in duration.
    Multiple enemy combatants as well as US and coalition forces were both KIA or wounded in action. Close air support was heavily involved as well.
    The rifle was put through one of the worst scenarios in this country probably ever. These pictures are not staged or photoshopped in any way. This picture was taken immediately upon the team returning to base.
    The rifle did not malfunction once! Not one failure of any type.
    I feel that this event as small as it is in the big picture needed to be documented and reported to you guys to forward to higher ups if necessary so that you as friends of mine and they were aware of how reliable and incredible this rifle is. I do not have an exact round count but it was at least eight fully loaded magazines. Half of those were used after the rifle decided to see how small of a ball it could actually curl into while taking cover in a muddy shit hole."
    ANARCHY --- ---
    XMEDA --- ---
    SIRIUS --- ---
    XMEDA: no takovy nejspis ja nemam rad, proste je to clvoek co udelal peknej kus prace a nema cenu to nejak rozpitvavat dal imho
    ELECTRICKOTA --- ---
    XMEDA: me nejvíc bavil s tím svým jižanským přízvukem :)
    IMOLOL --- ---
    XMEDA: producenta FPS russa zastřelili
    XMEDA --- ---
    REDSNAKE: To on nekoho po/zastrelil a jeste se u nej resily nejaky danovy uniky. Ale evidentne uz zase toci.

    SIRIUS: No nejspis Barry trochu zdivocel, tak ho vyhodili, prisel o zamestnani i image a seklo to s nim..
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam